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Śaw The Babadook today

I liked it. Superb performances from the mother and in particular the child. It really is a film that batters your senses with the camera work and by cranking up the sound.

Felt like it was influenced by The Shining and The Exorcist which is obviously no bad thing.

Not shit your pants scary as others have said but more of a continuous sense of dread that never let's up.

It was nearly ruined though by some stupid girls who insisted on whispering through the whole film and giggling at the scary bits. I dunno why but Horror films always seem to attract utter bell cheeses who can't even stay quite for 90 mins.

That's what I'm worried about, especially because I'm going on halloween.


I'd pay extra for cinema tickets if it funded a big bouncer to stand at the back of each screen and punch anyone who makes unnecessary noise during films.

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 I dunno why but Horror films always seem to attract utter bell cheeses who can't even stay quite for 90 mins.

It's a mental thing people do, mostly girls, to defuse the tension and make themselves feel less uneasy with whatever's happening on screen

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 I dunno why but Horror films always seem to attract utter bell cheeses who can't even stay quite for 90 mins.

It's a mental thing people do, mostly girls, to defuse the tension and make themselves feel less uneasy with whatever's happening on screen


Also present during sad films, which usually completely ruins the moment. People feel themselves blubbering or verging on tears and make some stupid joke.


Hate that.


Embrace the emotion! That's what films should be all about!

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It is why I tend to only watch big blockbuster films at the cinema and the rest at home.  Obviously there are a few exceptions when it is a film that I really want to see.  Even then I would go to a showing where there won't be many people there.

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Yeah I had someone kicked out a few years ago. Little clearing in the woods thought he was funny ruining the film for his mate, sitting near him I could overhear, then he answered his phone twice during the film. Being rude is one thing, but that took the piss.

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Great solution.


I had a woman answer her phone during the film once. She'd been talking all the way through anyway, but this took the piss.

She didn't just answer to say "i'll call you back" or "I'm at the cinema" (which would be bad enough but understandable), but she actually had a full on conversation.


The girl I was seeing at the time just turned and screamed at her, and I do mean screamed, "HAVE SOME RESPECT AND SHUT THE **** UP!!!!!!"


Didn't hear a peep out of her for the rest of the film.

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I dunno why but Horror films always seem to attract utter bell cheeses who can't even stay quite for 90 mins.

It's a mental thing people do, mostly girls, to defuse the tension and make themselves feel less uneasy with whatever's happening on screen

Also present during sad films, which usually completely ruins the moment. People feel themselves blubbering or verging on tears and make some stupid joke.


Hate that.


Embrace the emotion! That's what films should be all about!

The thing is I knew it was coming when I saw them come in. It may be a bit of a tosserish thing to do but I actually try to choose my cinema times strategically in the hope of avoiding as many knobs as possible. Early Sunday morning viewings are great!

It's possible to not ruin a big action movie with the odd bit of whispering but when it's a movie with really long silences like parts of The Babadook it completely ruins the tension.

My worst experience was a cinema near Wandsworth in London. I went to see The Orphanage. Possibly the worst film you could ever talk in. A lady had not stopped talking behind me throughout all if it saying things like "oh it's gonna be the ghost" "oh he's not there" literally a running commentary . When she started to pipe up during the hide and seek scene I lost it with her and she piped down. Really wished I'd done it from minute one!

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I remember watching The Happening at the cinema.


It was awful, but at the bit where they are communicating down a thin tube, at some point, there's a 30 second pause when they're waiting for a reply.


I made a loud "Paaaaarrrrrrppp" noise as though someone farted down the pipe :lol:


Sometimes, the opportunity is just too great to pass up..

Edited by lapal_fan
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I think i've mentioned this before...


I went to the midnight showing of 'Reservoir Dogs' at Streatham Odeon when it came out.


A large group of Afro Caribbean lads arrived, taking up almost the entire back row of the cinema.


They proceeded to chat loudly through the first few minutes of the film, but due to the numbers involved neither punters or staff were inclined to say anything.


Then came the scene where the would be robbers are having a row at the table.


Harvey Keitel admonishes them loudly with the line "You guys act like a bunch of ******' niggers."


Cue some hissing from the back... Then silence set in :)

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When I saw Django Unchained I had some mental black guy sat behind me (not mental because he was black, mental because I think he was actually mental) and he spoke, to himself, all the way through the movie.


He got very angry every tim the N word was used. Which was a LOT!


He genuinely ruined the film for me that day.

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Marvel's future slate had been announced...

May 6th 2016: Captain America: Civil War

November 4th 2016: Doctor Strange

May 5th 2017: Guardians Of The Galaxy 2

July 28th 2017: Thor: Ragnarok

November 3rd 2017: Black Panther

May 4th 2018: Avengers: Infinity War Part I

July 6th 2018: Captain Marvel

November 2nd 2018: Inhumans

May 3rd 2019: Avengers: Infinity War Part I

No real surprises in there but a few very exciting announcements. Inhumans is an interesting addition, talk had been that Marvel effectively want to substitute the Inhumans for X Men in their established storylines. Great to set Black Panther in there, they've been hinting at that in the movies since Iron Man 2.

I know they are not everyone's cup of tea, but if Marvel can pull off the overall story arch running through those films, whilst maintaining the quality of each as a stand alone product, then it will be an unrivalled cinematic feat from one studio.

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I tolerate the odd excited shout in a film which doesn't require much attention, like a comic book blockbuster or a genuinely laugh out loud film, but otherwise, I prefer to respond  by stewing furiously internally, praying to a supernatural being I don't believe in to smite the **** when they leave. At the risk of drawing a racial stereotype, chinese girls are the worst for constant chat. Apparently it's a cultural thing to be a complete tosspot ( so I've heard elsewhere from a male chinese friend ) and disrespect the audience. He said it's worse in live theatre. Honestly, if I was an actor on stage with that level of intrusion I think I'd just strip bollock naked and stare aggressively at the culprits with the injunction I won't get dressed until they **** off.


Well, ok I probably wouldn't . But that's what I think would leave an impact. None of this "please ssh" malarkey.

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yeah the cinema is about picking your time, friday at about 5-7 or sunday afternoons normally for me, pretty much always quiet, sunday in wolverhampton you get some gypsies straight out of church wearing their gear which is hilarious


probably been about 5/6 years since ive been on a saturday night or orange wednesday 


cant think of many bad experiences, most would probably involve kids at say the muppets or lego, hate parents that take their 2/3 year old kids to films like spiderman knowing that it will finish after 9pm, idiots, also sat next to some kids during the woman in black, 90 minutes of "whats harry doing mommy"

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