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You're quitting in a couple of weeks anyway aren't you, any point settling into another guild?

Come on, the dream team is guilded together, for the first time since VT Villans disbanded!

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im lvl 32. im killing lions, and this dude comes out of nowhere and kills me in 2 hits. wtf? whered he even come from?

To this guy who claimed BS dragonkins are tougher, stats are one thing, but what makes him bitch, is his immunity to perhaps all forms of immobilze/root/fear/stun/sleep etc. He can heal himself too...

Dragonkins are easy pansies when they cant hit you, all you get to do vs this guy, is to take him head on.

This guy sounds great fun, i'm going to kill him!

We did Dan, one of the nights where we took Chillwind Camp from the Alliance (PvP severs :mrgreen:) either Sam or TRL pulled him, shouted there was this great big elite dragon, and then killed him before anyone could get there to help!

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Is it just me or do you lot consider WPL and the Alterac mountains to be nowhere near each other?

Anyway i still want to solo him.

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Is it just me or do you lot consider WPL and the Alterac mountains to be nowhere near each other?

Yep! Still feels to me like Alterac Mountains is a big scarey place, due to being ganked all the time back when we were questing there!

I might take a trip to the Thousand Needles tonight, as haven't been back there in months, and I owe a few of the mobs there a good kicking!

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im lvl 32. im killing lions, and this dude comes out of nowhere and kills me in 2 hits. wtf? whered he even come from?

To this guy who claimed BS dragonkins are tougher, stats are one thing, but what makes him bitch, is his immunity to perhaps all forms of immobilze/root/fear/stun/sleep etc. He can heal himself too...

Dragonkins are easy pansies when they cant hit you, all you get to do vs this guy, is to take him head on.

This guy sounds great fun, i'm going to kill him!

We did Dan, one of the nights where we took Chillwind Camp from the Alliance (PvP severs :mrgreen:) either Sam or TRL pulled him, shouted there was this great big elite dragon, and then killed him before anyone could get there to help!

Overpowered Shadow Priests...:-)

Who's on later then lads?

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I'm bored, and have just been reading up on some wow folklore :D

Did you know Onyxia was Nefarian's sister?

Did you know that the reason Vaelastrasz is at 30% in BWL is because Nefarian just pwned him? If youre quick enough after Razorgore you can see this.

Did you know that not only is it Vael that helps you on Rend, but its him in human form that gives you the quest for the UBRS key in the first place?

Fascinating, more to come!

and yes Sam, I'll be on at about 6 til late

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I'm thinking seriously about leaving Dashers and joining The Old Grudge, for a variety of reasons.

1) They're mainly UK players, so they tend to start raids at about 8.30pm, which would be ideal for me.

2) They're just getting into ZG and MC now, so they're not on easy mode like the Dashers, which I find a bit dull.

3) This whole Dashers Alpha/Omega thing is a load of old arse.

Haven't decided yet, going to think about it for a while.

Join us.....you know it makes sense.

Very easy going guild,and happy to help out anyone.

And apparently you will have no problem with age qualification? ;-)

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I'm thinking seriously about leaving Dashers and joining The Old Grudge, for a variety of reasons.

1) They're mainly UK players, so they tend to start raids at about 8.30pm, which would be ideal for me.

2) They're just getting into ZG and MC now, so they're not on easy mode like the Dashers, which I find a bit dull.

3) This whole Dashers Alpha/Omega thing is a load of old arse.

Haven't decided yet, going to think about it for a while.

Join us.....you know it makes sense.

Very easy going guild,and happy to help out anyone.

And apparently you will have no problem with age qualification? ;-)

Cheeky bastard!

That BRD run we did the other day was one of the best I've done lately. Really nice people to group with, and none of those strange continental lot!

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Cheeky bastard!

That BRD run we did the other day was one of the best I've done lately. Really nice people to group with, and none of those strange continental lot!

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Yeah can we do some PvP tonight please? Silithus was a laugh yesterday, want much more of the same. Anyone suggest a decent area? I like STV because there are always loads of lowbies to start on, then the L60's turn up en masse. No guards to interfere and a nearby graveyard too. Poifect!

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I'll be on around 6:30.

I now have a good mental picture of BRD and I think I can get to everything now. Need to read up on the tavern though - it seems to be different every time.

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I downloaded that Atlas mod that gives maps of all the instances. It's brilliant, makes getting round BRD a piece of piss. I want to do more BRD as the relics that drop in there for shammies are ace, just haven't had one drop yet!

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Yes Limpid you seemed to know more about BRD then I did, We need to read up on the tavern, the only way we got through last time was by aggro-ing all the boozers, and sacrificing Sam in the process. Only once the mobs had turned red was I able to pickpocket for the key....or not, maybe i can pickpocket when they're green.

Come on people, lets get an answer once and for all. I've seen you can get a guy pissed and he breaks down the door, that didn't work. You can also get the succubus woman to hit on one of the guys, and he opens the door so they can head out for a bit of action.....Don't know how to do that either.

And Silithus was **** fantastic yesterday, one of the best World pvp events ever. It all started with some ganking by "The Noble Europeans", I announced it on /1 and within seconds some horde, including Rammy (you might know him) came to my location and we camped the **** out of them. Then they got more recruits, including "Unarmored" my KOS loladin friend. It ended up with about 20 on 20 just outside CH, great fun, I'll post some screenies later.

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Maybe a mistake to start on The herbal Tribe though Dan, that mage handed my arse back to me harder than anything before! He looked like he was full of epics and had an impressive sounding PvP rank, so I guess that wasn't my wisest move!

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OK, I finally get the Tavern bit. All revealed in this Spectacular BRD Guide

I wondered why it didn't work when i handed the bloke the beer, you have to hand him 2 lots of beer 3 times (6 beers) to get him drunk enough to get the bouncer to bash the door open.

Yes Risso, I always gage an alliance's guild before I gank. The Herbal Tribe were the first of the current DW guilds to down Nefarian (I think). Not too smart to start on them :P

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This was what I was trying to explain to last night's BRD group. They aggroed the whole bar again. I must do the love potion q, then the bird that looks like Nayson's bird will open it for us.

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This was what I was trying to explain to last night's BRD group. They aggroed the whole bar again. I must do the love potion q, then the bird that looks like Nayson's bird will open it for us.

How many times....

She's not Naysons bird,she's mine.End of 'discussion'


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