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World PvP in WoW during those first 6 months or so were the best times ever. Still remember my first kill with Sie and Nayson in Silverpine outside Shadowfang Keep


I remember after we done that, we ran like **** before he ressed.

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World PvP in WoW during those first 6 months or so were the best times ever. Still remember my first kill with Sie and Nayson in Silverpine outside Shadowfang Keep


I remember after we done that, we ran like **** before he ressed.

Didnt he kill me and you about ten minutes later? I remember ressing at the graveyard near Scarlet Monastery and then running like **** for Undercity.

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Remember Demonology the Hunter? He beat the shit out of me one time, for ages. When TRL got revenge on him about six months later. Oh, sweet revenge.

I remember him camping me and you one time and then eventually a lvl 60 horde came along and pwned him. Cracking times.

Oh, and can you remember the name of that annoying horde bastard levelling at roughly the same time? Splatter?

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Remember Demonology the Hunter? He beat the shit out of me one time, for ages. When TRL got revenge on him about six months later. Oh, sweet revenge.

I remember him camping me and you one time and then eventually a lvl 60 horde came along and pwned him. Cracking times.

Oh, and can you remember the name of that annoying horde bastard levelling at roughly the same time? Splatter?

In Thousand Needles where at levl 30 or so, he had the best sword in the game!!!!!

Ikails (I think that was his name) was a little prick too. He was like a bad smell when I played a rogue.

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You cant be great at PVP if you get a kick ouf of ganking newbies.

You can't lose. Yea, it might be fun pissing them off the first time...but i would soon get bored of wasting my time.

Being a PvP diva or winning isn't the point when kicking the shit out of lowbies.

Laughing at the expense of others is. And it never got old.

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Splatter was an Orc Warrior.

There was a Rogue too. Ikails or something. When we were doing ten man UBRS runs for the tier 0 chest we always seemed to have two rogues in the group, one time we killed Drakki and the rogue chest dropped and Ikails and Dan both wanted it. Ikails unequipped the tier 0 chest he already had and equipped a green one before rolling on it.

Dan had already clocked this though, he even told Ikails that he had screenshots of him in a Tier 0 chest at every single boss fight from that run.

Remember how every melee class "had to" leave UBRS after the rend fight too?

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You cant be great at PVP if you get a kick ouf of ganking newbies.

You can't lose. Yea, it might be fun pissing them off the first time...but i would soon get bored of wasting my time.

Common misconception. Its up there with no Manchester United fans live in Manchester.

Camping lowbies is great fun. Its even better if they log out and get their main to "teach you a lesson" and you kill their main too. Happened several times to me. :)

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Reading through the thread. Jan 2006. Page 120. World PvP :D

*Most satisfying moment on the game alert*

Was out grinding shards in Winterspring, for which i dont use a pet, but a talent where you kill your Voidwalker for some nice healing. A 30 minute long buff, where i get about 30 health per second ticking up, even in combat.

Use it to minimise shard grinding downtime. The Warlock thing of Stamina > Intelligence is because we turn our stamina into mana, with a spell called Life Tap. With Stamina constantly ticking up from the buff, and lifetap, you can keep yourself with full health and mana quite easily, so there is very little downtime.

Also, for a bit of fun, its quite easy to fight two things at the same time, juggling aggro with use of fear. It really can break the grind of constant same old-same old fight/drink/fight/drink/fight/drink (etc)

Anyway, im doing this on the Owlbeasts, yetis and bears in Winterspring. I like fighting the Owlbeasts and yetis, cos the Undead racial of cannibalise means more free heals and free mana. Couple that with skinnable bears, and its actually quite a fun grind. So, just killed an owlbeast, still fighting a bear, and i get a *CONCUSSIVE SHOT* and this stupid little boar comes in to try and kill me. Boar is deathcoiled, then feared while he is running off from the death coil. Then im off like a shot. The hunter (level 58, dwarf) is after me, and so is the bear. I have no mana, half health, a Polar Bear add, and as far as the hunter is concerned, no pet. How could he and his little boar not kill me?

So, i just jeep running. The health is ticking, and im lifetapping. Drop the healthstone i always carry to get back to full health, lifetap some more to get the mana back up. The add turns back to to his spawn, and its just me the Hunter and his silly little boar, who ive managed to put the Curse of Doom and Corruption on. The boar has about 4000 damage in the post, and is being chain feared while these dots are taking effect. (Seriously Bicks, whats the point in those boars? Ok, they can do a slight "boar charge" Stun effect, but they cant actually do any serious damage, can they?)

Now i dont know how to play Hunter, but ive got a couple of DoTs on him and im still running, and he is still chasing me, while my health is ticking up, and the Boar is about to explode. Seems he doesnt know how to play Hunter either, cos he isnt actually hurting me. No hunters mark on me either. I do keep getting with that viper shot which takes mana off me, Serpent Sting (which is a DoT, isnt it?) but my health really isnt going down from the voidwalker buff and the fact that he isnt really hitting me with big damage, and his mana is dropping. For some reason, he keeps spamming multi-shot (why??) and im still running. Then the curse of doom kills his boar and ive been running for so long my death coil has nearly cooled down. Oh, and my health is still ticking up. Suddenly ive got as much health as he has, a nice bit of mana, and his pet is at the great big pigsty in the sky (as opposed to the pigsty in Bordesley Green) should i turn around and chase him?

Course i **** should! Death Coil (120 second cooldown, and already used once in this fight!) is ready, so i spin around, hit him with that, and take his keyboard off him with fear.

Killing the bastard from that was a sweet sweet moment. Id actually pay **** money to have seen his face or heard what he had to say on the back of that. I really really would. He should have nailed me before i even saw where he was. Damn, killing him was the best thing ive done on WoW so far. I think its moments like that which truly seperate this game from any other.

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I'm reading through the same part of the WoW thread too Nays.

Man, we all sure had some pointless arguments. I'm howling at just how much venom I used to have for Perfect Dark X.

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I'm pretty sure that Evildans ambition was to corpse camp a lvl 1. I'm pretty sure he did it too.

I did. I went to the dwarf spawning area, where they had to kill L1 and L2 wolves. I ran around in ghost wolf form, until I got a bite. I then camped him for ages. The funny thing was, lots of other L1s thought they could gang up on me, with the end result that I had a good half hour of chasing after them and killing them. Then obviously the L60s turned up, at which I did the heroic thing and legged it.

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