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Id still rather have Energy than any other way of casting abilities on the entire game.

Dan, you will never know the pain of being oom waiting for someone to kill you because thats all you are good for!

CloS at the minute is very powerful. The fact that it costs...... zero energy to cast is a kick in the balls to all players who have a mana pool, but it does require a huge points investment and a playstyle to get hold of.

Putting it on a one minute cooldown, making it trainable to people who will then take the highest offensive spec they can and still have the best defensive spell vs casters on the game (its a divine shield without the attack speed penalty) is fair because Rogues only have 100 energy? Get real. The class has enough ways of reseting a fight as it is. If a Stunlock is about to end a Rogue can dispapear into thin air whether its via vanish or via restealth and come back out with 100 energy seconds later.

This resilience bullshit will only benefit the classes that don't crit, the classes that have whole talent trees that don't crit, the Lock!

Not really. It just means it will hurt you more. Crits are still and will always be better than non crits. Its just that crit chances were getting absolutely ridiculous because people could essentially double their damage by going entirely for crit chance over everything else. It was a bit of design that was getting out of hand and reislliance has nipped it in the bud.

Remember though, if you try to get resilliance gear you will be gimping yourself elsewhere. Its what the new gear mechanics are all about. Socketed items will basically enable you to give more customisability to your loot. At the moment a Bloodfang chest is a Bloodfang chest is a Bloodfang chest. The TBC equivilant will be able to be tinkered with to suit the individual players style and preferences. Tanks will be stacking resisilliance, DPS will be stacking pew pew. Its down to the player now, and its moving further from this rock - paper - scissors bullshit that people still keep talking about.

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I'm not complaining about energy or anything, I'm just justifying COS, explaining why it became trainable. Besides, don't you think its time rogues were feared by clothies again? We used to eat you alive, then you all got buffed to **** and men of the church became more feared then we did, now we've been put back where we belong, you know you'd rather be killed by an assassin then a guy in a dress, admit it!

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I dont see Rogues as assasins. I see them as thieving backstabbing gyppos. Sneaking about in the shadows, breaking and entering, picking pockets.

You guys are the pikeys of WoW!

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DrDeath :mrgreen:

The thing is Dan, there are loads of shitty rogues, but the good ones hardly need CoS to kill me. If i get stunlocked, i cant break it, unless i fortunate to wear my insignia, and thats one every 5th minute of a shedload of different stuns.

Giving skilled rogues CoS to their locker as a trainable skill, just makes it impossible to do anything against you. I cant even run, as i have no crowd control.

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I think we're all thinking a bit too much about PvP battleground style at the moment, as that's about all anybody is doing waiting for TBC.

I'm looking forward to exploring and the doing the new instances with you lot, where I don't think whether Nays or Dan can DOT or stunlock each other to death will be as meaningful. I'm hoping it isn't anyway.

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DoTs and Stunlocks are purely PvP things.

In instances and such dots suck. Their DPS is so low it means that shit has died before they have ticked once or twice. :(

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I think we're all thinking a bit too much about PvP battleground style at the moment, as that's about all anybody is doing waiting for TBC.

Exactly. And I for one am sick to death of it. Everyone in the game thinks they're an expert at the moment and its getting boring. No one really knows knows jack shit when it all comes down to it - it's all speculation. Practical application will always prove theory wrong.

And PvP discussion always fails because people never, and can't, factor in the one aspect that makes the most difference.


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Ah but Sie, when Blizzard has given us the charts on how scaling and regen will work for classes, added with what spells we got available, sureley we do have a good idea?

This is ofc. from a healing perspective.

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Nope because a scaling chart does not factor in chance, practical application, the skill of a player, the lack of skill of a player, the semi-random nature of dmg in PvP, gear, circumstance, being outnumbered, outnumbering the opponent, resist chances, where a fight takes place, who initiated the fight, what level the combatants are, etc, etc...the list of elements goes on and on.

PvP is not the black and white picture that theorycrafting paints it as. Blizzard know this. Most WoW players don't and just frustrate themselves. Players think that the numbers on paper are what count in a fight - they are flat out wrong in this assumption.

On paper, I should never be able to kill a CLoS Rogue and yet I can find myself nailing them at times, others not so.

There is a world of difference between a player having a good idea and a player simply thinking he has a good idea. Currently, players are mistaking the latter as being the former. In essence - forget about it all and just wait for TBC to arrive.

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I was never talking of PvP healing, but PvE healing. Where everyone of your witty arguements falls aways. Still people arent allowed to moan at things clearly obvious?

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I was never talking of PvP healing, but PvE healing. Where everyone of your witty arguements falls aways. Still people arent allowed to moan at things clearly obvious?

Drop the attitude please Tarj, there is no need for it.

The point of my post is that no matter how much people think they have a handle on all things Burining Crusade, they simply don't. And yes, this also includes PvE. To be able to talk about PvE healing, you also need to know what foe you will be fighting at that time, factor in their abilities etc and how that affects your ability to heal etc. We just don't know.

Raw numbers never tell the whole story so unless you know exactly how every single Burning Crusade PvE/PvP encounter is going to work, how can you be so definitive in your opinions?

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So beta, test realms is pointless?

It is a reason why people are pissed about it, and its well reasoned. Right now the healing community agrees with druids beeing main healers. Only reason priests are actually beeing brought in endgame dungeons is buffing.

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So last night I was torn between getting the HWL spellblade or the shield. I decided on the shield because although it clearly isn't a caster shield (why aren't there any btw?) the armor upgrade was just too good to pass up, as it's about 500 more than the AV shield. So today I read they're buffing the AV shield armor by 400! D'oh!

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