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What utter **** bad luck in BM!

First time just went a bit shit, as we had Gul on adds and I missed him dying.

2nd time was going great, until Megami (mage) got a bugged mob that chased him miles from us and meant we wiped. 3rd time was going even better. I started each new rift lord on full mana, had all my cooldowns ready for 2nd boss, and Gulthrak's dad turns his bloody internet off!

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canceled my subscription.

Im bored at the moment. The game has lost everything fun about it. Cant seem to figure out where to go with it.

All i want to do is get a few 5 mans and its virtually impossible to get a group for anything. Anything i do get a group for its always for shit that ive finished with.

I cant join pugs because im a Warlock and people dont want Warlocks for the harder instances, they want Mages.

I cant join Dasher groups because we only ever have on person who can tank online and if he isnt in a group with his close mates then he is levelling an alt and waiting for the rest of us to catch up with him to do Heroics only we cant do Heroics because we cant get the rep in 5 mans because there is never a balanced group available for those of us outside of a little golden circle to get in on.

I want to improve my Lock, and i cant. Ive hit the brick wall.

I cant get any new gear because i cannot get a group to go anywhere. I can do level 65 instances with level 65 people for shit that wont upgrade me. I seem to be forever doing the same stuff i did 2 weeks ago. Thats not progress, its stagnation.

I cant see the point in getting an epic mount because every time i use a regular mount my pet dies. Its easier just to use my Dreadsteed.

I cant spec PvP because ill spend all my time getting nailed by Rogues with that stupid **** cloak while i chalk up defeat after defeat in pickups.

I cant get excited about a 10 man instance being the focus of a guild with as many members as we have when it comes to raiding. There is too much exclusion.

So, for the first time in a long time i have absolutely nothing to aim at. If ive got nothing to aim at, whats the point?

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Now thats an overreaction to being ganked if ever I saw one ;)

I give it a week :P

All i want to do is get a few 5 mans and its virtually impossible to get a group for anything. Anything i do get a group for its always for shit that ive finished with.

I cant join pugs because im a Warlock and people dont want Warlocks for the harder instances, they want Mages.

Tank Healer Rogue Mage Random? imo Locks are best for the last spot in a party, soulstones and healthstones, and many mobs where the only form of CC is enslave/banish

I cant join Dasher groups because we only ever have on person who can tank online and if he isnt in a group with his close mates then he is levelling an alt and waiting for the rest of us to catch up with him to do Heroics only we cant do Heroics because we cant get the rep in 5 mans because there is never a balanced group available for those of us outside of a little golden circle to get in on.

There will only be one maybe 2 "Dasher runs" at any given time, if youre not on one of those, you'll have to pug it, or semi pug it. I know loads of people from outside the Dashers who I instance with, people from Surge, Section 8, Blackrock Mining Co, Mist and ex Dashers also. Seriously just sit in shattrath and every 5 seconds theres someone yelling LF1M DPS Botanica. If youre scared to pug it, you won't gear up at all, hardly any of my instances were in full Dasher runs. For instance, when I had the other week off I was living in Black Morass, me and sam would group up, ask in guild first for more, if we still werent filled we'd get pugs, I think we cleared BM twice in one morning. Sometimes you have to be proactive and start the group yourself.

I seem to be forever doing the same stuff i did 2 weeks ago. Thats not progress, its stagnation.

2 weeks of stagnation, ZOMG! prior to Xmas we had 2 months of stagnation and you still played then, and we had 0 new content then too.

I cant see the point in getting an epic mount because every time i use a regular mount my pet dies. Its easier just to use my Dreadsteed.

The Devs have said theyll fix this, so why don't you quest and get the money to afford a super mount?

I cant spec PvP because ill spend all my time getting nailed by Rogues with that stupid **** cloak while i chalk up defeat after defeat in pickups.

lol, just lol, the idea of a warlock whining about pvp is laughable. Oh noes, a rogue can resist my spells for a few seconds, I can't pvp ever again!

Arenas are great fun, get yourself a team and start in there, I'm pve spec and die alot but its still a good laugh.

I cant get excited about a 10 man instance being the focus of a guild with as many members as we have when it comes to raiding.

Yes karazhan is the sole focus of the guild and we can't do much else until we kill the last boss in there, as that opens up the 25 mans, so why not turn up for it? Yes you might have to alternate with the other Lock like I do with the other rogues but its not that big a deal.

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Canceling doesnt work like that. You buy time in advance and canceling just means you arent buying any more time. I can still play until April, and i probably still will. No doubt you will see me online tomorrow and on monday. But i stand by everything i said, its just going stale. If it remains impossible to get a pickup if you cant sap/sheep/tank/heal and people in the guild arent interested in making groups outside of their immediate circle of friends then what does that leave? PvP where the Arena has made cloth classes the first thing targeted and instantly killed or raiding where we have about 30 or 40 regular raiders competing for 10 spots?

I know im one of the lucky few who can get into Karazahn whenever i want and its only me giving up a spot which will allow other Locks into the place, but i dont want to be put in the position where im deciding who can have a fun night raiding and who cannot. I could just about live with doing it every week when we had 40 spots but with just 10 people who deserve to get a spot end up disappointed. Im sure you get put in the same situation there Dan. Its not a nice thing to have to do. Im sure people who read this who play classes which arent likely to be rotated in there (Mage, Shaman spring to mind instantly) will have little or no chance to see the inside of the place to any degree. The glory days of BWL are well behind us now and thats what i want again. A time when we were all buzzing, when we all had a common goal and this thread was alive with shared experiences of the night before's raid or what what we hoped would happen in the next one. Im not getting that ganking Alliance in Netherstorm while waiting for that five man that never seems to happen and i dont think ill get it if we spend the next six weeks excluding people from Karazahn.

