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Seriously, you had better be playing on a PvE server or you will just get ganked repeatedly for a name as awful as that.

I think you might struggle to get a pickup group too, as most people will just assume you are a 12 year old kid.

Ganked on sight indeed :D

Could be worse though, he could be a Male Nelf Hunter called xxhuntererpwnxx

Lol, you lot are funny

I played at the very highest level in Guild Wars for the best part of three years in one of the top ten/twenty PVP guilds with a PVP character called OoBozzyoO, was a pretty standard naming convention in GW. I had a few characters - Bozzy, xBozzyx, oBozzyo - and my PVe characters were all the same only with "Patro" instead of Bozzy. people ignore the x's and o's becasue they understand the convention, I was just Bozzy or Patro - obviously WoW is different. lol. How else can I create multiple characters and be recognised for who I am?? if I called each character something completely different no-one would know who i was when they faced me or saw me on "GWTV".....

Tbh, anyone wants to gank me they''re more than welcome - although this character is on a PVE server so i dont know how that works

but hey, when in Rome and all that - i guess I can start a new character called something gay like "David Farstrider", or "Arthur Goldigger" ...... and just pray I dont bump into anyone I knew when playing GW ....

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You're safe on a PvE server. Basically, on PvP servers, members of the oposite faction are pretty much allowed to gank whoever and whenever the like, and it goes on a lot. But on PvE servers, you need to activate your PvP, in order to take part in ganking (and/or be ganked). Its generaly easier to level on PvE servers.

The naming system in WoW is differnt from any other game Ive played, you simply can just stick random crap on your name. There are some well known WoW players with kiddy names, Bloodx and Lolflay for example, but they are timmid in comparison to yours :P

My first char was called Ravi, from then on I named my various alts Ravioli, Raviloli, Ravine (female char) etc. In general though, people name their alts comprletly different names. Ive also got a Scalpz (arg the dreaded z!), Indornia, Fallenindra and Esreiel. You really should jsut take our advise and start a new char with a different name now, it will save you a few quid in teh future when you go and pay for a name change. You can get many varioations of Bozzy without having to add in kisses. Boozy, Bozz, Bozzie etc. Keep trying with differnet ones till it finds one thats not been used. After you are known enough on your realm with your main char, people will be a bit more forgiving with the variations of the name you use, and you could maybe get away with Bozzyx etc. for your alts.

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Hmm, I need to come up with a new gaming name then, as Patro is taken also ..... I'll think of something

need to make a new character anyway, as I got carried away making this one and forgot that all my characters are blond females ....

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Why would anyone roll a huntard?!

Such a boring class and so easy to play. I mean really, you could go and have breakfast and a shower with auto-shoot on. It's just dull.....

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Why would anyone roll a huntard?!

Such a boring class and so easy to play. I mean really, you could go and have breakfast and a shower with auto-shoot on. It's just dull.....

Wrong, that's jsut how bad Hunters play.

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Why would anyone roll a huntard?!

Such a boring class and so easy to play. I mean really, you could go and have breakfast and a shower with auto-shoot on. It's just dull.....

Well, as Im a total WoW nub I dont know, I just started this class because in GW I played a ranger, possibly the most difficult class to play technically in that game

Well, easy to play, and lots of nubcakes play it, but close to impossible to play well :-)

So, I started a Troll hunter called "Clairity"and after 45 mins wondering around the deserty place with the cactii I'm level 5 ......

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Well, after a few hours playing this, I think its unlikely I'm going to upgrade to a full account

Its like Guild Wars: Scrubs Edition

I dont think I've ever done anything less challenging. Quite possibly the worst AI I've ever come across, complete and total lack of tactical/strategic aspects. The very worst of hack and slash... Whats the point?

Why would anyone do this for thousands of hours?

Oh well, maybe I'm missing something,will give it a few days and we'll see, but as things stand I think I'd rather start a new GW character tbh

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I loved levelling up at the time, getting from L30 to L40 was a real acheivement back then, especially when you did it around Tarren Mill, which was ganky as hell in those days. Nays is right though, it's the end game when WoW comes into its own. If you can get into a decent guild and/or play with your mates, it can be the most fun ever. We were lucky enough to combine the two, and had at least 6 VTers in the same guild at one point, which made things like downing Nefarian in BWL all the more fun. Even if lock gear dropped all the time, and shaman gear hardly ever!

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I can't honetly remember the 1-20 level grind in GW being any harder :?

You needed to think a little, even at early levels,especially if playing solo. What happens if I aggro this patrol will this patrol also come and get me? Also, having only 8 skills to choose from is a skill in itself - I can really have six skill bars of what, 12 skills?

Seems in WoW I can stand on a hill, pick one enemy out below, ping him and then him and only him charges towards me .... whatever happened to mob aggro?

Playing anything other than solo they might as well just hand over the quest reward .....

Still, I can pick flowers which is a bonus

I've heard the endgame is good, but I cant see me grinding 80 levels of this to get to it. At least in guild wars grinding to the top level and elite maps was considerably less than a weeks work

Oh well,was worth a try i guess

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Seems in WoW I can stand on a hill, pick one enemy out below, ping him and then him and only him charges towards me .... whatever happened to mob aggro?

Nothing at all. Social mobs are everywhere in WoW.

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Its teh same in WoW. Hunters tend to be chosen by alot of kids and people with downs, which gives them a bad reputation, but the class is one of the most difficult to play/master.

Difficult to master?! Come on.....

I take it you have a Hunter.....

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Well I uninstalled

maybe its me. I had got bored with GW which is why i wasnt playing it any more and WoW ultimately appears to be a version of Guild Wars for people who dont want to have to think too hard about their gaming (maybe more of a social thing rather than a game to push you?) so just not for me. Even in GW I only did PVE for unlocks and to deck my character out so she looked hot, guess i'm just not the PVE type really

Still at least I know now what my kid is on about a little more than I did

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