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The Constant Gardener (2005) - didn't think i would like it, but I really enjoyed. Great cast (Fiennes, Weisz, Nighy and a few other familiar faces) and good story about the search for a killer. Based on the Le Carre novel

Great film but never could never get into the novel!

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'Peeping Tom' is on Horror tonight.


Great film.


Not seen it in 10 years but yes a 60s classic.  Twisted Nerve was another one from that era, a bit later, with Hayley Mills and Hywel Bennett that I liked.

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On 50 shades of grey, saw something that they were thinking of making it a 12a and taking all the sex out

I havent read the book but my understanding was thats the whole point


I haven't read them either but some of the comments I've seen from 'fans' of the 'book' are really, really weird and somewhat creepy. One was complaining that there wouldn't be certain scenes in film, such as the scene where this Grey fella apparently makes a girl lick a certain substance up from the floor. 


It sounds like a really strange book, let alone a film, although I'm sure the screenwriter for the movie has more writing credentials than the woman who wrote the novel. 

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On 50 shades of grey, saw something that they were thinking of making it a 12a and taking all the sex out

I havent read the book but my understanding was thats the whole point

I haven't read them either but some of the comments I've seen from 'fans' of the 'book' are really, really weird and somewhat creepy. One was complaining that there wouldn't be certain scenes in film, such as the scene where this Grey fella apparently makes a girl lick a certain substance up from the floor.

It sounds like a really strange book, let alone a film, although I'm sure the screenwriter for the movie has more writing credentials than the woman who wrote the novel.

Its pornography. Nothing more, nothing less.

Pretty degrading to women from what I hear as well, which makes it surprising as to why its so popular imo

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Its the same vein as twilight isnt it? Not the vampire rubbish but in that the bloke in the book is written in great depth but the woman has no real description so thousands of lonely housewives can happily imagine themselves as the central character

From what ive heard its pretty much porn, not sure how the film will work unless its 18 and full of filth

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I think the reason it is mainly compared to Twilight is because it was originally written as Twilight fan-fiction before being changed into its own animal.


I never like to judge something without experiencing at least a little bit, but 50 Shades of Grey is utter shit. The plot is bare minimum and the writing is just truly awful. It's popular because of the ridiculous sex scenes and because you get middle-aged women giggling at it and telling their friends they simply must read it.


Utter tosh. I hate it when people with no talent make millions from absolute trash.

Edited by Ginko
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Watched a fair few films yesterday morning in to the afternoon.


Jack Ryan - Quite a good one I thought, Jack Ryan's always been an interesting character to me and I thought this prequel/modern origins story (Or whatever they call it) was quite well made. I'm a big Kenneth Branagh fan so that helps, he was an interesting villian with his accent and the action was quite engaging. 


Inside Llewyn Davis - Really liked the melancholy feel and music in the film, thought Carey Mulligan was very good in it. One for cat lovers as well haha.


Wolf on Wall Street - Heard Mark Kermode the film critic pose the question 'Does a central character have to be sympathetic?' in regards to this film and Inside Llewyn Davis (Although it can be applied to Jack Ryan, 12 years a Slave and indeed any film)


I see what Kermode is saying in relation to this film and I agree with a lot of Kermode's points. It was a well made film but in my opinion could have done with being half an hour shorter at least. To paraphrase Kermode "I don't need three orgy scenes to realise this guy lives a chauvinistic copulent life".


No, I'm not jealous :)


I know some on here may worry about me not wanting to see so much breastage but I just thought the whole film did become repetitive in other areas too where as if they'd trimmed it all down a little bit I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more even if I did want to arrest the guy.


Plus the way the film would go over the same subjects over and over again did make me annoyed at Di Caprio's character, and although that may have been the intention, for me it hindered my viewing experience and removed me from the cinematic experience rather than adding to it.


Although I'm critical here, there were some fantastic performances by Leonardo Di Caprio and especially Jonah Hill but just feel the potency was lost from over indulgence...but that may have been the point.


12 Years a Slave - What a film. I'm not sure 'enjoyed' is the right word but it definitely had a deep effect on me. I was moved by it and there were so many brilliant performances.


What stood out for me was I felt it was all excellently presented: acting, writing, direction and all other aspects were remarkably fleshed out.


The storytelling was so powerful. A fantastic 'Horror of Humanity' piece of engrossing art. I went with my Dada and although he wouldn't admit it, he actually shed a tear and I haven't seen him do that since Petrov's return.


But to end on a light note, when I rang my Mammy up to tell her about it, this is who she thought had directed it 



You can see why she'd make the mistake, if he hadn't have died over thirty years ago!!


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I'll hold my hands up and say I thought it was that Steve McQueen too before I'd seen any of his films (yes I'd forgotten he was dead)


Then I saw an interview with the actual Steve McQueen and his name came up as he was talking. I was like say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!

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I think the reason it is mainly compared to Twilight is because it was originally written as Twilight fan-fiction before being changed into its own animal.





I remember when 50 Shades of Grey first started getting big, like when every woman on facebook was posting about it minutes after they'd frapped themselves silly to another 50 pages of a woman getting tortured.


Anyway, I decided to look it up as I didn't know anything about it.


This is exactly what happened


*types "50 Shades of Grey" into Google*

*Clicks Wikipedia link*

*Reads the first sentence of the article (at the time)*

The Fifty Shades trilogy was developed from a Twilight fan fiction series


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It's funny cos it's not even good fanfiction. It is good though as it may increase the chances of another fanfiction getting published and making it to the big screen. I'm mostly hoping for the next Star Trek movie to be Kirk x Spock.

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From what I know of 50 shades of Grey, the sex isn't particularly hardcore. The VAST majority of women want to be dominated in that way, most blokes don't have the balls. That's why they love it. It's our fault.

He ties her up a bit and "makes" her lick cum off the floor. It's hardly Caligula. Not that I'll be watching it of course.

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Put it this way. 


If us blokes were to watch "adult films" with the sort of stuff in that's in 50 Shades of Grey, I'd wager women would be beside themselves at how degrading to women it is.

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