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Not impossible if you go around with 4 lads from Mist, I reckon.

That's the point though, Blizz was supposed to be bringing in an armor set attainable by "casual" gamers. A time limit of an hour would make it more challenging I reckon.

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Im not really that interested either.

The first stuff (belt, bracers, gloves) isnt really any better than PvP armour and stratholme drops that are easily available.

The middle stuff (pants, shoulders, boots) isnt really needed for me either. Not since 1.10 buffed Spiritshroud leggings that drop from UBRS so they dont have as much useless disgusting spirit and have more lovely shiny spellpower. Shoulders i got in MC last night, and i like the PvP boots i have for the set bonus they give with the gloves.

Robe? Well, im happy with my Robe of the Void which gives about four times as much spellpower, which leaves the hat (and it is a nice hat) but i can wait on Nemisis Skullcap/felheart horns i think.

Its a nice quest line though. I can completely see why Blizzard made it. We are all lucky in the fact that we have got good guilds, and a good bunch of lads who can just mess about and have fun, but how many people are level 60 who dont have that? If it means people dont have to run around in circles on the bank roof or collect bits of linen cloth in the barrens with an alt, then it has to be a good thing, surely? And it will stop Shadowpriests/Feral Druids trying to ninja Dreadmist/Shadowcraft, as they cant upgrade someone elses set to teir 0.5, can they?

But for me, i just cant be arsed. It seems a lot of gold and effort for not a great deal of improvent. Im with Dan, ill stick with the raiding route of gear progression.

(just checking the PvE achivements of Deathwing and noticed that Sam and Limpids lot have downed Shazzrah in MC. Cant be very long before they get to Majordomo and Raggy now, can it?)

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Thats mighty impressive, considering they recruit you by age and not by level, I'm suprised they have enough 60s to get that far TBH.

Also, we are further in BWL then you lot, we may even down the Broodlord this week :P

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Well i agree on the 0.5 set. Cant believe how tricky they have made it, for players out of the hardcore aim etc.

And the rewards arent even that good. Ive been to ZG only a few times, and already i can get myself bracers better then the virtous one, through questing. And why care about 0.5 epix when you can get t1 :P Ive already got my first set bonus from prophecy.

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And can you link me the exact thing i need to dl nays, for the discorded action bars i mean. That link you gave only confused me...do i need to dl all of em?

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And can you link me the exact thing i need to dl nays, for the discorded action bars i mean. That link you gave only confused me...do i need to dl all of em?

Ok, im using DAB 3.15b, which is here

Install it as normal. Then when its installed, type /dab, and you should see:


Ok, first thing, remove the Blizzard UI.

Click "Main Menu Bar" (left hand side, fairly near the bottom)

tick "hide main menu bar" on the screen that opens.

You now get 10 bars to play with. 10 bars with 12 buttons in each bar.

There are always 12 buttons in a bar.

Now the next thing. Bar 1.

Click Bar 1 (main)

Untick "hide"

You can now **** about with the shape of it with the sliders on the screen, and change how big or small the buttons are, how many rows there are.

When you are happy with that, toggle "unlock dragging" so you can drag the bar where you want it on the screen.

Put spells in the buttons as you want.

If you want cooldowns of the spells to be displayed, tick "show cooldown count"

If you want to hide the global cooldown (the 1.5 second cooldown that happens between every magical spell) from the cooldown count, then tick that button. Its just saying that yes, you know there is a small cooldown between every spell you cast and that you dont need it to come up on the buttons.

If you click "adv bar config" then you can change the font of the cooldown text on the buttons. I changed all mine to one called "skurri" as i think it looks and fits the bars better.

You can also **** about with the colours buttons go if you cant cast a spell. These are standard of red (if your target is out of range, which is very handy, or blue if you dont have enough mana.

There may be a way to get it to change the rank of the spell according of mana you have, as in if you dont have enough mana to do the top rank of the spell, it might be able to change it to the next highest rank, or rank that has been selected by you. Ive not tried to do this yet, as i generally just hit lifetap if im oom.

Ive not changed the colours. The defaults are fine for me.

When you are done, just tick "hide empty buttons" in bar config.

Repeat for bar 2, and any other bars you need to use.

When you are happy with how you have all the bars how you want them, and have put spells from your spellbook into the bars how you want them, then you can start binding keys.


Its quite straightforward.

On the keybinding screen (button is on the LH side, near the bottom again) you should see in the right hand side the name of an attack, this will be spell you dragged into the box earlier. Underneath that there is two red rectangles. Just click on the left of the two rectangles, and press the key you want to trigger the spell.

And thats pretty much it.

Allow a little bit of time to do it, and you can get an interface that is miles better than the Blizz one, if thats what you are looking for.

There are other things that it can do too, but im sure you can figure them out just by playing with it far more easily than reading my random crap trying to explain it.

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But the patch in 1.10 was slightly different, in that they wanted to **** decursive.

The code took a lot of other things with it, including DAB. Cant see that happening again.

