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Lots of shaman complaining, I liked this:

I'm expecting someone to make a post telling us we are fine and justifying it, as always, by describing a pvp scenario that would require 60-90 talent points to have a chance of taking place.

"This shaman put a stormstrike on me, gained elemental mastery & nature's swiftness and one shotted me with chain lightning. Then he put down mana tide and was back to full mana."

Quit complening Shammiez, you can Tnak Onyxia, DPS more then teh rogues and are healorz! nerf!

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You forgot walking on water and ghost wolf!

Seriously, in end game instances I doubt there's a class that's less fun to play. We're not even as good as Pallies as a support class, as they can buff a whole raid.

I do like ZG though, as we get to do more stuff in there. I'm not doing MC for 6 hours just to drop totems though, and do some healing that's mostly worthless. Even Mana Tide is a load of shit, as an extra 900 mana every five mins for clothies with insane amounts of mana and great regen hardly gets noticed.

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You forgot walking on water and ghost wolf!

Seriously, in end game instances I doubt there's a class that's less fun to play. We're not even as good as Pallies as a support class, as they can buff a whole raid.

I do like ZG though, as we get to do more stuff in there. I'm not doing MC for 6 hours just to drop totems though, and do some healing that's mostly worthless. Even Mana Tide is a load of shit, as an extra 900 mana every five mins for clothies with insane amounts of mana and great regen hardly gets noticed.

I always thought that Shammies would be great to play in instances because they are 'multi talented'. I take it that isnt the case then?

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They're great in instances like UBRS and Scholo etc, especially now with the caps on number of players. It's just that for stuff like Ony and MC, all we're expected to do is drop totems (including Mana Tide which I'll never have again) and back up heal. In reality our healing in 40 man raids is pointless, as priests and druids are so much better, so 90% of the time we overheal, especially now that CTraid is knackered.

ZG's the only "hard" instance where we get to a bit of everything.

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They're great in instances like UBRS and Scholo etc, especially now with the caps on number of players. It's just that for stuff like Ony and MC, all we're expected to do is drop totems (including Mana Tide which I'll never have again) and back up heal. In reality our healing in 40 man raids is pointless, as priests and druids are so much better, so 90% of the time we overheal, especially now that CTraid is knackered.

ZG's the only "hard" instance where we get to a bit of everything.

Well, thats me told. :winkold:

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Lots of classes only spam one thing in raids though. As a Warlock in Moltern core for me its.

Summon lazy player.

Summon lazy player.

Summon lazy player.

Summon lazy player.

Summon lazy player.

Curse of Elements.












get whisper from Mage saying "CUSRSE OF ELEMENTS NOOB!!!11oneone"





Make healthstone, trade it to fellow raid member

Make healthstone, trade it to fellow raid member

Make healthstone, trade it to fellow raid member

Make healthstone, trade it to fellow raid member

Make healthstone, trade it to fellow raid member

Make healthstone, trade it to fellow raid member
























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No, you get told what to do by the guild, and its boring as **** apparently, but effective. I'd disagree on the healing though I always notice it, any heal for rogues is a bonus, as we are told to l2bdg.

Thats the great thing about being a melee class, Ragnaros got to feel the wrath of my swords. Had you perservered Si, you could have done the same, Fury specced warriors are welcomed as long as they have an alternate set of +def gear at their disposal for back up tanking or tank switching.

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Dont get the booring bit. If you are boored, dont play as much. Im not even playing half as much as before, but when you do play its more fun.

And if you get boored in raids, just change spec. Dunno what you have as an pvp talent tree, but having a healing spec if its booring, now thats just crazy. If we are short on people in raids, a shammy with whatever spec, will always get in.

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just change spec. Dunno what you have as an pvp talent tree.

Aimed at Risso? But after almost 60 days play, i finally put more than 21 points into the Warlock PvP talent tree.

Moving away from DoTs and Shadow School, to Nukes and Fire school, this is entirely possible.





Needs 1 soul shard and 1 cooldown.

From a seduce, i can kill things before they get into melee range.

Fun, but think ill get bored of the disadvantages of being a plastic mage and go back to Necromancer spec soon.

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The thing is with shammies Tarj, it doesn't matter what spec you are for MC. According to guild rules, you're supposed to be resto up to Mana Tide. I specced this, but it's **** awful, as it wastes at least 10 talent points to get there. So I respecced back to 30/0/21 at rather a large cost in gold.

Still, if I go into MC it will be to drop Grace of Air and Fire Res totems. If you're resto specced it's those plus Mana Tide.

And chances of being short on shammies in MC?! About the same as being short on rogues!

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Well we have had a shadow priest and moonkin druid + feral druid the last MC's ive done, so any shammy will be allowed in when people are needed, (which is EVERYbloodytime).

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1000 dps with 0 crits!

Mon the Power infusion buff!


And **** my luck. On a Rogue. 1 crit. Relies on seduce, hence me picking a non undead to fight, and just hoping that he didnt have hsi PvP trinket equipped. Lots of level 60s dont seem to bother, and the Alliance dont have Will of the Forsaken, do they?

(and thats my last imba combo screenie, i swear!)

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Nayson, if you find another UI which works with Blizzards Ctra, let me know...

My new UI with its amazing mods, didnt work with ctra :bang: :evil: :evil: :cry:

And ctra is kind of important to me :roll:

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The game felt weird last night. 100's of people looking for pugs. I did a LFG for UBRS, and immediately had a load of whispers from people I'd never heard of before, all below L60. Going to stick to guild and mates runs I think. A lot of our new relics seem to drop in BRD, so I fancy that.

And can I just give a big shout at to young Sam. I was grinding those bloody Silithus venoms for the new bracers, and managed to agro two scorpions and a striker while at half health, and lo and behold, young Sam appears from nowhere to save the day!

It's great we've got another priest in the group, he's dead useful now!

Hurrah for me....i'm great !!


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