So im not paying for for anymore time beyond April yet. I hope that the spark will come back and i can continue lining Blizzards pockets but unless we become a group again and not a bunch of individuals, i wont be.

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At last! BM cleared, Kara key got!

A truly awesome pug. Me as only healer, drood tank, fury warrior on adds, rogue and lock. On 1st go, big lag spike and me and tank dc on 2nd boss, thought it was going to be one of those days!

2nd go, not a single death, hardly dropped below 80% mana all instance.

Then at end, lock says:


I got my WoW mojo back!

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How the hell did you keep a druid tank up on the second boss? Druids don't block/parry the debuffs like warriors can.

note for Nayson, Rissok PUGGED it...Theres 2 types of PUGs, ones with unguilded noobs that you know wont follow instructions, or PUGs with people from Mist for example; with people that know what theyre doing.

I got asked to go Shattered Halls the other day, the pulls in there are insane, but we absolutely pissed it, the tank was the main tank from AFGM, and the healer was from Trial and Error and was a shammy with over 100mp5 on his gear. We did the place in about an hour, 0 wipes. Ilike us all in tier 2 going to Scholomance. Just shows what good gear and knowing what youre doing can do.

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How the hell did you keep a druid tank up on the second boss? Druids don't block/parry the debuffs like warriors can.

Piece of piss. Timed bloodlust to use on the boss, which gives 40 seconds of super dps and more importantly, super quick heals. My healing wave crits for over 6K now, so keeping him up wasn't that hard. Like you said, everyone in the pug knew what they were doing. The warrior took the adds down double quick, so as soon as the rift lords were dead, I had a bit of time to drink.

Got an uber healing trinket as well, has a chance of giving 320 haste to healing spells for 6 seconds, seems to proc quite often too.

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First Kara try tonight, looks like a fun instance. Got the first boss down, and was given that shit epic elemental shammy ring. Might be going back tomorrow night as well, as got on well with the Fury RL.

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But i stand by everything i said, its just going stale. If it remains impossible to get a pickup if you cant sap/sheep/tank/heal and people in the guild arent interested in making groups outside of their immediate circle of friends then what does that leave?

I'm in the same spot, Rev.

Guild has its favourites and getting a group was next to impossible. I spammed guild chat for a group to Durnholde for 2 weeks. Got lots of promises but they were usually doing other instances.

Then the GM - one who promised me a run as he hadn't done it yet - takes his favourites along with him to that very instance even while I was spamming LFG in guild chat. Seriously close to /gquit.

The upside is that other guildies are getting the shits too. Managed to make a group for Durnholde with a few "fringe" guildies and we aced it with a pug priest from a good guild. And this with a level 68 fury warrior as tank.

We decided to do BM, tank and healer left and we picked up a druid and a pally as healer along with a Lock, rogue and myself (Melee shaman).

Wiped on last boss only because the druid ran in to tank while the pally was still drinking and I got timestopped and couldnt heal. 2nd run it was all too easy. Pally healing, druid tanking, rogue DPS on the riftlords. I just tagged the mobs in between DPS on the riftlords and the lock feared and dotted them. Worked an absolute charm. Didnt even bother using the beacons - just bloodlust, shamanistic rage and trinket on bosses.

The good news? My GM and his favourites wiped in BM and still havent done it.

So the moral of the story? I will be pugging it more often. It's hit and miss but if you get people who know what they are doing it's good fun. Those who I group with that are good I put on my friends list. Outside that, I may look for a guild that actually wants to instance with it's members - regardless of class.

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I got asked to go Shattered Halls the other day, the pulls in there are insane, but we absolutely pissed it, the tank was the main tank from AFGM, and the healer was from Trial and Error and was a shammy with over 100mp5 on his gear. We did the place in about an hour, 0 wipes. Ilike us all in tier 2 going to Scholomance. Just shows what good gear and knowing what youre doing can do.

Me, Sam, Trl, Fluffy and Frostbaal just flew though it.

No one even died i think? Group DPS regularly above 1500 on the bigger pulls (Seed and Cone of Cold may have helped somewhat there) 3 bosses, 4 blues. All sharded. For a 'tough' instance, the loot really is quite shit.

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I got asked to go Shattered Halls the other day, the pulls in there are insane, but we absolutely pissed it, the tank was the main tank from AFGM, and the healer was from Trial and Error and was a shammy with over 100mp5 on his gear. We did the place in about an hour, 0 wipes. Ilike us all in tier 2 going to Scholomance. Just shows what good gear and knowing what youre doing can do.

Me, Sam, Trl, Fluffy and Frostbaal just flew though it.

No one even died i think? Group DPS regularly above 1500 on the bigger pulls (Seed and Cone of Cold may have helped somewhat there) 3 bosses, 4 blues. All sharded. For a 'tough' instance, the loot really is quite shit.

Most fun i've had in ages last night.bar none.

Will be doing much more of it.

need to get Limpid levelled next weekend so 5mans galore.

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Expires: 03/03/2007 14:24:26 UTC

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I threw a right strop in the middle of a joint guild raid yesterday ( an old instance- ZG- I know easy)---

Basically the raid leader wouldnt let me maintank. My response "Im 3 levels higher than the warrior with roughly twice as good gear, if I can't tank here then I never will"- I must admit I then went all out to steal aggro and started kiting all the mobs around yelling that I had aggro and the warrior best get it back.

Childish I know and it annoyed a lot of people but hey it was an easy run and I made my point. Still the attitude has made me go back to holy spec I think. I was top of the damage charts as well on that run due to a combination of lazy mages and using bombs every 5 seconds.

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