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Shit. Just realised Sunday is mothers day.

And i signed up for Onyxia and Moltern Core.

Reckon they will mind if i take my old dear out for a meal instead?

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Shit. Just realised Sunday is mothers day.

And i signed up for Onyxia and Moltern Core.

Reckon they will mind if i take my old dear out for a meal instead?

Just get your mom to sit and watch you play. :winkold:

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^^Thats harsh, not all Warriors are drawn to hit shackles like that idiot, and we were trying 5 man without a Mage, it was always gonna be difficult.

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We would have made it easiley with a warrior and lock who actually knew SOMETHING. In the boss fight the warrior hit my shackle 6 times! Might be a counting error, as i think they get immune after 5, but anyway WTF?

And that bloody lock couldnt control his pet for **** all.

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Yeah for the first time ever (and ive done Scholo at least a dozen times) a summoner unleashed about 100 skeletons and pulled every mob in the second room. I've never wiped so quick in my life, and still don't quite know how it happened.

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Succubus shouldnt pull aggro. They are completely invisible until a Lock decides he doesnt want them to be invisible any more (or she gets done by some AOE).

Same as the imp. In fact, the imp is completely immune to all forms of damage and cannot pull aggro either (phase shift) unless the Lock decides to bring him into the fight. Its only really the Voidwalker and Felhunter who can aggro mobs.

Sounds like you got the group from hell.

Anyway: Engineering is coming along. Explosive Sheep, anyone?

Will anyone be on tonight? I got in from work last night, and no one was online. Ill be home tonight at about half midnight (hopefully)

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Will be on about same time mate.

Am going to wet ex work colleagues baby's head in Stab City tonight,

so if we make it out alive....

Engineering rules.


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What use is a succubus if he doesn't even seduce anyway?* We want Imp for Blood Pact!

*Actually Nayson, don't answer that, it was rhetorical!

10% more damage if he has put 30 points into Demomology.

Left you a dead Nayson in Orgrimmar to dance on tonight. Gamon didnt get him, hellfire did!

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This game is getting worse and worse, I only come on now through a sense of duty.

Meh, at least I killed Razorgore


Be great when the expansion comes out though Dan. Having an entire new continent to explore as a death dealing lvl 60-70 Rogue will be great fun I would imagine.

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Yeah, it will. It'll be interesting to see where guilds go from there, will they all try to level together? Will there be level requirements for the nwwer instances?

10% more damage if he has put 30 points into Demomology.

Don't bring him into this.

Also, I love the idea of leaving a corpse in Orgri when you log. I always wondered what that dead Tauren was doing outside the inn, it only clicked yesterday that it was your alt. And Gamon, level ?? I can't get my head around that one!

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