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Sam might as well wait to see if Limpid gets in, as he has a better chance of getting in because of our Priest shortage (providing he neglects to mention he's a face melter).

I suggest you have a chat with Tarj, Sammy boy as he was once like you and then saw the light and went Holy. I'm sure you could still get in the guild but doubt you'd get to raid much.

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Did any of you get to watch my endless duel with Gaiana last night`? Must have lasted 30 min. im serious. Felt like 4fuckinever

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I know I've mentioned this before but:

Some boards come up thottbot linking with something that looks like this:


Possible to do on this forum? Go on.....

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Tbh. the priest t2 head has 10 + fr.. isnt 10 frost and shadow kinda crap?

Might be better in pvp ofc, with frost resistance, but in pve?

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Yes the resistances on alot of rogue T1 and T2 gear suck.

I will help get your Drakki blood tonight, maybe you can try to impress more of the Dashers at the same time.

Basically what that pic is, is what comes up when I typed [thottbot=28223] on a forum that allowed such links, (which has since gone offline, the old Century forum) I can't find another forum that does it, but its well nifty :nod:

maybe Limpid could improve the horrible design of the Dashers website? Did I just say that? ;)

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Except Warlocks.

We had 7 in Molten Core last night. Could have had 8 if we wanted too, as Rubberducker was grinding in Silithus too.

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