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I renewed my sub but won't buy MoP just yet. I rolled a new char on Kazzak just to experience some of the talent system changes and stuff. If I stick about I'll pick it up but I'm constantly cancelling and re-subbing...

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I've not re-subbed back yet, but does the cross realm offer better world pvp? I see a few people moaning about people zoning in and out.

Sorry, only just seen this question.

It's safe to say the whole game has gone World PvP mental the last few days (including the later zones). And as Pandaria is set to continue the trend, I think the PvP community will be happy.

Check out the player corpses...



What add-ons are you using? I like that layout.

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So people are already level 90. Took them about 3-5 hours depending on what way they did it. Fs from Ravencrest was the first, but has been rolled back to 87 along with most of the people using the same "exploit".

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Everyone on my server seems to leave the Alliance and quest side by side. Me and my mate were killing people on sight. I know people want to get on with quests, but it's a PvP server ffs.

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Yeah, when Cata came out, there was a virtual unspoken truce on my server...which pissed me off, cuz it was a PVP server, and everyone was out of the cities finally, questing. I ignored the truce... 8)

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This really brought a smile to my face. Another Dark Souls reference, in homage to Sif. It really seems like every developer in the world is in awe of what From Software created. Great to see :D


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Yeah, when Cata came out, there was a virtual unspoken truce on my server...which pissed me off, cuz it was a PVP server, and everyone was out of the cities finally, questing. I ignored the truce... 8)

I remember the attempts to get a truce going on in Blackrock Mountain back in Vanilla. Some of the best times ever, especially when your 40 man BWL raid bumped into a 5 man Alliance group doing Blackrock Depths. :lol:

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Yeah, when Cata came out, there was a virtual unspoken truce on my server...which pissed me off, cuz it was a PVP server, and everyone was out of the cities finally, questing. I ignored the truce... 8)

I remember the attempts to get a truce going on in Blackrock Mountain back in Vanilla. Some of the best times ever, especially when your 40 man BWL raid bumped into a 5 man Alliance group doing Blackrock Depths. :lol:

I remember the tossers in the Dashers decreeing that no alliance was to be touched in Blackrock on the way to a raid. Boring bastards.

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Just reached level 90 the other night and finished all the zone questing so thought i'd give my thoughts. Cata for me was a disappointment and although it sort of felt like that expansion which drastically needed to bring the old world into this decade I just thought Blizz made a lot of mistakes and learned a harsh lesson from it. With MoP, basically they haven't **** around and the result is pretty incredible. Seriously, they've gone in big time with this one, the development/design/attention to detail is phenomenal.


I'm actually quite stunned, because like many old players they simply aren't going to be able to re-live the golden age of Burning Crusade, which for loads of us was the best period of gaming, ever. They've not tried to emulate TBC's successes or anything though, the expansion is really, really forward thinking and genuinely brings the MMO into now.

Firstly the story, it's by far the best Blizz have ever produced. From the starting zone of Jade Forest right to the insect infested Dread Wastes, the horde/alliance completely at each others' throats. I didn't remotely get bored once. The Chen Stormstout storyline is fantastic and, I'll sound stupid saying this :P but really quite emotional. The difference in NPC detail/graphics is as good as anything. The Hozen tribe are absolutely hilarious. You really need to see these guys to believe them. The humour is as good as anything, particularly the Valley of Four Winds zone which is pretty much entirely humour/popular culture based.


It's a nice shift, after the end of world in Cataclysm to the peaceful, serenic envirnoment of Pandaria and the battle against the Sha, the negative energy. The zone feels really magical and moving, the new character designs, particularly the forest spirits are quite Studio Ghibli-ish, keeping with the Eastern theme. There's awesome cut scenes, tons and tons of voice acting, huge world pvp bosses with over 100 million health, requiring more than 40 people to take down. Wow's really, really alive at the moment.


Yak Wash :D

Honestly, if you're someone who's bothered by the fact that there's pandas and you wasn't bothered by the fact that there were space goats with Russian accents and incredibly poor lore introduced in TBC or the ability to play panda/bear like creatures in other mmo's, then i wouldn't let it put you off. Content wise, idea-wise, dungeon mechanics, music (check out the inn music, its brilliant) its as good as anything they've ever produced in my opinion. Whether you've just got to that part in life when WoW just doesn't do anything for you, then I doubt this'll change much, but if you were put off by Cata, I'd really, really recommend this, just to see the remarkable transformation.


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Nice mini review.

Worth mentioning Scenarios too, for me they have been one of the best things introduced, and have a 90% hit rate regarding content.

Also a fan of the way the some of the higher level gear has to be attained. No more sitting around in the cities waiting for the Dungeon Finder to pop, you can still rely entirely on drops from Heroics of course, but because of the various rep pre-requisites people are encouraged to get out and quest. A big plus in my eyes.

And yes, the new areas do look rather splendid. The NPC's are such a vast improvement, and just slam home how dated some of the older playable races are looking. I'm really looking forward to the new character models now.

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The main thing that puts me off about WoW is the utter retards that make up 99.99% of the player base. Doing anything at all that required me to form a group just set my teeth on edge.

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For some bizarre reason, a load of my old mates re-rolled alliance classes this expansion and haven't had too much chance yet to check out the scenarios. I did the arena type one, which was pretty interesting. I'm still a bit confused about the concept of them, but I do like the fact you can jump into an area with two other mates, not worry about needing a tank or healer and just have a laugh and tactically, getting some of the achievements seems pretty challenging. If you're up for doing any Si, any time, give me a shout :)

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World of Warcraft cities hacked

Hackers have massacred all the virtual characters in some of online adventure game World of Warcraft's major cities.

They appear to have created a character able to destroy those of other players and those controlled by the game.

Game creator Blizzard Activision has appealed for information, but added: "This exploit has already been hot-fixed, so it should not be repeatable."

More than 10 million subscribers play World of Warcraft (WoW), almost half are believed to be in China.

Numbers had dipped from a peak of 12 million in 2010 to 9.1 million at the beginning of 2012, but have swelled since the release at the end of September of an expansion called the Mists of Pandaria.

Writing in an online forum, Blizzard said it was taking the action "very seriously".

"Earlier today, certain realms were affected by an in-game exploit, resulting in the deaths of player characters and non-player characters in some of the major cities," wrote a representative going by the name of Nethaera, on Sunday.

Olivia Grace, contributing editor of website WoW Insider, said: "It was a significant hack.

"They discovered a method to roll a level-one [beginner] character, which ran to the major cities.

"We don't know exactly what they did, but somehow they were able to kill every single player's character in that city and every single computer controlled character - and they were doing this repeatedly."

Ms Grace said she believed the same hackers had attacked WoW before but not to this extent, with characters being destroyed again after "reincarnation" as is normal within the confines of the game.


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