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I have to go back for another short overtime shift soon, but il come home to around 8 pm GMT.

Le gank or instance maybe

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Yep. Shadowmeld plus aimed shot usually ends in a swift death!

What are the level limits for seeing people in stealth? I was in Gankistan the other day, and a low 40's L rogue was stealthing around me, obviously wanting to stun me. I just kept running away and laughing, but he kept creeping up on me, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I could see him!

I then stuck a low level flame shock on him to knock him out of stealth without agroing the guards, and he **** off!

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One thing ive noticed. Quite a few guilds are taking C'Thun down now. Even some ex-Deathwing people who migrated to Talnivarr

have dropped him on both the Alliance and Horde sides.

Was Blackwing Lair beaten so quickly? Most realms AQ didnt even open until February/March (it was March on Deathwing)

Were Molten Core and Blackwing Lair beaten so quickly? And is the jump in difficulty that exists from Molten Core to Blackwing Lair exist between Blackwing Lair and AQ? Or is it just that the people who are clearing AQ so quickly are going into the place in much better gear than the guilds who first went into Molten Core and BWL ever did?

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Let's be honest, most bosses it's just a case of learning the routine and practising it over and over. People who've cleared BWL will have amazing gear in most cases, and will have raided 3-4 times a week for months.

There are only so many new tricks Blizz can come up with.

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I dread to think how many points C'Thun and Nefarian have.

I mean, Onyxia and Ragnaros both have over a million, and we have them on farm in the Dashers.

I read a bit about the Nefarian fight, and one of his main attacks is that he can (and will) completely **** a class. Some classes get more **** than others though. Look how lightly Hunters get off:

* Druids:

o Quote: "Druids and your silly shapeshifting. Let's see it in action!"

o Effect: Permanently stuck in Cat Form for duration.

o Solution: Safest call is to stay back and wait for the debuff to wear off. Some raids may let the Druids run up and DPS, however this puts them at risk for getting feared into the Shadowflame and dying.

* Hunters:

o Quote: "Hunters and your annoying pea-shooters!"

o Effect: Equipped ranged weapon instantly broken.

o Solution: Hunters should either manually unequip their bow, or set up a macro to instantly unequip. Be sure to bring extra ranged weapons in the event your bow/gun does break.

* Mages:

o Quote: "Mages too? You should be more careful when you play with magic..."

o Effect: Cast Wild Polymorph on random raid members.

o Solution: Mages should stay out of LoS with MT and use ice block to remove this debuff. (See below)

New information: Iceblock DOES remove the Wild Polymorph debuff. (as of 4/15/06 1.10.1) Not confirmed: Exiting LoS of a large majority of the raid will cause RANDOM members of the raid to be polymorphed (regardless if they are in LoS or not), including possibly the MT. Mages should blink to the back of the raid and remain in LoS, this makes it more likely they will Polymorph eachother. (Confirmation/correction of this information greatly appreciated.)

* Priests:

o Quote: "Priests! If you're going to keep healing like that, we might as well make it a little more interesting!"

o Effect: Direct Heals will subsequently DoT their target (Renew and Power Word: Shield do still work normally though). The DoT is stackable and can end up doing a lot of damage if not caught quickly.

o Solution: Stop use of direct healing spells for the duration. Druids and Paladins/Shamans must compensate.

* Paladins:

o Quote: "Paladins, I've heard you have many lives. Show me."

o Effect: Cast Blessing of Protection on Nefarian.

o Solution: For Alliance, palladins should cast Judgement of Wisdom on Nefarian, and all casters should wand back mana while he is protected.

* Rogues:

o Quote: "Rogues? Stop hiding and face me!"

o Effect: Teleported and immobilized in place close to Nefarian.

o Solution: In some cases Rogues will be rooted in a "safe" spot and MT adjustment is not required. If rogues do get rooted in the Cleave/Shadowflame area, the MT must turn Nefarian 45-90 degrees away from the raid to prevent rogue deaths.

