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Caught a bit of Alan carrs chatty man where he had Joseph Gordon Levitt on and he said that he was lined up for that cowboy part but ha to turn it down to work on his current film maybe that explains why qt was in the film at all

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I've never got beyond a third of the way through the book, even with several concerted attempts so it was good to see it pieced together - however it hasn't made me want to re-visit (and finish) the book - maybe some books just can't be read by you?


It sounds like you abandoned the book just before it goes in to the future which, for me, were the best parts. 

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I've never got beyond a third of the way through the book, even with several concerted attempts so it was good to see it pieced together - however it hasn't made me want to re-visit (and finish) the book - maybe some books just can't be read by you?


It sounds like you abandoned the book just before it goes in to the future which, for me, were the best parts. 


Yes, never reached the future parts - just struggled throughout the first third everytime and wasn't 'enjoyable' to read.

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I really enjoyed Cloud Atlas the book - not seen the film yet, curious as to how it is filmed though. When reading, I did struggle initially with the jolt from time periods - to his credit mitchell had done a great job of drawing me into each zone quickly, and I was then pissed off when he left it go elsewhere. Although overall from the book, personally my favourite bits were the earlier periods and not the future. The future one was just odd and a bit cliched I thought. 

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I'm wasn't sure about the book when I first read it. Looking back, I think it is really quite good, but I wish it was longer. I agree that the future parts are the best, they seem to be the most 'realised', and from what I've heard of the film, the future section is the most interesting. Some other sections are fascinating, especially the Book of Dave type island community, and the skint musician. I didn't care too much about the old chap in the nursing home. Was there another section? I think there was, a journalist? Well, that I can't remember it suggests that I wasn't terribly fond of that either.


I'd like to see the movie though, I've heard it is overambitious and completely flawed, which is right up my alley.

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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I really enjoy the film. It's far from perfect but it works for me. They ditch the structure of the book, choosing instead to hop around the time periods. I got the distinct impression while watching that the jumps were done purposefully, to follow links or strands between each one, but it's not always obvious what these and some of them feel a little strained. Having the actors play different characters across time periods is a blessing, and a curse - in some cases you can read strands into the character progressions (but again not perfectly - you can read Tom Hanks' characters as being a repetition of a spirit on the journey towards... well, goodness I guess, but it doesn't quite work when he effectively cameos in one plot strand), in others you end up sat there watching who's who and also noticing that some of the makeup is absolutely hopeless - more than once a character looks like they've suffered a stroke or been replaced by a mannequin because the prosthetics have left them with near motionless faces and dead dolls eyes - Doona Bae is brilliant in the Neo-Seoul section but in 2 other time periods they do her up as a Caucasian woman and she looks like they'd dropped a plastic alien on set (she also massively struggles with the accent), the same is true of some of the other actors where they have tried to have them play someone of a differing race - Hugo Weaving as a Korean man is particularly horrifying, looking like the bastard offspring of Elrond and Spock had some horrible botched botox and eyebrow lifts done, and even where a race change hasn't happened theres some rough stuff in there - Hugh Grant in the present day time period looks like they've stapled the remnants of someones Sunday roast to his face.


But when you're not noticing the problems it is a curiously relaxing and beautiful watch. Across the board it is shot brilliantly, there are striking images in every time period and some very well done effects work. The score is superb. I don't think theres a bad performance in the entire thing, even where there are issues with accents and makeup or the characters are more caricatures (Hugo Weaving's... thing... in the far flung future period) everyone is pulling their weight and doing a good job, which is saying something in a film that has actors playing characters in a comedy, a drama, a sci fi, an action or even a kind of romance all in the same instance (in some cases in the same plot even).


It is a little bit of a mess and it's ultimate message (if there is one) isn't the earth shattering event that the film tries to portray it to be, and it heavily toes the line of pretentiousness more than once, but it's one of this years better films imo, and I think many that wrote it off at the cinema might return to it with fresh eyes now in their homes and find they rather enjoy it.


EDIT - Should add that it's a film you have to go with. If you watch with cynical eyes you will fight it at every turn and hate it.

Edited by Chindie
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Die hard was on last night ........still utterly brilliant


"Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs.."




I really enjoyed it last night having not seen it in years.  

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Die hard was on last night ........still utterly brilliant


"Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs.."




