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A Field in England. WTF was that all about.

Looking forward to watching this - have it recorded on my Sky box... I'm expecting it to be very 'trippy' and random!



I really enjoyed it. Utterly bonkers & at times frightening (that scene when Shearsmith walks out of the tent...). I will rewatch it with a clearer picture in mind and suss out the nitty gritty but as someone who is fascinated by the English Civil War I have no problem putting in a little more effort. It is nice to see a film that asks something from its audience.


Mr Wheatley is certainly the most interesting director around at the minute.

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Got around to watching the first part of The Hobbit - better than I thought it was going to be and also didn't seem to drag (as expected considering it's nearly three hours long!!!!)


It fits right in the LOTR trilogy (obviously) and the casting is pretty good too.

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Oscar winner for sure


Just read a review and it sounds distinctly average. I'll wait for Elysium instead and see what Blomkamp does. Fookin' prawns! 

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Reviews seem favourable on the whole, some complain that it has a wafer-thin plot, but, like, it has giant robots punching giant beasties in the face, it was never going to be Bergman.


I'm looking forward to watching it. I trust del Toro to make a big daft film in the right way.

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Yeah, reviews I've seen for it are HOT. Mostly. Seems to be a complaint about pacing issues too, but hey, you can't have "giant robots punching giant beasties in the face" for the whole film, can you?


I've ordered an Evangelion tshirt. I'm going to wear it when I go and see it. I will cry with happy if someone gets the reference.



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The Lone Ranger wasn't as bad as people are making out, but it wasn't that great either.


I was a massive Lone Ranger fan as a kid (I still have my circa 1975 Tonto action figure).


The first hour was pretty pedestrian but the last half an hour was a riot.


I understand the let's-have Depp-play-quirky-character concept, but really, I thought they got past the concept of white guys playing the part of native Americans quite some time ago.


Ironic I guess that he played the role in white face instead of black-face.

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Pacific Rim/Evangelion trailer :D


And for Eva fans who haven't seen it, the trailer for 4.0


No idea what an Eva8+2 is...it looks stupid...BUT I STILL WANT IT MAN.

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now you see me


not as bad as the reviews suggest but not as good as the trailers did either, the twisty plot isnt actually that twisty and the big reveal at the end whilst not that obvious isnt that great either, its well cast though and the best bits are when you get ruffalo vs eisenberg / harrelson, but those bits are too rare

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picked up the dvd for A Field In England


Man hunting for library thief during the civil war is kidnapped, used as treasure divining slave by the thief, gunfight, mushrooms, gunfight, coming of age.


Brilliant piece, one of those where you just wish you'd made it. Good to see a film that doesn't rely utterly on out CGI'ing the last big piece of box office. Good to see a film that knows its a film and plays with the medium a little, throwing in the occassional film making degree course piece of homework just to show that you can. The tiniest snippet of an idea of a story spun out, almost in real time. In the future, we can tell the Americans it was filmed in 1884 and was the first ever western.


I didn't even mind the aircraft vapour trails in the sky.


Stay off the shrooms boys.

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