* Shamans:

o Quote: "Shamans, show me what your totems can do!"

o Effect: Give Nefarian buffed totems. (Can a Horde member please make this more specific)

More specifically, these totems include windfury, and fire nova. They seem to have modestly more health than normal totems, and they very quickly will become a veritable forest of totems. Concentrated firepower isn't needed to take down totems, but weaker melee hits won't destroy some totems in single hits. The totems, while problematic, sound worse than they are - the major issue (raid-wide) here will be DPS on Nefarian becoming nonexistant due to clean up efforts or losing someone extremely low on health due to getting hit by a fire nova pulse. The worst part about this call is the huge drain on shaman mana and mana regeneration.


o Solution: All single target DPS switch to the totems and bring them down as fast as possible. There's not much else to do besides weather the tax on shaman mana - if shaman are low on mana, waiting to drink a mana potion until AFTER their call is over may spare them a wasted potion and some totem spawns.

* Warriors:

o Quote: "Warriors, I know you can hit harder than that! Let's see it!"

o Effect: Permanently stuck in Berserker Stance plus an additional 30% damage taken for duration.

o Solution: Extra heals for the MT. At the end of the debuff Warriors must manually return to their desired stance.

* Warlocks:

o Quote: "Warlocks, you shouldn't be playing with magic you don't understand. See what happens?"

o Effect: 2 Infernals per Warlock are summoned. They will stun and do minor (physical?) damage to the warlock and those immediately surrounding them.

o Solution: They're immune to fire damage but are easily taken down by mage AoE. Assistance from Rogues and Warriors is also helpful. Warlocks, try to stand in an isolated area in the back of the raid for the duration of Phase 2 to avoid stunning healers when the infernals come down.

One button and you are immune from Nefarians class screwing ability if you are a Hunter!

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o Quote: "Rogues? Stop hiding and face me!"

o Effect: Teleported and immobilized in place close to Nefarian.

Quite funny actually.

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o Quote: "Lifetap eh, let's see how smug you are now, you imba ****!"

o Effect: Converts health points into damage at the rate of 1000%


o Quote: "One button, one trick ponies, deal with this, ninja bastards!"

o Effect: Places 20 more spells and effects on toolbar. Turns energy bar into mana, makes rogues cry

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o Quote: "Its for the good of the guild!"

o Effect: Immediately respecs the Shaman to 31 point Mana Tide totem build. 50g is also deducted from the Shamans bank to pay for the respec.

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o Quote: "Its for the good of the guild!"

o Effect: Immediately respecs the Shaman to 31 point Mana Tide totem build. 50g is also deducted from the Shamans bank to pay for the respec.

Bastard! That's just mean (and sooooooo true!)

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My equivalent of seduce puts a fast heal on it's target. If I bandage when he's sheeped, he is also back to full health.

Sheep is always the opener though, isnt it? Your Frost Nova is my Seduce.

They can use ranged attack under Frost Nova.

I can't break charge without giving up Blink (which now doesn't break target).

Then you give up Blink. Cooldowns are there to be used. A Warrior has 2 charges. Charge which is used out of combat, and Intercept which is used in combat. If you get the opening hit on a warrior, he cannot charge as he is in combat. His intercept is as on a cooldown which is twice the length of your Blink.

Good to know.

Also my instant cast spells do nothing like the amounts of damage you list - is that just down to gear?

Probably. I walk around with +300 spellpower on a lot of the time. Plus i get further buffs from my Demons and Curses. I dont have any untalented Instant Cast nukes though, and even the two i do have certain requitements. One is an 11 point talent, costs a soul shard and is on a 15 second cooldown (shadowburn) and the other (conflagrate) is a 31 point talent, needs a spell called Immolate to be on the target, and is on 10 second cooldown. Also there is a Warlock talent called Ruin, which turns a crit from usual damage +50% to usual damage +100%. I do belive Mages have the same sort of thing with their Frost Spells? I dont have Conflagrate or Ruin at the moment by the way, but i have had them in the past.

I haven't looked at frost talent yet.

I'm just about matched with a similar geared warrior in a duel, but wins are 50-50.

Most warriors i PvP hate fighting Mages more than any other class on the game. They just cant hit them for some reason. Frostbolt slows down as much, if not more than Hamstring? Fire specced Mages can kill them in seconds (Sheep > Fireball > PoM > Pyroblast > Frost Nova > Cone of Cold > Arcane Explosion until death or something similar.) i think Frost specced Mages have crazy crowd control skills, and Cold Snap (resets cooldowns) and Ice Block (its a Paladin Bubble)

Definitely going to have to look at respec.

