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Terokkar Forest is horse shit. Got absolutely nothing to day with the fact my PC lags whenever I go near Shattrath... :|

I've heard Nagrand is good, I'm 6 bars off 65. Seriously thinking about re-specing to a Frost/Arcane Mage when I'm 70, my Fire Mage is hopeless in 1v1s/PVP.

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ice lance at 66. Go full frost when you ding. Shatter, ice shards, winters chill and empowered frostbolt and you can get a 65% chance to crit a frozen target before you even start counting gear. It will probably be over 85% even in average quest stuff. More if you use molten armour (and why wouldnt you?) Throw an elemental into that for the two extra (ranged) frost novas per cooldown and you really are on easy street. 0.0.61 is perfectly viable as a build, though id go 2.0.59 for anything other than a pure arena build. It really is a case of 15 filler points in arcane before you hit improved CS. I like improved blizzard for battlegrounds too much for that. I love the top of the frost tree for pve. I never did try 0.5.56 impact/full frost for battlegrounds, though its is so anti melee i probably should have. Arcane or Fire for raiding though.

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OK here it is, the low down on Vileeh the Word Removed and his exit stage left from the guild.

Firstly though, for Tarj, a bit of background.

Vileeh, as has already been established, was the biggest clearing in the woods in the guild, and the most irritating twunt I've ever played with. His application on the guild forum looked pretty good to be fair, and his gear was certainly pretty good, so why was he such an utter dick I hear you ask?

Firstly, if you can imagine the "I know everything about every class there is-ness" of Gulthrak and Viskahn combined, with any shred of friendliness removed, and timesd by 1,000, you're still someway short of Vileeh. The fact that he was invariably wrong didn't help matters either. So if you like your triallists posting on every single class board telling people what to spec, and how to play, he was your man. As he was if you wanted a running critique of your performance in any raid.

Second, he looooooved to spam guild chat. And then some. Most people if they wanted to type something like "Oh great, they nerfed windfury, thanks a lot Blizzard." would do just type that, not Vileeh, oh no. He'd type:

Oh Great.

They nerfed


Thanks a



So reading anything in guild chat meant an awful lot of scrolling through Vileeh's opinions spread over many lines. And he had AN AWFUL LOT of opinions. On every class, as we've already seen. Imagine Webzu's trade spam, replicated in guild chat, but concerning every last detail of every hunter ability, and you get the idea. Any request to turn it down was met with a terse request to "put me on ignore then!" Many people did.

Thirdly: Had this touching obsession with his brother, a completely useless Warrior by the name of Sileeh (see what they did there?!). This obsession included trying to ninja epics in MC and ZG for him, and trying to get him in on any raid going, when he was totally **** useless.

So anyway, we cut to today.

I'd logged on to do a little bit of PvPing, and as I did, Sie alerted me in VT chat that Vileeh had been rubbing Rubberducker up the wrong way. Sensing the possibility of some agro, I took the little **** off ignore, and watched the show.

Sie was awesome. He started by saying that he wanted the full Warlord set, but wasn't sure if he could be arsed grinding BG's for it all, and I said I agreed, it was a bit of a ballache.

Then our friend chimes in with "Well, you'll find most people have some items already" to which Sie replied with the immortal:

"Yeah, sad **** with nothing to do all day but sit in BG's grinding honor."

Let's take a second to ingest the genius of that line. Doesn't name Vileeh directly, but the inference is there clearly, surely our hero can't help but bite?!

Oh, bite he did!

Vileeh: "Oh, a sad **** am I now Eis?"

Sie: "Didn't say anything about you at all!"

Me (sensing blood): "Vileeh, you should remember you're still on trial, stop being such an idiot and try and get on with people"

Rubberducker: "Why don't you punch the wall again"

Vileeh: "Sie, why don't you come round to my house and I'll punch your face!"

And that dear reader, was the line that effectively sealed his Dashers fate.

Engorge threatened him that any more of that and he'd be out, but twas too late. Vileeh let rip telling us what he thought about the guild, that he'd joined to raid, that we were shit at PvP, and that nobody knew anything about anything.

And with that he was gone, last seen spamming general chat with his observations on how they'd buffed Savage Bite or some other such nonsense.

Sie, take a bow, you sir are a genius!

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Still reading through this thread again. Up to Feb 2007. :)

Whats the longest you have ever camped someone for?

I was just finishing off a quest and i saw a 69 dwarf priest nearby. Thought nothing of it.

Farily low on mana, though not low on health and i get mind blast > silence > VT > VE > Fear and im running about like a loon. Dots ticking.

