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Away List

He'll be back in a few days, I don't think its up to us to add his name.

Edit: It seems you did.

I did, with an explanation. I think the list is just for a guild's GM to give to Blizz, and anyone on that list gets a bit longer to migrate if they want to. I don't think tarj is going to wake up one morning to find his boney priest arse on a new server and not know anything about it!

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Buggered if i know.

I like ToG,got some decent mates there.

But,VT lads make the game for me.If ToG don't migrate what are the chances of Dashers having me?

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But,VT lads make the game for me.If ToG don't migrate what are the chances of Dashers having me?

You'd get in, in a second. They're crying out for members really. With Dan, Nays, Me and Tarj backing you up, you'd have no problems whatsoever. And that goes for the rest as well.

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Buggered if i know.

I like ToG,got some decent mates there.

But,VT lads make the game for me.If ToG don't migrate what are the chances of Dashers having me?

You're a Priest

You have friends in the guild.

I'd say 95-100% chance of getting in...

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To be honest, I really don't think it matters what class you are at the moment. They need more "Omega" (ie non hardcore) members. Anyone who posts a decent application seems to get in at the moment. The only class that seems to have a real problem getting in are mages, so if Limpid wanted to apply as well (not saying he will, but just a possibility) then a joint application between Sam and Limpid would be a good idea.

There's a joint application on the Dashers site at the moment, and it seems to have gone down well. The officers also seem to like TOG as they have a reputation for not being Epixxxxx whores, so I'd say just about anybody in TOG with mates in Dashers would be guaranteed to get in.

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Clanwolfpack are staying. At about 250 members with recruitment now halted to keep things managable, (plenty of alts there) but including 60-70 level 60's, they think they finally got the critical mass to move on in the game, and dont want to lose that. So CWP stay.

I think I probably will too. To be honest, I'm not great at this game, I don't live for instances (or shammie inspired mass wipes as they tend to be known) so don't actually want to join a more "thrusting" guild. The whole alpha/omega thing seems from my low level a bit anal and serious for me. It might be the point where I quit the game. I'd always wanted to get to 60 in my own time. Have a char that wasn't just fodder for any passing ally, but since I got there, its all a bit flat anyway. The quests left are all dungeon stuff anyway which isn't what I get most benefit from.

Looks like a lot of lonely nights on the bank roof then.

But I can see why you guys are leaving. Monitoring the VT channel, I can see how often he gets disconnects. If I had that problem, I'd be pissed off to. But I dont generally. There was a week or so of bad lag but Deathwing is back to its usual self for me now.

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Wowrush are the most casual of all the endgame guilds in my experience, don't let the Alpha/Omega thing fool you!

It seems we're all setting sail while Juju waves his hankerchief at the port then...

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