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Im being serious. Well, if i was specced fire build, anyway.

A fire specced Warlock could guarantee doing probably 4500-5000 damage to a warrior before even taking a hit in a duel. Bear in mind that the first hit is pretty much guaranteed from a Warlock (range ftw) and the Warrior starts the duel with 0 rage.

World of Theorycraft comes into play:

From the start: Deathcoil to break the charge. 600 damage.

Hit Seduce. Warrior has no way of breaking seduce.

15 seconds of time where he cant move. Use it to run behind the Warrior so he cant intercept without turning once the seduce is broken. Apply Curse of the Elements (drops Fire Res by 75, increases fire Damage by 10%. Succubus further increases damage done by 10%

Soul fire: 1350 (non crit) 2600 (crit)

While Soul Fire is flying through the air, there is time to get off an Immolate (550 non crit -1100 crit, and a DoT) before the seduce breaks.

Seduce has broken. While he is turning around, time for a Searing Pain (fireball. 450 non crit, 900 crit. Only 1.5 second cast, and 50% resistant to any interupts. 30% crit chance)

Chances are im gonna be hit by his intercept now.

Conflagrate (900 non crit, 1800 crit. Instant cast. Removes the Immolate DoT)

Shadowburn (700 non crit, 1400 crit. instant cast. )

If i get stunned. Seduce from the stun. He cant stop me doing this, and there is absoultey nothing a non undead warrior can do to break the seduce.

Bandage. Nuke again.

A warrior would have about 2 seconds to remove 4000 health from a Warlock. 5500 if the Warlock has a healthstone, which he should.

Mages can generally do the same to a Warrior. Moreso even. As a cloth class, you have to. If you cant kill the Warrior without getting hit, you will die. Thats why we can own them in duels. Caster vs Warrior fights are usually insanely one sided one way or the other.

Out in World PvP, or in the Battlegrounds, its completely different. Its a lot harder to get the first hit, and the chances of meeting a Warrior with a full or fairly full rage bar is a lot higher. The chances of a Warrior meeting you without a full mana bar are higher still.

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Im being serious. Well, if i was specced fire build, anyway.

A fire specced Warlock could guarantee doing probably 4500-5000 damage to a warrior before even taking a hit in a duel. Bear in mind that the first hit is pretty much guaranteed from a Warlock (range ftw) and the Warrior starts the duel with 0 rage.

World of Theorycraft comes into play:

From the start: Deathcoil to break the charge. 600 damage.

Hit Seduce. Warrior has no way of breaking seduce.

15 seconds of time where he cant move. Use it to run behind the Warrior so he cant intercept without turning once the seduce is broken. Apply Curse of the Elements (drops Fire Res by 75, increases fire Damage by 10%. Succubus further increases damage done by 10%

Soul fire: 1350 (non crit) 2600 (crit)

While Soul Fire is flying through the air, there is time to get off an Immolate (550 non crit -1100 crit, and a DoT) before the seduce breaks.

Seduce has broken. While he is turning around, time for a Searing Pain (fireball. 450 non crit, 900 crit. Only 1.5 second cast, and 50% resistant to any interupts. 30% crit chance)

Chances are im gonna be hit by his intercept now.

Conflagrate (900 non crit, 1800 crit. Instant cast. Removes the Immolate DoT)

Shadowburn (700 non crit, 1400 crit. instant cast. )

If i get stunned. Seduce from the stun. He cant stop me doing this, and there is absoultey nothing a non undead warrior can do to break the seduce.

Bandage. Nuke again.

A warrior would have about 2 seconds to remove 4000 health from a Warlock. 5500 if the Warlock has a healthstone, which he should.

Mages can generally do the same to a Warrior. Moreso even. As a cloth class, you have to. If you cant kill the Warrior without getting hit, you will die. Thats why we can own them in duels. Caster vs Warrior fights are usually insanely one sided one way or the other.

Out in World PvP, or in the Battlegrounds, its completely different. Its a lot harder to get the first hit, and the chances of meeting a Warrior with a full or fairly full rage bar is a lot higher. The chances of a Warrior meeting you without a full mana bar are higher still.