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Killed Ragnaros and Onyxia tonight, Just 1 rogue needed the tier 2 pants that Raggy dropped, had he not come along, they'd have been mine.

Got me some Shoulders though, and watched as a rogue bidding war on Perditions Blade threatened to lose control, 680 dkp in the end.

Twas fun.

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Im also toying with a HUD addon.

Im not sure if i like it or not yet. In theory, its great, and it makes it a lot easier to keep an eye on my health and mana and my pets health and mana.


From L-R, its red (targets health) green (my health) name of spell im casting (immolate) my health in figures (4144/4144 100%) in feint the small green curve my pets health (100%) and its feint because its 100%

Then to the right of me its my mana in figures (4183/4723 89%) my pets mana as a small bar and a percentage (81%) a small brown casting time bar that replaces the existing casting bar. Also becomes a flight path timer. Then my mana as a bar as a big blue curve.

Underneath its my targets info.

His health (red, 705/3359, seems that updated from the soul fire more quickly than the bar) His name, level, and a cool little 3D picture of him, then his Energy (100/100) with any debuffs i put on him underneath (Curse of Elements)

Everything fades when you are at full health/out of combat.

I think it might be really great if you got used to it.

The mod is here and it needs a thing called ACE installed for it to work which is here

Also, thats my last stand as a Fire Lock.

Great fun for a week, and i only really spunked the money TRL finally paid back on respecs :P

Burst Damage is great, but going through shards like a really bad person, being squishy and very mana inefficent isnt.

Had to try the spec though. Needed to try the 31 point talent in all three trees at some point on the game, and now i have. Fantastic fun, but more for winning duels and being a glass cannon in mass PvP than a good solid all round build.

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Killed Ragnaros and Onyxia tonight, Just 1 rogue needed the tier 2 pants that Raggy dropped, had he not come along, they'd have been mine.

Got me some Shoulders though, and watched as a rogue bidding war on Perditions Blade threatened to lose control, 680 dkp in the end.

Twas fun.

You should get some epixxx soon 8)

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And can you link me the exact thing i need to dl nays, for the discorded action bars i mean. That link you gave only confused me...do i need to dl all of em?

Ok, im using DAB 3.15b, which is here

Install it as normal. Then when its installed, type /dab, and you should see:


Ok, first thing, remove the Blizzard UI.

Click "Main Menu Bar" (left hand side, fairly near the bottom)

tick "hide main menu bar" on the screen that opens.

You now get 10 bars to play with. 10 bars with 12 buttons in each bar.

There are always 12 buttons in a bar.

Now the next thing. Bar 1.

Click Bar 1 (main)

Untick "hide"

You can now **** about with the shape of it with the sliders on the screen, and change how big or small the buttons are, how many rows there are.

When you are happy with that, toggle "unlock dragging" so you can drag the bar where you want it on the screen.

Put spells in the buttons as you want.

If you want cooldowns of the spells to be displayed, tick "show cooldown count"

If you want to hide the global cooldown (the 1.5 second cooldown that happens between every magical spell) from the cooldown count, then tick that button. Its just saying that yes, you know there is a small cooldown between every spell you cast and that you dont need it to come up on the buttons.

If you click "adv bar config" then you can change the font of the cooldown text on the buttons. I changed all mine to one called "skurri" as i think it looks and fits the bars better.

You can also **** about with the colours buttons go if you cant cast a spell. These are standard of red (if your target is out of range, which is very handy, or blue if you dont have enough mana.

There may be a way to get it to change the rank of the spell according of mana you have, as in if you dont have enough mana to do the top rank of the spell, it might be able to change it to the next highest rank, or rank that has been selected by you. Ive not tried to do this yet, as i generally just hit lifetap if im oom.

Ive not changed the colours. The defaults are fine for me.

When you are done, just tick "hide empty buttons" in bar config.

Repeat for bar 2, and any other bars you need to use.

When you are happy with how you have all the bars how you want them, and have put spells from your spellbook into the bars how you want them, then you can start binding keys.


Its quite straightforward.

On the keybinding screen (button is on the LH side, near the bottom again) you should see in the right hand side the name of an attack, this will be spell you dragged into the box earlier. Underneath that there is two red rectangles. Just click on the left of the two rectangles, and press the key you want to trigger the spell.

And thats pretty much it.

Allow a little bit of time to do it, and you can get an interface that is miles better than the Blizz one, if thats what you are looking for.

There are other things that it can do too, but im sure you can figure them out just by playing with it far more easily than reading my random crap trying to explain it.

Ive tried, but cant get to drag any menus, and the shit wont save.

And each time i try to get it to the screen by saving etc. i get this;


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Kay. Image time.


This was my brilliant UI, but it couldnt work with Ctra :cry:


This is what happens when the MC bug hits. I can mind control people and they cant get away after death. They are my minions until they log off, or sometimes earlier. I cant ress em, but they keep running after me as a ghost :lol: Talk about owned :clap:


And some nice graphics

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