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Some clearing in the woods at the start thought it would be a good idea to have a pop at one of the Dragonkins on the other side of the lake. They dispatched him in two shots, then did the same to me. Cheers, I'm up to about 1G 20 a repair now.

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I like world boss attempts. They're a lot of fun, as most people haven't done them enough to have the tactics exactly worked out yet.

Couldnt agree more. The spies are a great idea in the guild.

We would have took him last night if we had had a few more people.

A little more DPS to help out with healers mana, and one more tank. We were so close at a 7% wipe.

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That 7 % wipe was very close. I was the only priest on the tank at the moment, with Bojin dead and softcore oom, then some stealthed words removed started hitting me and killed me. So when i died the tank died and all went tits. Its absolutely hopeless trying to regen aggro for a tank who hasnt had any during the whole fight, when dmg dealers have delt maybe 30 k dmg each.

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Limpid you posted it in a different thread... Nayson's other thread.

BTW I had a 5G repair bill yesterday, no vanishes for me


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Last time I saw a world boss, I was showing Sam the way to Stormwind. My snowball had almost no effect. I tripped over some grass and died.


As usual. :-)

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Last time I saw a world boss, I was showing Sam the way to Stormwind. My snowball had almost no effect. I tripped over some grass and died.


As usual. :-)

Hmm.Windoze moment....

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I need a BRD vault run for the chance to get some dark blood or something for one of the Librams.

I also want to do the Epic shammy helmet quest in Scholo, now that we've all grown up a bit.

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I need a BRD vault run for the chance to get some dark blood or something for one of the Librams.

I also want to do the Epic shammy helmet quest in Scholo, now that we've all grown up a bit.

The epic helm quest that goes with your epic legs quest?

Whereas rogues don't get epic quests.

Its ok though, because we can vanish.

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Best thing to do is to get Warlords command out of the way in LBRS, then you can do more of the Onyxia chain while you are on the Drakki run.

If you come in with me, you do know this will drop, dont you?

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