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The Green Lantern always struck me as quite a poor superhero and thusly never took my interest. I'm amazed they're making it into a movie.

To be honest I'm hoping the superhero comic book adaptation bubble pops soon. It's a genre that has given us very very few genuinely top class films. Most of them tend to have good moments that then fall apart. Iron Man for example - first 2/3rds are good fun, well shot, well acted, interesting, funny, etc etc, then it drops down a peg or 2 for the end. Pretty much all of them do it, the obvious exceptions being Nolans Batman movies (and even Begins does lull a bit) and Spiderman 2. And I would also argue Watchmen, but thats largely because the Watchmen is based on an original concept that plays with the superhero archetype and tries to do something new with it, so the movie also ends up being a bit different to your usual comic book fare.

The next crop already look... shifty. X-Men First Class managed to even make it's promo shots look shit, Green Lantern looks quite... bleh, Thor already looks shifty, and the Spiderman reboot looks like it's going to be very middle of the road just from the concept and the cast.

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The Green Lantern always struck me as quite a poor superhero and thusly never took my interest. I'm amazed they're making it into a movie.

To be honest I'm hoping the superhero comic book adaptation bubble pops soon. It's a genre that has given us very very few genuinely top class films. Most of them tend to have good moments that then fall apart. Iron Man for example - first 2/3rds are good fun, well shot, well acted, interesting, funny, etc etc, then it drops down a peg or 2 for the end. Pretty much all of them do it, the obvious exceptions being Nolans Batman movies (and even Begins does lull a bit) and Spiderman 2. And I would also argue Watchmen, but thats largely because the Watchmen is based on an original concept that plays with the superhero archetype and tries to do something new with it, so the movie also ends up being a bit different to your usual comic book fare.

The next crop already look... shifty. X-Men First Class managed to even make it's promo shots look shit, Green Lantern looks quite... bleh, Thor already looks shifty, and the Spiderman reboot looks like it's going to be very middle of the road just from the concept and the cast.

I'll have to disagree with you there. While there are many bad eggs, I still think it is worth sticking with making them for the few good films that pop out. The ones you mentioned (Iron Man, new Batman films and Watchmen) are all very good films in their own right.

I do agree with the worries about the likes of Thor and X-Men First Class though. However, I can't wait for the X-Men film to be honest, having been a big fan growing up. It's just a shame (and strange) that Cyclops and Jean Grey won't be in it, despite being in the original X-Men lineup.

Anyway, here are some other good comic book adaptations:

Hellboy (both parts) - One of my favourite comic book films and both were exceptional. Funny, exciting and made extremely well. I personally think these are better than the Batman films, despite also being a big fan of them.

Scott Pilgrim - Great fun and it embraces the genre. Disgusting how badly it performed at the box office...

Kick-Ass - Not everyones cup of tea, yet some of the scenes in it are great. Each of the fight sequences just work so well. Plus overall, it's a good bit of fun.

Road to Perdition - Great film, which ticks all the boxes. Good acting in it throughout aswell.

Sin City - The look of it just works and the film itself is rather good too.

A History of Violence - Good film with Viggo Mortensen putting in a solid performance.

X-Men 2 - The best of the X-Men films thus far. Not saying much to be honest, however it really is quite a good film.

Men In Black - I haven't watched it in years but when it first came out I used to love it. It served its purpose at the time and was a fun film.

There are many more good comic book films that I can't think of right now. Lately they do seem to be just throwing them out there to cash in, however I still think that there will be little gems to find out there between all the junk.

The new Wolverine film by Aronofsky if the one that is my most anticipated right not. I really can't wait for it. :D

I just noticed that you said the 'superhero' comic book adapations, which rules out some of the films I mentioned. Anyway, they are still good comic book adaptations.

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The best thing comic book movies have done is put graphic novels and the likes into the popular culture. At least from my experience, people don't think 'nerd' when they see a graphic novel in someones hands, they are genuinely interested. It's a relatively young medium and the films have gone a long way to increasing their appeal.

Aside from anime that is, that stuff is still gash ;)

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I'll have to disagree with you there. While there are many bad eggs, I still think it is worth sticking with making them for the few good films that pop out. The ones you mentioned (Iron Man, new Batman films and Watchmen) are all very good films in their own right.

