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I don't want to be dual though, I do just want to heal. I am a girl - I don't like melee! :lol:

It's handy when levelling up though. I was a healer for three years as a shaman, then changed to melee when WOTLK came out. As a shaman, it's great to be able be all three classes (ie caster, healer and melee) and do them well.

One thing though Laura, if you're in dungeons and raids, healers get ALL the blame when things go wrong, so as a sensitive sort, you may want to bear that in mind!

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I don't want to be dual though, I do just want to heal. I am a girl - I don't like melee! :lol:

It's handy when levelling up though. I was a healer for three years as a shaman, then changed to melee when WOTLK came out. As a shaman, it's great to be able be all three classes (ie caster, healer and melee) and do them well.

One thing though Laura, if you're in dungeons and raids, healers get ALL the blame when things go wrong, so as a sensitive sort, you may want to bear that in mind!

Not necessarily. Just blame it on the tank. :P

"Zomg, you noob tank. You aren't even def capped..."

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I don't want to be dual though, I do just want to heal. I am a girl - I don't like melee! :lol:

It's handy when levelling up though. I was a healer for three years as a shaman, then changed to melee when WOTLK came out. As a shaman, it's great to be able be all three classes (ie caster, healer and melee) and do them well.

One thing though Laura, if you're in dungeons and raids, healers get ALL the blame when things go wrong, so as a sensitive sort, you may want to bear that in mind!

Does 'as a sensitive sort' mean woman...? *Growls*

I had thought of that, it'll be guild raiding mostly though - they are a friendly bunch, also includes my boyfriend and his dad, so I should hope they won't be too punishing :)

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I had thought of that, it'll be guild raiding mostly though - they are a friendly bunch, also includes my boyfriend and his dad, so I should hope they won't be too punishing :)

You wish. Firstly, at your current rate of levelling, your priest won't be ready for raids until some point in the year 2,234, and secondly, even if it was, when people die in raids, they will blame you and call you names. It's the law!

Actually, being a girl would have saved you, as all the WoW geeks would have harboured secret desires to see your lady parts and then gone easy on you, but seeing as you're going out with Trim, they'll resent you even more! ;)

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I think I'll level much quicker now knowing what to do, where to go and more importantly, that you don't need to make your character look 'cute' - Oh the time I spent in the AH looking for things that were pretty... My /played 17 days, is probably mostly messing around.

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I had grand visions of leveling a priest to do that sorta thing off the Thandol Span (or whatever the bridge between the highlands and wetlands is) (note, this was back in the back when hordies used to bother hunting down alliance in menethil on a fairly regular basis)

- because as fun as ganking someone is, nothing beats keeping them alive and making them decide whether they drown or spend 5 mins swimming back to land, only for you to do it again...

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I finally quit, I've been meaning to for weeks. A couple of years of raiding 5 nights a week, and not enjoying it at all over the last 6 months or so, but persisting simply because it's part of my routine.

Despite knowing it's a good time to quit, it was still difficult giving away my huge pile of gold, I earned that.

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I had grand visions of leveling a priest to do that sorta thing off the Thandol Span (or whatever the bridge between the highlands and wetlands is) (note, this was back in the back when hordies used to bother hunting down alliance in menethil on a fairly regular basis)

- because as fun as ganking someone is, nothing beats keeping them alive and making them decide whether they drown or spend 5 mins swimming back to land, only for you to do it again...

I dont think the Horde ever really went there. Certainly not in great numbers anyway (and we were on the same server for several years!). If you wanted some mind control ganking, the best place outside of Blackrock Mountain was at the top of The Great Lift on the border between The Barrens and Thousand Needles. A very busy place with lowbies. I got some people with my Priest there. :twisted:

I still wish the game was like it was at level 60 though. Not exactly the same game, but kept some of the same principles. Mostly, no flying mounts and no shared central city. It was awesome when Orgrimmar was the capital of the world. It was fun to go to Ironforge. You could waste entire evenings with shit like that. Defending the XR is something I never got bored of too. It must have been the single most raided place in the game before TBC launched. You rarely went more than a quarter of an hour between Alliance attacks on it. Given that you could do the Orgrimmar bank roof to casting a trinketed Soul Fire at the Alliancer within 90 seconds (including running to the flight master) I took it upon myself to be the champion of the XR. I dread to think how many people I set on fire there.