I'll read this next time I find myself lying awake at night ;)

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Hello Zhangfuwaahk

A very nice nickname you've got there

Too bad you haven't noticed a post named with CAPS LOCK about how to make an application here.

But anyway, it seems that you don't meet our requirements, so I wish you best luck in finding another guild.

And Nays, do you sit there all day going through every possible duel scenario?!

Anyway, I've had a go at something similar.

See ally warrior.

Check level.

If below 50, frost shock and WTFPWN.

Type /laugh

If higher than 50, check to make sure Dan is still stealthed somewhere nearby.

If he is, frost shock then wtfpwn.

If he isn't, frost shock, cast Nature's Swiftness, then Ghost Wolf, then high tail it out of there.

HS to Orgri, head for bank roof.

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My equivalent of seduce puts a fast heal on it's target. If I bandage when he's sheeped, he is also back to full health.

I can't break charge without giving up Blink (which now doesn't break target).

I cannot fight against you or sam AT ALL. There is nothing I can do to stop your attacks other than Counterspell which even squirrels are immune to.

Also my instant cast spells do nothing like the amounts of damage you list - is that just down to gear?

I'm just about matched with a similar geared warrior in a duel, but wins are 50-50.

Mind you I was casting AoE for 20000 a time in the lyceum last night. :-) sct was like paint on the screen.

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I was impressed with you aoe I must say.

Nice post Riss, I actually duelled a Precous Priest while at Kargath the other day (first duel in weeks), and I won! Basically I equipped my insignia and coated my blades in some mindnumbing posion (silence) and WTFPWNED as if he/she was a mob. Its a pve build I have, which means no stun locking, I have no Ambush/Backstab because I don't use daggers, so basically I suck at duels, but not this time, I got lucky with a few high crits and down they went (must have been a holy bitch).

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And Nays, do you sit there all day going through every possible duel scenario?!

No, but i do PvP a lot, and you really get to know what the other classes can do, how they can beat you, how you can beat them and all that kind of stuff just through a bit of experience.

My equivalent of seduce puts a fast heal on it's target. If I bandage when he's sheeped, he is also back to full health.

Sheep is always the opener though, isnt it? Your Frost Nova is my Seduce.

I can't break charge without giving up Blink (which now doesn't break target).

Then you give up Blink. Cooldowns are there to be used. A Warrior has 2 charges. Charge which is used out of combat, and Intercept which is used in combat. If you get the opening hit on a warrior, he cannot charge as he is in combat. His intercept is as on a cooldown which is twice the length of your Blink.

I cannot fight against you or sam AT ALL. There is nothing I can do to stop your attacks other than Counterspell which even squirrels are immune to.

To be honest, you will struggle. A demonology specced Warlock and a Shadow Specced Priest are very good at fighting people who rely on mana pools. You really need to find a way of doing enough damage to kill us in a matter of seconds, or you will probably lose. If the fight goes on any amount of time, the class with the DoTs will win. And squirrels are immune to Counterspell because they dont have any magic. ;)

Also my instant cast spells do nothing like the amounts of damage you list - is that just down to gear?

Probably. I walk around with +300 spellpower on a lot of the time. Plus i get further buffs from my Demons and Curses. I dont have any untalented Instant Cast nukes though, and even the two i do have certain requitements. One is an 11 point talent, costs a soul shard and is on a 15 second cooldown (shadowburn) and the other (conflagrate) is a 31 point talent, needs a spell called Immolate to be on the target, and is on 10 second cooldown. Also there is a Warlock talent called Ruin, which turns a crit from usual damage +50% to usual damage +100%. I do belive Mages have the same sort of thing with their Frost Spells? I dont have Conflagrate or Ruin at the moment by the way, but i have had them in the past.

I'm just about matched with a similar geared warrior in a duel, but wins are 50-50.

Most warriors i PvP hate fighting Mages more than any other class on the game. They just cant hit them for some reason. Frostbolt slows down as much, if not more than Hamstring? Fire specced Mages can kill them in seconds (Sheep > Fireball > PoM > Pyroblast > Frost Nova > Cone of Cold > Arcane Explosion until death or something similar.) i think Frost specced Mages have crazy crowd control skills, and Cold Snap (resets cooldowns) and Ice Block (its a Paladin Bubble)

Mind you I was casting AoE for 20000 a time in the lyceum last night. :-) sct was like paint on the screen.