I do agree with the worries about the likes of Thor and X-Men First Class though. However, I can't wait for the X-Men film to be honest, having been a big fan growing up. It's just a shame (and strange) that Cyclops and Jean Grey won't be in it, despite being in the original X-Men lineup.

Anyway, here are some other good comic book adaptations:

Hellboy (both parts) - One of my favourite comic book films and both were exceptional. Funny, exciting and made extremely well. I personally think these are better than the Batman films, despite also being a big fan of them.

Scott Pilgrim - Great fun and it embraces the genre. Disgusting how badly it performed at the box office...

Kick-Ass - Not everyones cup of tea, yet some of the scenes in it are great. Each of the fight sequences just work so well. Plus overall, it's a good bit of fun.

Road to Perdition - Great film, which ticks all the boxes. Good acting in it throughout aswell.

Sin City - The look of it just works and the film itself is rather good too.

A History of Violence - Good film with Viggo Mortensen putting in a solid performance.

X-Men 2 - The best of the X-Men films thus far. Not saying much to be honest, however it really is quite a good film.

Men In Black - I haven't watched it in years but when it first came out I used to love it. It served its purpose at the time and was a fun film.

There are many more good comic book films that I can't think of right now. Lately they do seem to be just throwing them out there to cash in, however I still think that there will be little gems to find out there between all the junk.

The new Wolverine film by Aronofsky if the one that is my most anticipated right not. I really can't wait for it. :D

I just noticed that you said the 'superhero' comic book adapations, which rules out some of the films I mentioned. Anyway, they are still good comic book adaptations.

As you note at the end, a number of those films aren't what I was talking about, very specifically the superhero film genre. A lot of them are pretty dull and generic and not really doing much beyond a high production value action film with a tie in to market it and not much in the way of innovation or anything brilliantly new. Even the good ones, as I mentioned, regularly fall off the cliff at the end as they descend into mindless action - Iron Man is the best example that came to mind, there are others though.

Of the ones you mentioned, a lot are graphic novel adaptations and those tend to fare much much better in the movie adaptation stakes, because usually they don't just buy into the superhero archetype (or even the superhero genre at all) and tend to have much more subtle sensibilites. Looking at those, ones that I would call some of my favourite movies include Road to Perdition, Sin City and a History of Violence. Kick Ass and Men in Black are also favourites that perhaps don't quite match your usual superhero genre (MIB definitely doesn't and Kick Ass, like the Watchmen, plays with the concept - it's a less subtle ribbing of the superhero genre like the Watchmen imo).

Even the Hellboy movies, which I enjoy a lot (the second in particular) suffer a bit of this feeling with a superhero comic book film that theres something missing somehow. The first is the main culprit, it has vast sections where it's just a little dull somehow. The second mixes it up by chucking stuff at you constantly, even slower sections tend to be visually interesting (the Troll Market, fights aside, had the potential to lull imo but instead they set it in a scene that had so much going on even if the plot doesn't grab you the setting keeps you occupied).

I've enjoyed a lot of comic book films and will continue to do so, but I think already we're starting to see the superhero genre start to... chug (?) a little. We've exhausted the superhero royalty and especially in the case of Marvel, are rebooting the well known names and starting to plumb the less popular depths, and I don't think thats a good thing.

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I hate the comic superhero films. Some of them are great, The Batman films for example, and Watchmen was ok.

But the majority are crap. Spiderman: first one was ok, 2nd was crap, 3rd is the worst film I've ever seen at the cinema.

X-Men: I only saw the first 2, both as shit as each other

Ironman: Wank, only got about halfway before giving up

I just don't get them, maybe they're just "not my thing", but it would take a lot to convince me to watch a comic book film these days.

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I hate the comic superhero films. Some of them are great, The Batman films for example, and Watchmen was ok.

But the majority are crap. Spiderman: first one was ok, 2nd was crap, 3rd is the worst film I've ever seen at the cinema.

X-Men: I only saw the first 2, both as shit as each other

Ironman: Wank, only got about halfway before giving up

I just don't get them, maybe they're just "not my thing", but it would take a lot to convince me to watch a comic book film these days.

You think the second Spiderman is crap? It's generally considered one of the best superhero films, and thats because it is ;). It pisses on the first from a great height. Third is admittedly poor.

