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World of Warcraft


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How annoying is it when i get kicked? Very.

Im shocked that rogues hardly ever do that move. It beats the shit out of mind numbing poison.

And Risso is on the Isle of Man. Probably doing laps of the TT circuit or something instead of getting broadband in his new house.

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Dots = dead rouge.

Silence = no dots/fear/shield etc....

As Nays said,beats the crap out of poison etc.

Most pvps i lose are through silence effects of some sort.

It's the only way i beat you tbh Dan when we duel.

Well,that and my uber skills of course :-)

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Im sure there is a macro to put it back to one. :)

Oh, and the video Viskahn hates so much. It got Warlocks buffed apparently.

World of Roguecraft episode 2. The "complicated" fights at the start are quite funny. The Warlock vs Warlock fight was nearly as long as my duel with Tarj on sunday.

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Off DW forums, this made me laugh.

Oh and we dont have an alt guild anymore, I disbanded it too see what the /gdisband did. Beware there is now warning if you type this command, I was quite upset, after I had spent loads of gold making a suitable pink tabard.

Therein lies the mystery of what happened to Surgelings, former home of a few of the VT lads!

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Nah, Surgelings died properly ages ago.

Bastially Surge got over full (it had 300+ level 50 or above players) and they just didnt need any more people.

Surgelings wasnt an alt guild, it was a recruiting guild. You joined it at level 25 (ish) and if you were a good and likeable player when you dinged 50, you got an invite into Surge.

Surgelings was also where i first met Ikails. And what a clearing in the woods he was.

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Xhonus, Bojin, Darna all quitting in one week, and now the classleader :shock: I think the dasher ship is sinking now.

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Guest RantinRob

Oooooooh........................what is this place?

It's a bit like the Narnia wardrobe...............

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Oh and kthxbye


Old pic, but ive forgot to post it. Even Si would have died by that :P


You know when you get ported in? Well, i got ported in and literally as i landed. I think Sion would have bought it here too!

That fight pissed me off somewhat. Takes ages and ages and ages to do. We wiped at 3% the first time, and about what, 8 or 9% the second time? People leave, takes 20 miniutes or so to get new people in, same time again to get buffed and ready then a really really really long fight.

The door thing is just bullshit too. Its a shitty badly designed fight that is just boring, from a boss that drops probably the shittest loot in all of AQ20.

Its tiresome and not fun after two wipes.

Oooooooh........................what is this place?

It's a bit like the Narnia wardrobe...............

Its where grown men play with things designed for kids. A bit like tits and trainsets, i guess.

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