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I'm going to fire on thing at a time and make sure I can see my target :-)

I've killed him before with the dashers but I didn't have the q then.

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Rend down, and a very good pickup group i thought. If it wasnt for that one uber pull (which was probably as much to do with bad luck as anything else) then we would have done front door to Rend Dead in about 40 minutes.

Some good caster loot too, which is a nice change. The boots that Sam won are probably the best pre Molten Core/Non PvP reward cloth boots on the game. They are certainly better than anything from Devout/Dreadmist/Magisters.

The ring that dropped is a good one too. Certainly for MP5 players.

Only 2 more UBRS runs and four dead dragons away from killing Onyxia now then!

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Asked Deathwing how many of us on the server are British, cos like Dan, im convinced that most of the server are Scandanavian.

Pretty much everyone who has replied so far is from the Midlands!

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I got DCed 5 times in about 10 mins last night, I can't blame my modem, as I can still hear Ventrilo or browse the web after I've been disconnected.

Anyway, last night was great fun, BRD with a drunken Lierox and a hero of mine loltrollftw. Lierox must have fallen asleep at his PC as he went afk without any warning and never came back. We went to the vault and then Lacroix had to go so we tried to 3 man it with me, Vasha and an elemental pvp shaman as a healer. We died at one part, so on the way back, advertised 2 spots in BRM chat (this was at 5 in the morning server time) more in hope then anything. But a level 60 druid and a warrior answered our call, God knows what they were up to at that time of night.

We pissed through the rest of BRD, even managing the Lyceum with Lock AOE. I spoke lots with Loltroll (AKA Demolith) and he really is a top bloke, Lierox was hilarious before he crashed too, the problem was, because we did every part of BRD, we didn't finish until 6.30 server time. I only woke up like, an hour ago o.O

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As you know, im wicked at knowing what loot is gonna drop.

This pic will clearify, that i did not know what nix looted until he did.



and why wont it get shortlinked?

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Hmmmm, I seem to be stuck in perpetual lag hell at the moment. I'm sure it's not my internet connection as it's actually a bit faster over here than back in Bolton, and anyway it worked fine on Friday night. Since then though, I haven't been able to do anything at all. Grrrrrrr.

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