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Rolling a Priest as secondary, any advice?

(Please, laymans terms people. I might play WoW but I don't understand the 'speak')

Shadow. Wand. Win.


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I had grand visions of leveling a priest to do that sorta thing off the Thandol Span (or whatever the bridge between the highlands and wetlands is) (note, this was back in the back when hordies used to bother hunting down alliance in menethil on a fairly regular basis)

- because as fun as ganking someone is, nothing beats keeping them alive and making them decide whether they drown or spend 5 mins swimming back to land, only for you to do it again...

I dont think the Horde ever really went there. Certainly not in great numbers anyway (and we were on the same server for several years!). If you wanted some mind control ganking, the best place outside of Blackrock Mountain was at the top of The Great Lift on the border between The Barrens and Thousand Needles. A very busy place with lowbies. I got some people with my Priest there. :twisted:

I still wish the game was like it was at level 60 though. Not exactly the same game, but kept some of the same principles. Mostly, no flying mounts and no shared central city. It was awesome when Orgrimmar was the capital of the world. It was fun to go to Ironforge. You could waste entire evenings with shit like that. Defending the XR is something I never got bored of too. It must have been the single most raided place in the game before TBC launched. You rarely went more than a quarter of an hour between Alliance attacks on it. Given that you could do the Orgrimmar bank roof to casting a trinketed Soul Fire at the Alliancer within 90 seconds (including running to the flight master) I took it upon myself to be the champion of the XR. I dread to think how many people I set on fire there.

Agreed mate, I had most of my HK's in Blackrock Mountain/XR in Vanilla. I really still don't like the idea of 'Sanctuary' cities, it seems to go against the basic principles of the game.

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I had grand visions of leveling a priest to do that sorta thing off the Thandol Span (or whatever the bridge between the highlands and wetlands is) (note, this was back in the back when hordies used to bother hunting down alliance in menethil on a fairly regular basis)

- because as fun as ganking someone is, nothing beats keeping them alive and making them decide whether they drown or spend 5 mins swimming back to land, only for you to do it again...

I dont think the Horde ever really went there. Certainly not in great numbers anyway (and we were on the same server for several years!). If you wanted some mind control ganking, the best place outside of Blackrock Mountain was at the top of The Great Lift on the border between The Barrens and Thousand Needles. A very busy place with lowbies. I got some people with my Priest there. :twisted:

Ye i remember if an alliance MCd any of us we'd always take it upon ourselves to make the most of being able to kill one of our mates. I think at one point dots used to stay on too, I think I remember Risso deperately trying to heal himself in time after an MC wore off (to no avail) :nod:

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Can't keep up the pace with a raiding schedule. I haven't raided in two weeks now and even in that time you start to fall behind.

Whilst I was raiding though, I managed to get some good gear for Thorozin and now have two pieces of the t-10 set. I could be even more geared up if I played every day and if I had been raiding the past two weeks. Plus I stopped playing for a while before I went back to WoW. Shame really as I like having good gear. :D

It takes a lot of time though... :(

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This is easily the best geared my main toons (DK and Mage) have been and it's all down to the DF coupled with the emblem system. I think it's (DF) easily the best thing Blizz have implemented. Especially for casual players such as myself who used to hate hanging about waiting for groups to be sorted out, only for someone to drop out at the last minute.

I wonder if they will extend it to 10 man instances?

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I think it will only work for ten mans if they are not much more of a step up from the dungeons. Most guilded players will be locked in, so wont take part in that.

Having said that some ten mans have been pretty easy this expansion (naxx, crusader). Start of icc is easy too- but it ramps up past the first 4.

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