I really enjoyed it last night having not seen it in years.  

"Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with feet smaller than my sister"

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OK. The Master. I feel I have to comment on each element on its own because it succeeds in some areas and fails in others. It is the cast that drew me to the film initially. Philip Seymour Hoffman & Joaquin Phoenix are two of the best actors we have at the moment. Predictably, I thought they were absolutely brilliant. Particularly Phoenix who had the more difficult role. He plays a very convincing troubled soul. Not completely unlike the darker days of his Johnny Cash role. People were also right when they said that the film is beautifully shot. It is. However I can definitely understand those who say it left them a little cold or underwhelmed by it all. I feel that in a way the worst part of the film was the actual storyline. It was probably the best film that could possibly have been made out of that storyline. Now if you were to go a bit deeper and get a bit philosophical you could say that at times the introspective on Phoenix's character; the internal journey he goes on; made you ask yourself the same questions as the viewer, particularly during the interview process.

(although I've never thrown it into a relative...)

All in all I think it's fair to say that while it was a good film and while I'm glad I watched it, it didn't live up to my expectations because I thought it was going to be superb and it isn't.

I also watched Hugo and thought that was a very good watch indeed. Another superb cast too, surprisingly so, although maybe not when you consider who directed it.

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Zatman, on 21 Oct 2013 - 12:05 PM, said:

watched 2 films the other day and both are different but both are also very good. The Lives of Others and To Kill a King.



cant believe took me so long to see both



To Kill a King was one of my favs from the past few years  .. glad to finally find someone else that has seen it

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Wife and I probably watching Olympus Has Fallen tonight... ^_^


Got relatively high hopes for a no-brainer, Sam Fisher-esque espionage/assault rip...


Olympus has fallen - Die Hard at the White House - 3 out of 10.

White House Down - Die Hard at the White House - 7 out of 10

Die Hard 9 out of 10

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Aer the game, a few beers in the Holte Suite and a visit to McDonald's I had a few hours to kill before my bus left at 1 a.m.. Decided to go and watch a movie. Had to chose between Captain Phillips and Escape plan. First I thought that Captain Phillips might be good as Hanks movies are normally very good (I love, love, love Forrest Gump. ;) ). But then I thought to myself that I was rather tired, had a few beers inside me and no subtitles so a brain dead action was probably a better choice. Escape plan it was. The I realised that it wasn't that intelligent to chose a Stallone film without subtitles... :-P


Anyway, despite not hearing what Stallone said in the whole movie the plot wasn't that hard to figure out. Not the best film this year. Probably won't win any Oscars. But it worked to kill 2 hours or so. 4.5/10, I think. And I didn't fall asleep either. :D

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Wife and I probably watching Olympus Has Fallen tonight... ^_^

Got relatively high hopes for a no-brainer, Sam Fisher-esque espionage/assault rip...

Olympus has fallen - Die Hard at the White House - 3 out of 10.

White House Down - Die Hard at the White House - 7 out of 10

Die Hard 9 out of 10

So damn true!

Guys, are there any decent horror films around? Also looking for sci fi, thrillers?

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Wife and I probably watching Olympus Has Fallen tonight... ^_^

Got relatively high hopes for a no-brainer, Sam Fisher-esque espionage/assault rip...

Olympus has fallen - Die Hard at the White House - 3 out of 10.

White House Down - Die Hard at the White House - 7 out of 10

Die Hard 9 out of 10

So damn true!

Guys, are there any decent horror films around? Also looking for sci fi, thrillers?



Are you looking for new horrors or old ones? if you are after a good new one (When I say 'good' I mean good by today's standards, mediocre at best when compared to the classics) the the conjuring was alright, watched it the other week, as I say by the standards set by today's horror it was one of the better ones



I watched man of steel earlier, though it was pretty good, especially the second half of the film, only thing is though you can only see a dude get thrown through so many buildings before it gets boring and starts to do your **** head in.

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sci fi thriller - sunshine


love that film, make sure its in HD on a big screen


also die hard 9/10? take it that's the die hard, cos if its the latest one ie the utter bollocks one set in Russia that makes very little sense has terrible daddy issues and other than bruce has nothing to do with the series and is somehow even worse than 4.0, then 9/10 is probably a criminal offence

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