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Toon: Limpid; 60 Mage

Professions: Herbalism 300; Alchemy 300; First Aid 300

Talent Build: 16/35/0 Will be respecing elemental at patch.

Time played: 29 days

Real name: Simon Bonnick

Age: 38 (old git)

Country: UK

Why do you want to join Dashers?:

I am looking for more of a challenge especially now I'm moving into the end game with more complicated pve. Also want to join my mates in the same guild. Which leads to:

Do you know any members in Dashers?:

Yes. I list Nayson, Evildan, Rissok and TRL as mates and I've played with many of you over the last few weeks.

What do you think this guild is about?:

From what I've seen so far it seems to be about progressing pve while remembering it's just a game.

How can you contribute to the guild?:

I'm keen and learn quickly, I rarely need to be told something twice. I can provide hosting facilities if they're needed. And I'm keen. And I learn quickly.

Are you willing to wipe all night without whining? (without getting any loot):

Been doing it since I started. There's nothing new doing it with different people.

How do you like to play?:

I'm an AoE bomber by choice, but can play a "stand at the back" mage too. I'm not a fan of BGs, but I love real world pvp. Ironforge runs should be required on a regular basis. /train. I can run around the bank roof really fast.

Have you got the Onyxia key?:

Nearly - up to Drakki's blood quest. I should have it done this week.

How often do you play WoW:

I play 4-5 nights a week and can stay up as late as I like.

Have you been in another guild? Which one(s)? Why did you leave?:

Perfect Dark X - Didn't like how their attitude changed. Felt they were missing the point.

The Old Grudge - I'm not unhappy with them, but from my experiences in instances, I feel I'll get more out of the game playing with the Dashers.

Do you have an epic mount?: Yes

Do you have a microphone?: Yes (and teamspeak and ventrilo)

Unbuffed FR: 90 (98 with the Drakefire Amulet/Onyxia key)

All my gear/recipies are here.

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Not bad. Post it asap! :P

Oh and Si, remember that staff you linked for me when i was level 12 or something? Guess who's got it? Lets just say, it aint Roy Orbison...

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Ye Limpid, but applications always take some time with the dashers. Might be 2-3 days or a week, but the thread will be kept up :wink:

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