Vishkan from the Dashers is a Rogue and he hates this. Fake Damage!!!

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I hate warriors. Intercept plus hamstring, and it's game over. Can't fear them or anything, so it's just a case of standing there and being shredded usually.

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I suck big time at duels, I just can't react fast enough.

But you can do uber DPS, heal yourself, frooooost shockkkk, mana tide, then fight them on water and then ankh if they beat you and kill them!

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I suck big time at duels, I just can't react fast enough.

But you can do uber DPS, heal yourself, frooooost shockkkk, mana tide, then fight them on water and then ankh if they beat you and kill them!

You can't fight on water! And any Shammy with mana tide is guaranteed to lose just about every duel unless it's a fight against a pally.

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I think i find the healing classes the hardest to fight at the moment. Just stay alive until im oom, then kill me.

Holy Priests, Shamen who use Earth Shock/self heal will outlast me and bloodyfucking Druids beat me at my own game.

Hunters can be difficult to the point of impossible if they get the Aimed/Multi/Autoshot combo off. If they can be kept at close quarters, then stopping the **** from using their big attacks while the dots kill them isnt a problem. Beastial Wrath Hunters will kill me 9 times out of 10, but then they cant get in any PvE guilds if they spec that way apparently.

Easiest class is a Mage. Warlocks just have the answer to every problem a Mage can cause them.

Shadowpriests who try to out Warlock a Warlock will usually fail, ive found at least.

Paladins lack of range is very exploitable, and they usually stay alive long enough for any diminishing returns to reset.

Arms warriors with Mortal Strike and a full rage bar can kill me in seconds (mind you, they can kill anyone in seconds!)

Rogues need to stunlock or get to five combo points very quickly to win.

I think i can hold my own in PvP. Moreso in duels because i can guarantee i have the right demon summoned. Catch a lock with the wrong Demon up, and its usually quite an easy kill.

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You can't ankh in duels either! Thats not the point!

I did wtfpwn that bloke you were after in Silithus the other day! 3 shotted him with two chain lightning crits and an earth shock crit! He was dead before he knew what hit him!

Made me feel like some tier 2 epicced mofo, instead of someone who'd just got lucky with three crits in a row!

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Riss @ i would say ticking around 100 out of combat is good. Im between 101-104, but only at 27 or something in combat.

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You can't ankh in duels either! Thats not the point!

I did wtfpwn that bloke you were after in Silithus the other day! 3 shotted him with two chain lightning crits and an earth shock crit! He was dead before he knew what hit him!

Made me feel like some tier 2 epicced mofo, instead of someone who'd just got lucky with three crits in a row!

I saw you do it, but didn't get in quickly enough to get a hit in. I HATE that Loladin, hate hate hate.

Also, Limpid saw me win that duel in Kargath, he can varify it!

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I saw you do it, but didn't get in quickly enough to get a hit in. I HATE that Loladin, hate hate hate.

I could almost see him thinking WTF?! I got him with chain lightning, then instashocked him, then hit nature's swiftness and instalightninged him. All that happened within about two seconds, so he didn't even get the pussy bubble up!

But then I tried the same with that THT mage. I got another crit from chain lightning on him, but it hardly registered! Before I could earthshock to interrupt his casting, or drop the anti spell totem, it was woosh, woosh, woooooosh, "You have died!"

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Ive had that happen to me from Hunters.

They have this combo, Aimed Shot/Multi Shot/Autoshot, which if they have their epic bow/staff and get an aimed shot crit (30% crit chance i belive) then it can take about 4000 health off of a cloth wearer. And im fairly sure that the shots fly through the air at different speeds so they all hit you within a fraction of a second of each other. So it can be a case of Full Health > Dead before you even know that someone was attacking you. I guess this is why they made patch 1.10 cause actions such as this break stealth (or Shadowmeld, as the Nightelves call it)

Ouch anyway.

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