First X-Men is a bit dull, second is decent fun (mostly because it circumvents another superhero film problem - the supervillains superheros have are usually, asides from 1 or 2, shit. In X-Men 2, they overcome it by having Stryker as the baddie, who's just a nasty bloke, and have Magneto playing in the middle, all the other baddies are just henchmen with **** all to add to the story). Third film is absolute shite.

Iron Man I'm surprised you didn't go for. for 2/3rds its a good film, little slow in parts but Downey Jr drags you through it. Dies on it's arse when it turns into CGI things hitting each other.

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I hate the comic superhero films. Some of them are great, The Batman films for example, and Watchmen was ok.

But the majority are crap. Spiderman: first one was ok, 2nd was crap, 3rd is the worst film I've ever seen at the cinema.

X-Men: I only saw the first 2, both as shit as each other

Ironman: Wank, only got about halfway before giving up

I just don't get them, maybe they're just "not my thing", but it would take a lot to convince me to watch a comic book film these days.

You think the second Spiderman is crap? It's generally considered one of the best superhero films, and thats because it is ;). It pisses on the first from a great height. Third is admittedly poor.

First X-Men is a bit dull, second is decent fun (mostly because it circumvents another superhero film problem - the supervillains superheros have are usually, asides from 1 or 2, shit. In X-Men 2, they overcome it by having Stryker as the baddie, who's just a nasty bloke, and have Magneto playing in the middle, all the other baddies are just henchmen with **** all to add to the story). Third film is absolute shite.

Iron Man I'm surprised you didn't go for. for 2/3rds its a good film, little slow in parts but Downey Jr drags you through it. Dies on it's arse when it turns into CGI things hitting each other.

Maybe I didn't give Ironman a chance, but as I said it just isn't my thing. halfway through I just felt I had no reason to keep on watching. i was bored.

X-Men 2, both films are blurred in my mind. Just shit action with the odd crap one liners thrown in. One quote, I think by Halle Berry's character, stilll sticks in my mind.

It's building up to a big climax and she says "What happens when a toad gets struck by lightning? The same thing as everything else!" What the ****? One of the worst lines ever.

Again, boring.

Spiderman 2, yeh I thought it was crap. First one was definitely better for me. It doesn't help that I think Toby mcGuire as a superhero is possibly the worst casting I can think of. I know the point is that Peter Parker is an "unlikely" superhero, but for me it just doesn't work.

The less said about the third the better, I'd sooner shave my arse and eat the debris before I watched that utter utter shite again.

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The Machinist

another Bale film what a state he got himself in i can see his skeleton and everything man WTF


michael ironside is in it as well legend.

Top quality movie :thumb:

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Speaking of Bale, I went to see an advanced screening of 'The Fighter' last night. It's a great film and Bale is brilliant in it. He truly owns the screen when he is on it and gets the character spot on.

Wahlberg usually annoys me to no end and he still did in 'The Fighter'. However, he annoyed me less than usual and he deserves some credit for the way he acts in the film. You actually start to want him to do well in the film. Amy Adams is also really good.

The fight sequences are well done too and I would highly recommend the film.

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Speaking of Bale, I went to see an advanced screening of 'The Fighter' last night. It's a great film and Bale is brilliant in it. He truly owns the screen when he is on it and gets the character spot on.

Wahlberg usually annoys me to no end and he still did in 'The Fighter'. However, he annoyed me less than usual and he deserves some credit for the way he acts in the film. You actually start to want him to do well in the film. Amy Adams is also really good.

The fight sequences are well done too and I would highly recommend the film.

Didn't get a chance to watch it :evil:

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I'm not sure, it's well made and it's well acted on the most part, but I just didn't buy into it. The fight scenes are well done though, however it has a few (well, an abundance of) cliches thrown about and I felt as though the music choice wasn't particularly great either. It's a good solid boxing film, I prefer it to Rocky without a doubt, but come the end it lacked a bit of...punch.

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I've hated Mark Wahlberg for so long that I can't remember where I picked up the hatred from. Possibly it was his over-rated performance in Boogie Nights where he earned rave review for saying "****" a lot...but I think it was probably a bit later than that.

I doubt I'll see "The Fighter" as a result. It would be like watching a Stevie G DVD

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