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Crack on to 70.

BWL/AQ40/Naxx gear would last you until 68-70 if you have set bonuses, enchants and the like, but i dont think its worth forming a level 60 raiding guild to get it. ;)

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You should try fighting Rogues as a Warlock Limpid. ;)

Locks are good fun to play as. Certainly in terms of solo play where you have so many options on how to approach a situation that pretty much anything is possible. Very good at fighting elites, and capable of taking out large groups of enemies all at once. They are a very pre emptive class though, you are best served to decide what you are going to do before you do it. If that sounds stupid, ill compare a Warlock to a Mage which is a very reactive class, you can just fly by the seat of your pants with a Mage. You have a few very nice panic buttons on very short cooldowns. I guess its like a stun>hots>travel form combo as a Druid. You dont really get those kind of escape buttons as a Lock. Granted, you might not need them as often as you have more options on how to approach something in the first place.

So Warlocks are a blast when you are in fights that you can keep a firm grip on. They suck when that control is taken away from them (hence the terrible struggle against a Rogue for example) they are strong versus casters and healers, they arent so hot against melee. Easy to play? Well, isnt every class in WoW?

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To be honest, i found my mage to be quite durable when i was questing. Admittedly you should find things a lot easier two years into a game as the basic mechanics are printed in your memory but even in the gung - ho "only collect gear with spell crit and/or intellect" Fire spec phase, my only real worry while soloing was being ganked.

Cone of Cold, Frost Nova and Blink ftw. I dread to think how many hitpoints Blink is worth. If Mages didnt have it, id think you would want to stick two or three thousand health on a level 70 toon.

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I've recently rolled a lock on Deathwing (and a hunter) and it lept to 47 in about a month. Its fun - and a powerful, self sufficient leveller. Certainly I think understanding the game mechanics as the rev said - the lock seems to be about selfmanagement mroe than other classes - any solo play fight is a balance of tanking with the voidwalker whilst balalcing the sta and int so you can do what you want to do.

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You should try fighting Rogues as a Warlock Limpid. ;)

Easy, I never have any trouble with them. Healthstone + Vial of the Sunwell (wtf on a lock lol?) and Voidwalker sacrifice. Gives me enough time to kill them.

Same for warriors. Just wait for the berserker rage to run out, kite them if you can. Curse of Exhaustion is good here. The healthstone+VotS+Voidwalker will give you enough time to down them.

I really don't see what the big problem with them is.

In other news I've rolled a warrior again. God it's awful levelling compared to a Warlock. So gear dependent.

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I think you can only do that to a Rogue you outgear, or to one who wont blow his cooldowns because he is "only" fighting a Lock. Im also talking one on one.

If a Rogue wants to **** with you though, he can. You are mega **** if he is Shadowstep spec. CS > nuke > KS > nuke some more > CloS > Vanish > Premed > Garotte > nuke > good luck if you are still alive now. He will have 5 combo points on you again btw.

Ditto Warriors. "Just wait for the berserker rage to run out, kite them if you can. Curse of Exhaustion is good here" is one of those classic things that is much easier said than done. :mrgreen:

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Well I rolled a lock, albiet a scummy human one (on a diff server with some mate), and had so much fun. Rev, what professions do you recommend? I was thinking of Tailoring & enchanting, also what is the best talent build, is Affliction the way to go?

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I never bother with professions. I just grab skinning and enchanting so I can level them up easily and make a bit of cash too.

For leveling I'd say affliction. Your Voidwalker can tank several mobs whilst you dot them up and /dance.

I'm affliction at 70 as well, but it's entirely up to you/what you feel comfortable with. Most people will say SL/SL but I tried it and it's boring as hell.

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Juju asked the same questions last month. :lol:

Ill say learn tailoring. Its very useful in the 40's, its very very useful at 70.

Affliction is the way to go. Soon you will be able to so more damage than your Voidwalker can tank. Its best not to worry about that and tank stuff yourself using your pet (imp) as a source of damage.

I would go with something like this at level 30. Finish Nightfall, take Grim Reach and Improved Lifetap at 35. 5/5 Shadow mastery towards 40, then Dark Pact at 41 leaving you with something like this .

Corruption, Siphon Life and Drain Life should do the trick if you leave the Imp on defensive. Throw in Curse of Agony if you need more damage. You shouldnt need Immolate, its a mana dump. Use fear if you want, but drain the feared mob. Always hit Drain Soul (rank 1. No need for any other) as the mob dies. You get 15% of your mana back when that happens, its a key feature of the playstyle. As you get to 40 you should make the green shadoweave set which is raw spellpower. Improved Drain soul and Dark Pact will take care of your mana issues, drain life, siphon life and blood pact will take care of your stamina issues leaving you to focus on nothing but damage. The more damage you have, the less mana you need to kill stuff and the more efficient you will be. If you feel brave you can dot up multiple mobs with the instants and run like ****. This is a lot easier when you have 2/2 improved howl of terror.

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My other report from the forums is to quote a post. Namely "Dr.Tailgunners Bel Air class experement"


Hello, I am Dr. Tailgunner, recently, I have run a series of tests in the class forums to determine which can focus and perceive things the most. Which can spot out little details while others miss it. These tests have been categorized by the 9 world of warcraft tests.

I have gone to every class forum and written an expansive document on why that class is "Overpowered". I wrote persuasive lengthy arguments on why the class is "fine" and people should already be 2.2k rated on them (mostly referring to 2v2). However, at the end of these posts, I put the theme song for the widely known TV show "Fresh Prince of Bel Air". More commonly known as Bel-Airing. I was trying to find which classes could spot it, and which took more time.

Here are the results.

Druid- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=8765611765&sid=1

Rogue- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=8765743238&sid=1

Hunter- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=8765640019&sid=1

Shaman- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=8765639988&sid=1&pageNo=1

Mage- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=8765639998&sid=1&pageNo=1

Warlock- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=8765611752&sid=1&pageNo=1

Paladin- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=8765639994&sid=1&pageNo=1

Warrior- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=8765743223&sid=1

Priest- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=8765612246&sid=1

Personal Notes:

Rogues- Many rogues missed this detail and continued to argue against me without reading the entire post. Other classes spotted it first in the Rogue forums.

Druids- Many druids fell for it, the first person to spot it was a Restoration Druid, however, many feral/balance druids posted about how the "OP is a retard"

Warriors- I am disappointed in the warriors, it took 7 or 8 posts to realize that they were in fact, being bel aird.

Mages- Suprisingly, many mages fell for this, as a mage, you must have quick reflexes and be very focused. Shockingly, many stopped at the "How to Kill Chart" and continued to flame me.

Hunters- A very few amount of hunters fell for this, I posted for the hunter forum on my warlock whose ratings aren't as good as my hunters. This may have been a part of it. Only 1 or few hunters did not read the bel air part.

Paladins- Paladins noticed this quite early and there weren't very many who missed this. Even though I posted early in the morning, the Paladins noticed this.

Shamans- The shamans noticed this, and even though the thread received many views, it did not receive many posts. The shamans did not fall for the bel air as easily, but they did not do as well as the Paladins, Hunters, or Warlocks.

Priests- The Priests did about as well as the Shamans did, but they were more "into" the topic and posted much more.

Warlocks- Very few Warlocks fell for this, they found the Bel Air at the end. They did quite well.

Thats good trolling!

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I'm happy doing BRD for the rest of the week, theres 2 drops I still need.

Oh by the way, you MUST post your 1337 crits on this thread.


Also, Panther Boss pwnage


Dunno why, but im reading through the thread. First 1337 crit so far.

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