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On on Channel4 right now is one of the worst films I've ever seen, AVP2: Requiem.

I've ranted before on just how bad this film is but I almost want to recommend you tune in if you've nothing better to do. It's been on for half an hour but you'll have missed literally nothing, to say the film has a storyline would be like saying nursery rhymes are worthy of Pullitzers. Or you could catch it on 4+1.

Either way, it's crap, but watch it for just how astonishingly bad it is if you've nothing better to do.

For a hint of how bad it is, the Predator, one of sci-fi films greatest creations, is reduced to be a clean up man for at least an hour of the film, and not a single one of the cast is likable. Which is lucky, really, because very few make it. In fact, the film seems to know none of the cast is likable, as the ending can attest. Which is itself just gobsmackingly bad.

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I did watch Charlie Wilson's War;). Possibly the least subtle subtle nod to 9/11 ever is present in that film.

I noticed that AVP2 was in the TV guide thought since I was taping MOTD anyway I'd hop onto some mindless rubbish first.

I'd just forgotten quite how bad it is.

Especially as Channel4 seemed to have done a bit of an Alien season this week, showing Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 and now this, they seem like so many of us to be trying to forget Resurrection exists.

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Yep, at work gone baby gone is right at the top of my recomended list,?no ones ever heard of it

Strange how the trailer says from the director of gbg rather than BA

Anyway im off to see winters bone tonight and by all accounts off to find a bookies taking odds on the oscars after

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On on Channel4 right now is one of the worst films I've ever seen, AVP2: Requiem.

I've ranted before on just how bad this film is but I almost want to recommend you tune in if you've nothing better to do. It's been on for half an hour but you'll have missed literally nothing, to say the film has a storyline would be like saying nursery rhymes are worthy of Pullitzers. Or you could catch it on 4+1.

Either way, it's crap, but watch it for just how astonishingly bad it is if you've nothing better to do.

For a hint of how bad it is, the Predator, one of sci-fi films greatest creations, is reduced to be a clean up man for at least an hour of the film, and not a single one of the cast is likable. Which is lucky, really, because very few make it. In fact, the film seems to know none of the cast is likable, as the ending can attest. Which is itself just gobsmackingly bad.

This and the first one infact always look brilliant in trailers, and on the face of it they look like they have the potential to be good films, but it was such utter shite.

The man who made the trailer for that film deserves an oscar.

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This and the first one infact always look brilliant in trailers, and on the face of it they look like they have the potential to be good films, but it was such utter shite.

The man who made the trailer for that film deserves an oscar.

It must be the same guy who made this trailer.

Dressing mutton up as lamb.

Terminator 4: Salvation - Theatrical Trailer #3

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Commando : Arnold Schwarzenegger

Worth if for the one liners alone, Sully remember when i said i would kill you last... I LIED.

Dont disturb my friend he's dead tired.

John! im not going to shoot you between the eyes IM GONNA SHOOT YOU IN THE BALLS.

You scared really bad person? Well you should be this green beret is going to kick your ass, I EAT GREEN BERETS FOR BREAKFAST AND RIGHT NOW IM VERY HUNGRY

I LOVE Commando. Classic Arnie action movie. He takes on an entire island of bad guys, slaughters them all and is allowed to leave after the following exchange with the Army Colonel who arrives.

"Did you leave any for us?"

"Only Bodies"

Then flies away. Classic.

The bit when he dissapears into the garden shed as well then takes out a squad of men using nothing but a fire axe machete and some circular saw blades

There's talk of a remake with Sam Worthington taking over from Arnie. Could be BS, hope it is as nearly all remakes recently have been utter garbage

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I went out and bought the omen pentology from HMV for a tenner (I know they are all shit...maybe apart from the first one)

and I got poltergeist 2 purely cuz the old man in it scares the fook out of me I watched it about 12 months ago and had nightmares about him at the age of 24

bought rec. as well the spanish version pretty decent that is I was pleasently surprised by it

got baise-moi to watch as well I mite stick that on tonight

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Watched the Banksy film Exit Through the Gift Shop. Not sure if I'd recommend it. Couldn't help but feel cheated afterwards but maybe that's the point.

I was wondering how much of it was true to be honest, as if it's another experiment in modern art.

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Watched this last night for the first time in years. I'd forgotten what cliche-ridden, laugh-out-loud entertainment it was.


The only problem I had with the movie was shaking the thought of a separated at birth:

Silent Bob:


Rantin' Rob:


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just been out and bought rec. 2 and martyrs

martyrs is easily the sickest most orrible film I have ever seen so i cant wait to watch that again

didn't get around to watching baise-moi last night so ive still got that to watch, ive also just discovered that I have got irreversible in my flat so I will haveto make time to watch that as well

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