The cheeky bastard has buffed himself to high heaven including fear ward, prayer of shadow protection, shadowform, had a shield up and everything. He absorbed one fear, resisted two more and a deathcoil. Just when i thought i was about to die my Unstable Affliction crit the cheeky word removed for over 4.5k. I won.

Ive now been camping him for about an hour. Ill continue to do so until he logs, takes sickness or the server shuts down. Ive not got to get up in the morning.

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OK here it is, the low down on Vileeh the Word Removed and his exit stage left from the guild.

Firstly though, for Tarj, a bit of background.

Vileeh, as has already been established, was the biggest clearing in the woods in the guild, and the most irritating twunt I've ever played with. His application on the guild forum looked pretty good to be fair, and his gear was certainly pretty good, so why was he such an utter dick I hear you ask?

Firstly, if you can imagine the "I know everything about every class there is-ness" of Gulthrak and Viskahn combined, with any shred of friendliness removed, and timesd by 1,000, you're still someway short of Vileeh. The fact that he was invariably wrong didn't help matters either. So if you like your triallists posting on every single class board telling people what to spec, and how to play, he was your man. As he was if you wanted a running critique of your performance in any raid.

Second, he looooooved to spam guild chat. And then some. Most people if they wanted to type something like "Oh great, they nerfed windfury, thanks a lot Blizzard." would do just type that, not Vileeh, oh no. He'd type:

Oh Great.

They nerfed


Thanks a



So reading anything in guild chat meant an awful lot of scrolling through Vileeh's opinions spread over many lines. And he had AN AWFUL LOT of opinions. On every class, as we've already seen. Imagine Webzu's trade spam, replicated in guild chat, but concerning every last detail of every hunter ability, and you get the idea. Any request to turn it down was met with a terse request to "put me on ignore then!" Many people did.

Thirdly: Had this touching obsession with his brother, a completely useless Warrior by the name of Sileeh (see what they did there?!). This obsession included trying to ninja epics in MC and ZG for him, and trying to get him in on any raid going, when he was totally **** useless.

So anyway, we cut to today.

I'd logged on to do a little bit of PvPing, and as I did, Sie alerted me in VT chat that Vileeh had been rubbing Rubberducker up the wrong way. Sensing the possibility of some agro, I took the little **** off ignore, and watched the show.

Sie was awesome. He started by saying that he wanted the full Warlord set, but wasn't sure if he could be arsed grinding BG's for it all, and I said I agreed, it was a bit of a ballache.

Then our friend chimes in with "Well, you'll find most people have some items already" to which Sie replied with the immortal:

"Yeah, sad **** with nothing to do all day but sit in BG's grinding honor."

Let's take a second to ingest the genius of that line. Doesn't name Vileeh directly, but the inference is there clearly, surely our hero can't help but bite?!

Oh, bite he did!

Vileeh: "Oh, a sad **** am I now Eis?"

Sie: "Didn't say anything about you at all!"

Me (sensing blood): "Vileeh, you should remember you're still on trial, stop being such an idiot and try and get on with people"

Rubberducker: "Why don't you punch the wall again"

Vileeh: "Sie, why don't you come round to my house and I'll punch your face!"

And that dear reader, was the line that effectively sealed his Dashers fate.

Engorge threatened him that any more of that and he'd be out, but twas too late. Vileeh let rip telling us what he thought about the guild, that he'd joined to raid, that we were shit at PvP, and that nobody knew anything about anything.

And with that he was gone, last seen spamming general chat with his observations on how they'd buffed Savage Bite or some other such nonsense.

Sie, take a bow, you sir are a genius!

Haha, remember that well. One thing I definitely do not miss at all about WoW are the mental Europeans for whom the game was the most important thing in the world.

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Risso, i was thinking about your dad while having a piss today. How about that?

I'll be sure to pass on your regards! Strangely enough, there's a picture of him on the Chiltern Railways website opening the new toilet building.

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His name is on a plaque which is in the eyeline of people pissing in said new toilets too. I think technically its a signature to some kind of "these toilets are cleaned hourly" notice or something, but the point still stands.


They have had to make a bigger sign that the new gents is in a different place though. There is some kind of "witty" remark about it on the sign they had there yesterday actually. People must still keep walking in there assuming it is the gents, as it had been since 1899. Either that or there are some dirty perverts who are using the new lavs as an excuse to get a sneaky look at female commuters having a piss.

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www.wowhead.com is a hundred times better. I think its still the only Blizzard approved reference site that they dont have any direct involvement in. (assuming they own www.wowdb.com , which i think they do)

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Need to create a new account but don't have a bloody key to make one! The key that came with the game has already been used so it looks like I'll have to go out a buy a new copy of the game.

Sucks really. :( Wanted to start playing tonight.

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