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How to find your wanted socketable gems in the AH

All non BoP socketable gems are named in a particular two-part pattern:

Where represents a name that defines what stats the gem have and represents the quality of the item. Rare quality gems gives more of each stat than uncommon quality gems. So for and example a Brilliant Dawnstone is a yellow gem that gives a high amount of intellect while a Brilliant Golden Draenite gives less intellect. To find the gem you want I suggest searching for the part of the name - depending on what socket and stats you are looking for - and just use the quality selector on the AH UI to specify what amount of the desired stats you want (and how much gold you are willing to spend).

Below is an overview of the different gem names and stats parts you can find. I have only listed BoE gems that is uncommon or better.

Meta Gems

Gem Name: Earthstorm Diamond, Skyfire Diamond (both rare)

All meta gems have different stats combinations.

Red Gems

Gem Name: Living Ruby (rare), Blood Garnet (uncommon)


- Bold = Strength

- Bright = Attack Power

- Delicate = Agility

- Flashing = Parry Rating

- Runed = Spell Damage

- Subtle = Dodge Rating

- Teardrop = Healing

Yellow Gems

Gem Name: Dawnstone (rare), Golden Draenite (uncommon)


- Brilliant = Intellect

- Gleaming = Spell Critical Rating

- Rigid = Hit Rating

- Smooth = Critical Strike Rating

- Thick = Defense Rating

Blue Gems

Gem Name: Star of Elune (rare), Azure Moonstone (uncommon)


- Lustrous = Mana per 5 second

- Solid = Stamina

- Sparkling = Spirit

- Stormy = Spell Penetration

Orange Gems (Fit Yellow and Red Sockets)

Gem Name: Noble Topaz (rare), Flame Spessarite (uncommon)


- Glinting = Hit Rating and Agility

- Inscribed = Critical Strike and Strength

- Luminous = Healing Spells and Intellect

- Potent = Spell Critical and Spell Damage

Greem Gems (Fit Yellow and Blue Sockets)

Gem Name: Talasite (rare), Deep Peridot (uncommon)


- Dazzling = Intellect and Mana per 5 seconds

- Enduring = Defense and Stamina

- Jagged = Critical Strike and Stamina

- Radiant = Spell Critical and Spell Penetration

Purple Gems (Fit Red and Blue Sockets)

Gem Name: Nightseye (rare), Shadow Draenite (uncommon)


- Glowing = Spell Damage and Stamina

- Royal = Healing Spells and Mana per 5 seconds

- Shifting = Agility and Stamina

- Sovereign = Strength and Stamina

Source: wowhead

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Ill be the second one.

Thats barely an upgrade from decent blue/karazhan purple.

Hopefully a lot of stuff will get made better in the next patch when guilds like Nilihum cant go into a raid with 903 different potions, flasks and elixirs on each raid member. I remain convinced that consumables are what a lot of raid bosses are balanced around at the moment and as a result, the gear they drop is kinda crap. As someone pointed out on the elitist jerks website:

For some easy numerical illustration, I made a set of CTProfiles profiles for my own class, since that's what I'm familiar with, comparing gear progression in full Tier 1 or equivalent (MC and 20-mans), full Tier 2 (BWL and first-half AQ), and full Tier 3 (pre-Sapp/Kel).

Here are the key values:

Tier 1 Gear: 4450hp, 6085mana, 251 spirit, 365 +healing, 58 mana/5

Tier 2 Gear: 4250hp, 6700mana, 244 spirit, 567 +healing, 73 mana/5

Tier 3 Gear: 4610hp, 6970mana, 123 spirit (lol), 1008 +healing, 109 mana/5

+healing does less for mana conservation than it once did due to downranking changes, but it still can be more or less converted into some equivalent amount of mana regen since where +healing shines is generally in maximizing healing/mana rather than healing/time. There isn't a boss out there that puts out enough damage to require max-rank spam, so whether the +healing means downranking or fewer heals cast per minute, there is a mana savings. Based on the HealPoints and itemization formulas, I'm going to say that 6 +healing = 1 mana/5 for easy approximations.

Using that conversion ratio, we're left with the following:

Tier1: 119 mana/5

Tier2: 167 mana/5

Tier3: 277 mana/5

Unsurprisingly, tier 3 is a large step above the rest. That's good. Now, how do consumables fit into the picture? For a healer, let's assume the following non-exotic consumables:

Nightfin Soup = 8 mana/5

Mageblood Potion = 12 mana/5

Brilliant Mana Oil = 12 mana/5 and 25 +healing = 16 mana/5

Major Mana Potions = 1800 mana every 2 minutes = 75 mana/5 (!!)

Dark/Demonic Runes = 1200 mana every 2 minutes = 50 mana/5

Assuming all of the above used, I get a net benefit of 161 mana/5.

That is larger than the gap between mixed tier 1 with suboptimal enchants (no ZG enchants, etc.) and fully-enchanted optimal tier 3 gear.

Thats on a shaman, but you get the point. And thats with the cheap, easy to get, dont-need-to-be-sponsored-by-the-guildbank consumable buffs.

Alchemy should be nice to have, not need to have. Used in the way that most of us probably use it. Maybe a flask on the healers and tanks, then a dps elixir on bossfights for warlocks, mages, rogues. A buff, not a game breaker.

While it remains game breaking (ie until 2.1.0) then high end guilds are gonna use these buffs to beat content. Nilihum didnt farm BWL to beat AQ40, they didnt farm AQ40 to beat Naxx. They used pots. Blizzard saw this and made gear progression a bit shit in TBC. Not really an issue if you were only ever going to blitz through a raid, kill something once for a world first and move on for the next world first attempt, but it is a bastard for us mere mortals who just want to go into an instance with a bit of gear that we hope drops because its uber.

I dont think there is a heart of hakkar, or a chromatically tempered sword or a staff of dominance type of drop in TBC as of yet. Everything is nice, dont get me wrong, but the gear isnt really a motivation to raid anymore and we are seeing that first hand.

check this link to Kara gear for example. side grades to 5 man gear at best.

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The pistol looks cool though at least. I know what you mean about loot-an epic cloak dropped off trash, and initially I was like WOW that will be great for grinding, and then I realised I had a blue in the bank that was pretty much the same level. I like Kara though- one of the best instances so far for me.

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