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Most people seem to think he is a harder boss than Hakkar.

Certainly less people have killed him.


* [Jin'do the Hexxer]

o Century - H

o Elite Order - A

o Exiled - A

o Highborne - A

o HPR - A

o Mist - H

o Precious - H

o Parallel Evolution - H

o Ressurected - A

o RusLegion - A

o Scorched - H

o Sound of Silence - A

o Souls of Darkness - H

o The Blood Ravens - A

o The Herbal Tribe - A

o Wowrush Dashers - H

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I've killed him too!

If you read up on him in Thottbot its full of people that say "We've downed Nefarian, one shotted Ragnaros and looked at Hakkar and he died, but how the **** do we kill Jindo?"

He has a cool dance too.

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So pissed off! Did the Edge of Madness and a fantastic shammy dagger droped off Wooshelay (or whatever his name is) and they gave it to Razull, who already had a one handed weapon that was just as good!

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To answer your question before i logged Dan, lifetap until you have about 100 health left, then hellfire. Super AOE is so powerful it kills Warlocks too (which is why it hardly gets used)

Handy for ghosting into Scholo/Baron/Dire Maul when you dont have the key, for dying in a "PvP" way on wipes in raids to avoid durability loss (i keep forgetting to do this though) and for leaving a corpse on the floor in Orgrimmar when you log out.

And more mods! cooldown pulse you just get a little heartbeat sound and the icon for the spell pops up on the screen for half a second when a cooldown becomes available again. Its quite nice. Its not intrusive, it doesnt hog your screen, and it works.

And im sure that superinspect has been linked before. Its been 1.10 updated now anyway. Much better than the regular inspect.


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Can Undead Priests do this:


Then this:


Then this:


Then this:


Then this:


Then this:


Then go find a Rogue to duel and laugh and laugh and laugh?

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Can Undead Priests do this:


Then this:


Then this:


Then this:


Then this:


Then this:


Then go find a Rogue to duel and laugh and laugh and laugh?

Much, much better than that was Green Whelp Armor, which had a 10% chance of putting the attacker to sleep for 30 seconds when struck in melee. Sadly, Blizzard nerfed it in 1.10 so that it no longer affects L50 and above, but it used to be funny watching L40 something pwning people 10 levels higher in duels! (never happened to me, honest!)

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So what happened to Century anyway?

Not sure really, taking on clearings in the woods like Mex sure didn't help. The MT **** off once he got his uber sword (compendium of Dragonslaying one) another office left, and there was lots of rumours of corruption re. the GM. Strange though, the last week they got 2 first time boss kills (completed AQ20 and 3rd boss in BWL)

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Was talking to someone else in your situation Dan, a priest called Voodooface who I think knows you quite well. He was in Malice and Century too, but has joined a newish guild called Clan Wolf Pack or something. He wants me and you to join them!

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And for Sam, the twatface mage who was exploiting the terrain in CH earlier probably has me on his KOS list because of:


relentless ganking/corpsecamping him near Thunder Bluff until he logged out.

God i love mages :)

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Was talking to someone else in your situation Dan, a priest called Voodooface who I think knows you quite well. He was in Malice and Century too, but has joined a newish guild called Clan Wolf Pack or something. He wants me and you to join them!

Yeah he's cursed just like me, and is in Juju's guild. I'll wait on my Dashers app I think ;)

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