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Well geared Trinket mage would blow the shit out of you though. Thats why trinkets got nerfed in 1.10, and are getting nerfed again in 1.11

You cant get in their face with weapons. FN, Blink and Cone of Cold slowing effect ftw.

Oh, and 3rd link on the Right Hand side of that video? Guy from our server, Fear.

Gotta admit - I have duelled many a time with a mage friend and never won....

... mind you he is/was 5 lvls higher and I've gotten close.

As for getting within weapon range, drop an earthbind totem. You can only blink so often.

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A good mage should be able to kite the shit out of anything.

Frostbolt has the same slowing effect as Frost Shock, as does Blizzard and Cone of Cold.

POM > Sheep is a kickass panic button if the Mage is specced that way.

The best way to beat a Mage is to be a Warlock 5/5 in Master Demonologist. Then its actually fairly impossible to lose.

Having said that, ive just stuck 36 points in the Destruction tree in a bid to curb my disapointment at never getting any loot, ever, in any raid. If my maths are right, i now have a not to be sniffed at 1,340 dkp. Please game, let me spend it on something. Please?

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A good mage should be able to kite the shit out of anything.

Can't argue with that.

Having said that, ive just stuck 36 points in the Destruction tree in a bid to curb my disapointment at never getting any loot, ever, in any raid. If my maths are right, i now have a not to be sniffed at 1,340 dkp. Please game, let me spend it on something. Please?

Heh heh... you're a mage. What do you need loot for? :winkold:

Looking forward to your 1.11 nerf?

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^^^He's a wannabe Mage....Warlocks they're called.

I was farming various bosses in BRD with Viskahn, look at what Incendius dropped...FR FTW

look at the droprate on them! Fire res, plus fire res, WTF?

I let him have them as I already have FR wrists and he dooesn't. I think they're a bug!

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A good mage should be able to kite the shit out of anything.

Can't argue with that.

Having said that, ive just stuck 36 points in the Destruction tree in a bid to curb my disapointment at never getting any loot, ever, in any raid. If my maths are right, i now have a not to be sniffed at 1,340 dkp. Please game, let me spend it on something. Please?

Heh heh... you're a mage. What do you need loot for? :winkold:

Looking forward to your 1.11 nerf?

Warlock, and why dont you think Mages are getting a huge, huge buff in 1.11 (both big threat reduction in PvE for easier raid damage and viable elemental builds at last in PvP for some serious firepower) ?

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Still, i wonder if an über geared holy priest could have done anything in the tournament. When i can bore Lierox to death, and epic geared pvp specced warrior, a lock, rogue, and druid, then what cant a Mist priest do?

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Id like to think so.

Still, at least we know that if a boss calls in about 10-15 level 60 adds because Blizzard changed him in the patch to stop farming, Dan will blame the healer. ;)

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Ive decided, I'm ditching skinning, I no longer go anywhere where skinnable mobs drop, I grind in Silithus, and we have a designated guild skinner in Ahnfeldt. I hadly do UBRS anymore, so I'm not making money there either.

I'm going to become a disenchanter.

That was 8 days ago, and I'm 300 gold richer! Epic mount in a week methinks!

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Ive decided, I'm ditching skinning, I no longer go anywhere where skinnable mobs drop, I grind in Silithus, and we have a designated guild skinner in Ahnfeldt. I hadly do UBRS anymore, so I'm not making money there either.

I'm going to become a disenchanter.

That was 8 days ago, and I'm 300 gold richer! Epic mount in a week methinks!

Seriously Dan? 300g in 8 days?

best change profession....

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Warlock, and why dont you think Mages are getting a huge, huge buff in 1.11 (both big threat reduction in PvE for easier raid damage and viable elemental builds at last in PvP for some serious firepower) ?

Meh. Warlock... Mage... what's the difference? :winkold:

As for the buff, my mage friend is not so happy about the changes to evocation...

... not that I know or care about evocation personally - or anything to do with mages as a matter of fact. :winkold:

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Ive decided, I'm ditching skinning, I no longer go anywhere where skinnable mobs drop, I grind in Silithus, and we have a designated guild skinner in Ahnfeldt. I hadly do UBRS anymore, so I'm not making money there either.

I'm going to become a disenchanter.

That was 8 days ago, and I'm 300 gold richer! Epic mount in a week methinks!

Seriously Dan? 300g in 8 days?

best change profession....

Its not all down to enchanting, I've been doing alot of 5 man runs lately, and been winning a fair few rolls, I got 65G for a ring yesterday.

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So I'm planning a mini respec, nothing too drastic, theres just a couple of things I want to tweak. So the question I ask you, is: How annoying is it when a rogue kicks you? One talent point I'm thinking of respending is 100% chance to silence upon kicking as opposed to the 50% it lies at currently. This isn't just a pvp talent, its useful for stopping bosses healing themselves and the like.

Input appreciated!

and where is Risso!

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