Mind you I was casting AoE for 20000 a time in the lyceum last night. :-) sct was like paint on the screen.

Vishkan from the Dashers is a Rogue and he hates this. Fake Damage!!!

If you'd seen the number of dead guys - nothing fake about it :-)

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I make a point of telling him the same thing ;)

the stickies in the mage forums are worth a read. Give some nice hints about PvP, PvE and builds.

Had to read the Mage PvP guide. These made me smile:


Hunters are one of the most powerful classes against casters. They have recently got some nice abilities after their revamp, for example they got an extremely powerful ability called Bestial Wrath, with 2 minutes cooldown, which is known as a free Honor Kill against casters by clothies.

He's right, you know.


Against a Soul Link Warlock (you can use Detect Magic on the warlock to see whether he/she is SL or not) with his/her Felhunter out, you basically have no chance to win if your gear is not way better than the warlock. In those situations, just Counterspell the Felhunter, sheep the warlock and Blink and run away. Always bear in mind: When you are unable to kill someone, run away. Fortunately we have many abilities to escape from many classes.

I expect a nerf at some point in the future. :oops:

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I'm thinking seriously about leaving Dashers and joining The Old Grudge, for a variety of reasons.

Oh no, please don't I like it in TOG, don't want the Risso curse to strike :lol: Nah, it would be great to have a few more of us from here & they seem pretty chilled & laid back.

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I'm thinking seriously about leaving Dashers and joining The Old Grudge, for a variety of reasons.

Oh no, please don't I like it in TOG, don't want the Risso curse to strike :lol: Nah, it would be great to have a few more of us from here & they seem pretty chilled & laid back.

D'oh! It's not me with the curse, it's Dan!

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Sigh. It seems this whole "all Druids can innervate" buff in the next patch is going to **** the rogues over. Druids will no longer go Resto, and will go Feral, meaning they can do decent DPS and innervate the Priests. As a raid leader, what would you choose, DPS, or DPS + Innervate?

Also more Feral Druids = More rogue goods being rolled on by the cows.

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Sigh. It seems this whole "all Druids can innervate" buff in the next patch is going to **** the rogues over. Druids will no longer go Resto, and will go Feral, meaning they can do decent DPS and innervate the Priests. As a raid leader, what would you choose, DPS, or DPS + Innervate?

Also more Feral Druids = More rogue goods being rolled on by the cows.

Hopefully they'll compensate for that, they should make more stuff class specific.

Be interested to see what they do with the shammy resto and enhancement trees, as they badly need an overhaul. Enhancement (ie melee) shammies get precisely no gear whatsoever (ie plus str and agi gear). My agi is exactly the same as it was the day I first popped up in Valley of Trials, and my strength isn't much higher either! My +int and +sta are pretty insane though.

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A lot of the Dr00ds will probably go balance now too. Offensive caster. Means they can make the most of their existing gear, and do some damage with it too. From the cloth wearers union it would suck if they could nuke as hard as a caster, yet have kickass melee skills, insane mana regen and the ability to shapeshift into a feral form when they are about to go oom. Im sure there will be class balance issues that Blizz has already taken into consideration though. And the gear thing? Well, i guess we will have Priests, Mages, Warlocks, Druids and Shamen all rolling on certain items now. Rogues dont have it all that bad Dan.

On the other hand, Blizz dropped a bollock with the raiding system forcing certain classes to spec certain ways to get endgame action. Druids, Priests, Shamen (Paladins?) and Warriors get it to a certain extent. I guess the recent Preist and Paladin changes and the forthcoming Druid and Shamen changes are going someway into rectifying the fact that people through no fault of their own are being forced to become a mana battery for the Priest. From a selfish point of view, yeah, i can see my toes getting trodden on in certain areas but looking at the bigger picture i can see why Blizzard have taken this action.

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Mana Tide's good for groups of new L60's, as it gives a really nice top up. But for epics casters with insane mana reserves, and regen, it's a load of old shite. Can't believe I actually respecced to it and wasted 25G!

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