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Nah. Locks AOE has always been harder hitting than Mages, since day one and thats unlikely to change.

Mage AOE is better though. Its all instants, or if its channeled (like Blizzard) it comes with a debuff to stop or at least slow down the interupts.

Interupts on channeled spells are a real ****. You pay your mana up front (and AOE can cost 1600 mana plus for me) and then stand there unable to move while it channels. If someone hits you while you are channeling it reduces the time you are doing damage but you still pay the mana. If you move while channeling it breaks completely but you still pay the mana. If you get kicked/bashed/silenced/counterpelled it breaks but you still pay the mana. With a mage its all instant and therefore its highly likely to hurt more. Mages will always be the kings of AOE.

Look after a Warlock while he is doing some AOE though and well, you just saw the results in that video.

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How can you do heroic instances? Do everyone in the group need a key, or is it enough with one person? Anyway, i will probably be online tonight if anyone fancy arcatraz or whatever.

And another question. Inner Focus the priest spell says; "When activated reduces the mana cost of your next spell by 100% and increases critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect."

Does that critical percentage just stack? If you got 15% crit to holy spells already, does that mean next spell has a 40% chance for a critical effect?


if your next spell has a 15% chance to crit, you get an additional 25% of that effect. 3.75 + 15 = 18.75 % chance to crit?

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did a 5 man Botanica today with Shack, Lierox, Sam and Arcasis. We were all on vent, was just like the olden days, shack telling us to focus, me yelling for heals etc etc. More of the same in Karazhan Sunday plx

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The more AOE you have, the easier the Black Morass is. Its these melee **** that ruin it for us!

And the Steam Vault? Thats the first time ive ever done a 5 man and not one drop has been for any of the classes inside the instance.

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2 Black Morass's, an Arcatraz and 2 Botanicas today, and 6 things i needed from those places, none of them dropped!

You say melee are useless in BM, Blizz must have thought up the sick joke of having the rogue set piece drop from the last boss in there. I wouldn't mind if it dropped off the first boss, because on most wipe attempts its reset and he's killed again! Its not somewhere you can pug easily, no-one wants rogues in there, you can't go AFK, its a nightmare to farm.

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Stop all crying about respeccing godamnit

Not directing this at anyone but if ur a healing class and not restro ur pretty much the only guys stoppin gus from attempting karazhan atm.


Was actually a bit put out about this at the time.

Healers are stopping people going to Kar? As somebody mentioned in thread,healers are notoriously slow to lvl at the best of times,never mind without any help from 'power levellers' who are being stopped from instancing


once they are 70, i think its fair, i think all our warriors, except ossi whos taking a break, have speced prot so we can advance in instances, then why shouldnt the healers too? if all our healers take the piss and say "screw pve im staying pew pew grind/pvp spec" then hell, im going fury too, then we'll see how i manage to tank ><...

and yes as cali forgot to say (please dont take it too hard out on the newb ^^) this goes for the few amounts of healers thats reached 70. i dont see the reason for us to enforcing "lowbies" to spec healing, thereby slowing down their lvling, which in the end would mean we would have to wait alot longer...

I think the last sentence takes the piss,quite frankly.Who said they wouldn't respec? Who 'cried' about it (nice and mature comment).We have what,4,active priests atm? And last time I looked me,Trl and Cait were all disc/holy or holy specced.

Whinge over.

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So after 2 instance runs and getting **** all, i did a Botanica run... and guess what...

paladin loot there aswell. Amazing. Really. Amazing.

Seems to be loads dropping atm,certainly way out of proportion to the population anywhere near using it.Seeing plate with mp/5 on it is still wierd to me.

Loot seed ftl?

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The more AOE you have, the easier the Black Morass is. Its these melee **** that ruin it for us!

And the Steam Vault? Thats the first time ive ever done a 5 man and not one drop has been for any of the classes inside the instance.

Enjoyed both instances though Nays, even though the Steam Vault frankly took the piss with the loot. Both places without a single death, and that was with a L68 and 69 in tow.

But an ex L69 by the way! Yes, Risso Power Levelling Services Inc finally dragged my sorry arse over the finish line, wheezing and gasping like Jimmy Saville after the London Marathon! And after buying my mount and L70 spells, I have about 8G left, so I'll be tapping up Tarj form some of the gold I've lent him over the years!

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Paladins. Is there an easier kill when they are on their own?

