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So beta, test realms is pointless?

It is a reason why people are pissed about it, and its well reasoned. Right now the healing community agrees with druids beeing main healers. Only reason priests are actually beeing brought in endgame dungeons is buffing.

No they are not pointless. Click here to find out why.

They're called test realms for a reason. The WoW community currently thinks they are "Definitive BC Content Sneak Peak Realms".

Just wait and see instead of getting all worked up and flaming people.

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I dont understand why there is no wand.

Its not as if 33% of the classes can equip it, is it?

Lots of nice hunter gear though! I mean, if any class needed upgrading it was huntards!

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The stuff we were talking about on Vent.

Acolyte the first decent alternative to Necrosis ive found. It does all the same stuff that you want, but isnt a bloated piece of memory hogging software.

Loot Alert fits in with Scrolling Combat Text. Just counts stuff you loot so you know how big your stacks are.

Outfitter for Fubar

SW Stats and SW Stats for Fubar which is a nice Damage Meter.


Some very nice Fubar plugins here. Some rogue shit for poisons. Some Priest shit for MP5. Worth a quick look at.

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Lots of nice hunter gear though! I mean, if any class needed upgrading it was huntards!

Too true. Ask the ?? rouge who jumped me last night. I laughed for ages when my pet solo'd him as I kited around :-)

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Well I'm proud to say I three shotted a hunter in AV last night. Opened with a 1296 Froooooost Shoooock crit to slow him down a bit, then followed up with a 1506 chain lightning crit, and finished him off with a 1313 earthshock crit, and a nice lol to send him to the grave!

Of course it's only small recompense for all the aimed, multi and arcane shot crits that I've suffered at the hands of those bastards, but it still felt good!

I was 4th overall in damage in one AV last night, even though my killing blows were miles behind everybody else. Some Lock though had done over 250K damage and had double the killing blows of the nearest contender. It must be quite satisfying to offload some nice dots and watch the damage just tick away nicely!

My main satisfaction in AV at the moment is having a loan warrior charge me, and knowing that without a shadow of a doubt that he is going to die and I'm not, even if he's the bestest most skilled warrior in the history of forever. Of course that's counterbalanced by the sheer panic of having a lone anything else attack me, but that's by the by!

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I love Warriors at the moment too.

Its great that you give them exactly what they want (a cloth wearer who is willing to stand toe to toe with them) and still end up nailing them.

Cloth tanks ftw.

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Turns out i missed the boat on an MC PUG today, read the forums and you'll see a guy kicked from the raid managed to tag a boss and ninja its loot! The rogue legs I needed dropped as did the legendary, sounds quite entertaining anyway, pity I never saw it advertised.

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Noticed while killing a mage that i got 6 honour for it? Do any of you know how the disperse (?, or some other word hehe) the honour points between healers and dps? Is it smarter to go shadow when collecting honour points then healing?

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Just had my single most satisfactory moment in WoW solo.

Entered the Arena for fun alone, and ended up facing a mage and a lock. So i was buffed with everything i had, and took my place behind one pillar. When i saw them arriving i dotted them both, and ran to the next pillar. The mage then spent 10 secs trying to get in line to cast, only to have his poly broken by my trinket, so i could dot them again. I did insta fear, flash heal flash heal, dispel and shield, then started to run again. Then i got polyed again, only the poly broke before the pyro blast went off so i could fear the mage again. This time i used DP aswell, and popped PI i think.

After running around the next pillar the mage died while i spam healed myself with Pain Supression on. The lock drained me, but i started running behind pillars again and got enough regen to fear. And so it went for awhile, but my regen was much higher so i ended up mana burning the lock until he quit at 5% life! God i laughed!


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I had something similar, I entered the arena and came up against 2 mages. I popped my cloak while dpsing the one, got a few crits and he dropped like a sack of shit. Then vanished, used prep and owned the other with cloak of shadows again. Hardly lost any health either. not on fraps :(

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Me and Trl in a PuG in Warsong Gulch vs a Kazzak Premade.

One Warlock really did seem to have it in for me. A Felguard specced Molten Core geared (lots of Felheart at least) human Lock who didnt seem to understand that with one spell (banish) i could remove a 41 point talent (Felguard) a 31 point talent (Soul Link) and another 31 point talent (Demonic Knowledge, which is worth about 120 spellpower afaik) and leave him wide open for a bit of a kicking, which he duly got. Every. Single Time.

For some reason he wouldnt let it go and continued with the Felguard > Banish > Get killed by the lock who massively outgears you about half a dozen times. It was actually quite funny in the end. What was even funnier was when our random pug beat the same guild premade 3-0.

Was making a level 1 alt on their server, running to Stormwind to find this Felguard lock and spamming /lol at him until i got a whisper saying "ignored" overstepping the mark though?

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In Booty Bay, got jumped by a ?? mage. With assistance from the guards I got the kill. :-D

I'm know lvl 48 - Does that mean no more players at level ??

Nope, think it's players 9 levels or higher, so 51. Actually there are level 70 mobs around now as well. Me and Nays ran into some L65 town guards earlier on our ganking tour as well.

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I tried to clean out an entire camp a day or two after the patch.

The FP guy has been buffed. His birds are 65 elite now, and yes, they do kick the shit out of you.

High Overlord Saurfang is 72 elite now. Click his name to see the stuff he could do at 62 elite, 20k execute crits on people with 100% life. Lord knows how hard he can hit now. I think the Alliance have an equivalent in Stormwind. Dont piss him off. ;)

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