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It's going to be inspired by Dark Knight Returns rather than an adaptation. Not sure how I feel about that. I love TDKR, but I don't see that as a particularly easy story to sell to a film audience, and as an inspiration it is ultimately a Batman story (a grim and vicious one at that), Superman is a bit part until the end of it, whereas this is playing up both immediately. Personally I've always found that DCs heroes don't sit well together too, Gotham seems to inhabit a different world to Metropolis, quite literally

We'll see. I'm sure it'll be fun, and work Snyder at the helm, pretty.

It's been a rather subdued comic con this week actually. Im hoping Marvel kick or into gear with news on all their upcoming stuff. And hopefully tell us what on earth they've been talking to Vin Diesel for - though apparently we need to wait till the end on the month for that...

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I'm currently worn out from two days of camping in line for Hall H panels here in San Diego. This is my first ever trip to San Diego Comic Con as I was lucky enough to get a four day pass this year. Hall H was alright yesterday, yet today it just got epic...

The reaction to the announcements made today were nothing short of mental. Firstly there was a teaser for 'Godzilla', which seemed very impressive. Then there was the big Superman/Batman crossover reveal which got the place up. That was followed later on by Fox bringing the entire cast of 'X-Men Days of Future Past' out on the stage and showing a trailer. The trailer seemed very good and the cast is rather good. The cast for that included Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), who was on beforehand too in order to show off some more footage from the new Wolverine film.

Then came Marvel. Loki came out on stage in full costume to start announcing upcoming Marvel films. We saw new footage from the new Thor and Captain America films. I was very impressed by the footage of both and it seems like the Marvel cinematic universe gets stronger with each new release. The cast of 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' were there and there really are some lovely ladies in that film.

Then there were two massive reveals. Firstly was the cast of 'Guardians of The Galaxy' coming out on stage. Then we saw an early teaser/trailer (it was a shock considering they've only started filming) and it looks like they've nailed the tone. It's slightly comedic from the footage seen and that lends itself well to such a film. Finally there was the reveal for the title to the new Avengers film. It will be called 'Avengers: Age of Ultron'. This is massive as it was a recent storyline in the comics.

There were other things too, yet I think I have covered the main announcements. It smashed yesterday in Hall H, although the seeing the cast from the new Spider-Man film and some new footage was a treat. Plus seeing Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright was great. They were one of the highlights for me, in what has been a great SDCC. Shame there is only one more day to go...

Edited by briggaman
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Just catching up with the Marvel panel stuff this morning.

Avengers 2 news is obviously the big reveal but interesting that word is coming out that, despite the title, it has nothing to do with the recent comic arc. Ultron as a villain is also interesting as... well... theres absolutely no set up for him yet, which they need to do if they stick to the comics as his creation is a big part of why he's such a big deal in the comics (and bearing in mind the character that creates him isn't even in the MCU yet...), and it's a character that doesn't have any wider public perception (in fairness neither does Thanos, but Thanos got the reveal at the end of the Avengers, and is probably slightly less daft). Anywho whatever happens I'm sure it'll be good.

Guardians of the Galaxy caught my attention. I wasn't expecting anything to be revealed since they've only been shooting for a couple of weeks, but what was shown sounds great. They also appear to have made some smart choices already - play it for laughs, and jump in at the deep end. It's clear from the descriptions of the footage shown it's going down a less than serious route but it sounds very interesting...

Cap 2 stuff sounded great as well, looks like the talk of them doing more of an espionage film was on the money, all the descriptions of the action where based around it being grittier and closer - the elevator fight sounds almost Raid like. Interesting - also interesting that they seem to binned the idea that who 'the Winter Soldier' is is going to shock anyone...

Shame then that Thor 2 seems to be the runt of the litter. It's out in a couple of months yet Marvel seem to be doing **** all with it. We've had a single trailer, next to no marketing, and they barely bothered at Comic Con either. Nice to have Tom Hiddleston come out and play things up, and apparently the new footage was very well received, but it all seemed a little low key. I'm still really excited to see it but I appear to be in a minority.

Oh well.

Comic Con kicked off yesterday it seems!

Some concept pics from Guardians


guardianslineup_large.jpg (bigger version here

Edited by Chindie
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Urgh... more superhero shite. Really do not understand what people see in them.

Source material is great so there should be lots of movies. Fortunately there's looking to be about 4/5 a year now, thank God.


 Nice to have Tom Hiddleston come out and play things up, and apparently the new footage was very well received, but it all seemed a little low key. 

You missed a pun opportunity on the end there. :(

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The worlds end was ok, no Shaun of the dead or hot fuzz, definitely the worst of the three but still a funny film, the ending kind of spoilt it with it just being too over the top.

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I watched Pacific Rim last night. Rarely is the entire dialogue or acting in a film of that level of cheese, still... it's robots versus giant monsters, and it looked and sounded absolutely stunning, so naturally I enjoyed it for what it was.

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am i one of the few that thinks hot fuzz is better than SotD?


IMO hot fuzz is up there with borat and four lions


When I first watched it, I said it was better than Shaun of the Dead.  However, after repeat viewings of both, I reckon the latter is the superior film.  I liked Borat but all are better films, imo.  Not seen Four Lions.

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