Just managed to seperate a Paladin from his group (he was healing a Hunter who was ganking at the ring of blood)

Killed him the first time when i had an ogre attacking me. He must have died quite near the graveyard because i hadnt killed the Ogre when he ressed and used his Hammer of Justice on me. Dispel the Hammer (certainly the best thing about being a pet class, you can do stuff when you are stunned) AOE fear sent the paladin running. Curse of tongues. Dots. Drain. Wait to see that "holy light" bar start where his name is and hit spell lock. Dead Paladin. Killed him four times like this, with my mana getting lower and lower with every kill and that **** Ogre beating on me before he didnt res instantly. When someone who has been ressing instantly all of a sudden stops, i guess its time to mount up and **** off. And sure enough, just as i got on my mount the Hunter and Warlock who must have wondered why their healer was dying so much turned up, just in time to see me flying away!

Do Paladins really rely on Hammer of Justice so much? Its useless against an Warlock with a Felhunter to the point where its probably a waste of mana. I can dispel it while the Paladin is still waiting on his global cooldown. Surely there has to be an alternative strategy that Stun > Stun > Bubble? Just trying to use the same moves in the same order against whatever class you are fighting is a surefire way to get a kicking when you meet someone who has the answers to your attacks?

Anyway, if you see Lync, 70 Paladin of Resurrected, be safe in the knowledge that he isnt just on my kill list. He is on my kill and camp list. :hooray:

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Stop all crying about respeccing godamnit

Not directing this at anyone but if ur a healing class and not restro ur pretty much the only guys stoppin gus from attempting karazhan atm.


Was actually a bit put out about this at the time.

Healers are stopping people going to Kar? As somebody mentioned in thread,healers are notoriously slow to lvl at the best of times,never mind without any help from 'power levellers' who are being stopped from instancing


once they are 70, i think its fair, i think all our warriors, except ossi whos taking a break, have speced prot so we can advance in instances, then why shouldnt the healers too? if all our healers take the piss and say "screw pve im staying pew pew grind/pvp spec" then hell, im going fury too, then we'll see how i manage to tank ><...

and yes as cali forgot to say (please dont take it too hard out on the newb ^^) this goes for the few amounts of healers thats reached 70. i dont see the reason for us to enforcing "lowbies" to spec healing, thereby slowing down their lvling, which in the end would mean we would have to wait alot longer...

I think the last sentence takes the piss,quite frankly.Who said they wouldn't respec? Who 'cried' about it (nice and mature comment).We have what,4,active priests atm? And last time I looked me,Trl and Cait were all disc/holy or holy specced.

Whinge over.

Yeah, i thought about respeccing shadow after that BS, just to piss em off. clearings in the woods.

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there is a lot of paladin plate- Im not sure if theres too much but its in response to problems pre bc. A lot of raid pallys found they had to wear cloth for plus healing/ plus int and I think everyone can agree that paladins shouldnt be wearing cloth, its not what the class is about. The second problem is with any plate thats purely plus defence, or plus str. Imagine having a warrior and a pally in the grp- most people arent going to be happy witha need roll on that from a pally.

I respecced to prot (tank spec) the other day and the amount ofpeople moaning that I cant tank is amazing. I generally be quiet- then on the first run make sure to point out that I have aggro all the time. BC has made it possible for druids and pallys to tank not just warriors and its a change that was needed in my opinion.

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Yes, it says hits.

Anyway, tanking.

I think Warriors should be the best tanks. The 5 mans we are doing at the minute are irrelevant and yes, Druids and Paladins should have the option to tank. But for a Druid and Paladin tanking is just something else they can do. For a Warrior, tanking is what they are. You may not have noticed it yourself as a rival tank, but Warriors really got the shitty end of the stick from 60-70. I dont know why anyone would chose a Warrior over a Druid to tank anything in the Coilfang Reservoir or Auchindoun instances. That must be really shit if you play as a Warrior. You just got made redundant.

It seems to be turning around somewhat at 70. Warriors are looking good again, and they seem to be the best option to take into Tempest Keep. Same as Priests reverting to the best healers at 70 ( <3 PoM) Warriors are getting their identity back.

I think when guilds start doing regular 25 man runs, 95% of maintanks will be Warriors. It should be this way. Druids and Paladins will probably offer up a lot of use as offtanks, and there may well be be specialist bosses where a Druid or Paladin has to tank (like Jindo the Hexxer) but still everything should point to the guy who will be tanking Illidan at the sharp end of the the game being a Warrior. Its what they were born to do and they should be the best in the business at it.

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