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So i got whispered by Mist fella's while we were in AB. "Wanna come to Azuregus raid. Dont say to no one, and come now." So i joined for the fun, and dont you think i got some loot 8)

It was a mixed raid with Mist, SoD, PE and some precious.




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Gratz Tarj. THIS is the drop you want though!

We should try and have a go at a few more outdoor bosses. We used to have a pop at Azuregos every time we knew he was spawned in Precious. Was always good fun.

Ive still not seen Kazzak on the game yet, and as he is some kind of ϋber Warlock and drops some seriously good shadow kecks i wouldnt mind joining a raid on his arse!

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Arent you european? No offence taken :P

Anyway, i think i can guarantee a new wave of dashers leaving. Shuma just left and the new system isnt up to scratch. Ive been posting some more at the forum, and they cant answer my questions for shit

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So here I am wandering Alterac Mountains on my Shaman quest chain when I stumble across Narillasanz


.... Level 44 Elite....

... I'm Level 51....

... he'll have some decent loot....

... this'll be easy!.

GANK! Not even close.

Hits for 250+, breathes for 400+ (half that with my fire resist totem) and resists a good percentage of my spells. Still, I reckon I could do better if he didn't renew himself for around 250hp every 10 seconds or so.

Ah well, one for the revenge list when a few more lvls up. Back to grinding. :winkold:

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Couldnt you kite him with frost shock and just go for the slow DPS/outheal him method? You should be able to take out things that far below, surely?

I never had any problems with elites at all while soloing. Unless they couldnt be feared of course! But hasnt the Shaman got any kind of equivialnt of a fear lock where you can do damage and not get hit in PvE, or is your Chainmail Armour and Ablilty to self heal the tradeoff for lack of PvE kiting skills?

Anyway, successful run in Zul Gurub means that my quest for the PvP trousers ive been after is kinda fruitless, because of this drop that i got despite only doing about 6 or 7 k damage to the boss.

Still, giving Heart of Hakkar to a warrior for a half decent tanking trinket instead of a caster for quite possibly the best trinket on the game? Go figure.

Anyway, id say i was quite well geared now. (link)

Its reaching the point where i would say, with the exception of my hat, the blues i have are probably some of the best on the game for my class/build, and borderline on whether they are more use than tier 1 epics.

Could use Nemesis skullcap, just cos it looks so **** fantastic and well, thats enough for me. Still havent seen the bastard drop, and i think its gonna take a big dkp spend to get it, but hey ho.

Wrists are needed too. ZG wrists are good,i suppose, but its probably just better to start getting the Felheart stuff out of the Core. Especially since Blizzard changed the dirty smelly disgusting useless spirit stat they had with a bit of firepower. :)

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After Nays ran scared we downed Jindo the Hexxer at the first attempt. I was there at the start, and I was there 7 hours later at the end :D

He dropped caster shit, because Hakkar drops melee stuff. What a fight it is though, theres so much to think about, the MC, the teleport, the curse, the totems, the mana drain, all executed perfectly and we downed him no problem. Great fun.

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Couldnt you kite him with frost shock and just go for the slow DPS/outheal him method? You should be able to take out things that far below, surely?

I never had any problems with elites at all while soloing. Unless they couldnt be feared of course! But hasnt the Shaman got any kind of equivialnt of a fear lock where you can do damage and not get hit in PvE, or is your Chainmail Armour and Ablilty to self heal the tradeoff for lack of PvE kiting skills?

Its immune to fear (not that I have a fear spell, anyway).

It's also immune to fire damage, making my DOT totems useless, along with my DOT flameshock spell.

Frostshock was being resisted - but it only slows movement anyway, not attack speed.

And, no, there is no lock (other than a racial tauren stomp to stun for 2 secs) for shamans - since we can heal ourselves and have instant cast spells.

That left me with buffing totems (duly taken out by a couple of lvl 36 adds from the environment), nature shock for spells, and hand-to-hand combat.

If you read some of the posts in my original allakhazam link, I wasn't the only one to struggle soloing this guy - and I rushed it since there was an alli hunter trying to steal the kill. :evil:

When I came back, it had disappeared (the corpse of the alli was still there though :winkold: ) so I will have to try again some other day.

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im lvl 32. im killing lions, and this dude comes out of nowhere and kills me in 2 hits. wtf? whered he even come from?

To this guy who claimed BS dragonkins are tougher, stats are one thing, but what makes him bitch, is his immunity to perhaps all forms of immobilze/root/fear/stun/sleep etc. He can heal himself too...

Dragonkins are easy pansies when they cant hit you, all you get to do vs this guy, is to take him head on.

This guy sounds great fun, i'm going to kill him!

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Anyway, i think i can guarantee a new wave of dashers leaving. Shuma just left and the new system isnt up to scratch. Ive been posting some more at the forum, and they cant answer my questions for shit

Shuma bags himself the Perdition Blade from MC at the weekend, then **** off on Monday!

Got pissed off with Redemptus in ZG yesterday, bloody little Hitler. Kicks someone for getting blown up by the bats, but then lets a repair run stretch to 30 minutes at 11.00pm last night (midnight for the continentals!).

I don't like the vague way loot is handled in ZG either.

And I agree Tarj, think a few Dashers will say cheerio soon. I tried to post something positive on the thread on the Dashers website, but then Shack came on and basically trashed it! Way to keep morale up, big guy! :roll:

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I'm thinking seriously about leaving Dashers and joining The Old Grudge, for a variety of reasons.

1) They're mainly UK players, so they tend to start raids at about 8.30pm, which would be ideal for me.

2) They're just getting into ZG and MC now, so they're not on easy mode like the Dashers, which I find a bit dull.

3) This whole Dashers Alpha/Omega thing is a load of old arse.

Haven't decided yet, going to think about it for a while.

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