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OK here it is, the low down on Vileeh the Word Removed and his exit stage left from the guild.

Firstly though, for Tarj, a bit of background.

Vileeh, as has already been established, was the biggest clearing in the woods in the guild, and the most irritating twunt I've ever played with. His application on the guild forum looked pretty good to be fair, and his gear was certainly pretty good, so why was he such an utter dick I hear you ask?

Firstly, if you can imagine the "I know everything about every class there is-ness" of Gulthrak and Viskahn combined, with any shred of friendliness removed, and timesd by 1,000, you're still someway short of Vileeh. The fact that he was invariably wrong didn't help matters either. So if you like your triallists posting on every single class board telling people what to spec, and how to play, he was your man. As he was if you wanted a running critique of your performance in any raid.

Second, he looooooved to spam guild chat. And then some. Most people if they wanted to type something like "Oh great, they nerfed windfury, thanks a lot Blizzard." would do just type that, not Vileeh, oh no. He'd type:

Oh Great.

They nerfed


Thanks a



So reading anything in guild chat meant an awful lot of scrolling through Vileeh's opinions spread over many lines. And he had AN AWFUL LOT of opinions. On every class, as we've already seen. Imagine Webzu's trade spam, replicated in guild chat, but concerning every last detail of every hunter ability, and you get the idea. Any request to turn it down was met with a terse request to "put me on ignore then!" Many people did.

Thirdly: Had this touching obsession with his brother, a completely useless Warrior by the name of Sileeh (see what they did there?!). This obsession included trying to ninja epics in MC and ZG for him, and trying to get him in on any raid going, when he was totally **** useless.

So anyway, we cut to today.

I'd logged on to do a little bit of PvPing, and as I did, Sie alerted me in VT chat that Vileeh had been rubbing Rubberducker up the wrong way. Sensing the possibility of some agro, I took the little **** off ignore, and watched the show.

Sie was awesome. He started by saying that he wanted the full Warlord set, but wasn't sure if he could be arsed grinding BG's for it all, and I said I agreed, it was a bit of a ballache.

Then our friend chimes in with "Well, you'll find most people have some items already" to which Sie replied with the immortal:

"Yeah, sad **** with nothing to do all day but sit in BG's grinding honor."

Let's take a second to ingest the genius of that line. Doesn't name Vileeh directly, but the inference is there clearly, surely our hero can't help but bite?!

Oh, bite he did!

Vileeh: "Oh, a sad **** am I now Eis?"

Sie: "Didn't say anything about you at all!"

Me (sensing blood): "Vileeh, you should remember you're still on trial, stop being such an idiot and try and get on with people"

Rubberducker: "Why don't you punch the wall again"

Vileeh: "Sie, why don't you come round to my house and I'll punch your face!"

And that dear reader, was the line that effectively sealed his Dashers fate.

Engorge threatened him that any more of that and he'd be out, but twas too late. Vileeh let rip telling us what he thought about the guild, that he'd joined to raid, that we were shit at PvP, and that nobody knew anything about anything.

And with that he was gone, last seen spamming general chat with his observations on how they'd buffed Savage Bite or some other such nonsense.

Sie, take a bow, you sir are a genius!

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He was the first person to get the HW legs with the new system, because he pvped 24 hours a day since wednesday. When the pvp servers crashed, he through a hissy fit and punched a wall in his house. It sounds like he has some serious issues.

Good riddance

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Hahaha thats the stuff WoW is all about!

if you can imagine the "I know everything about every class there is-ness" of Gulthrak and Viskahn combined,

Gotta admit though, this line is **** brilliant :clap:

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Just been checking up on the questing items beeing launched in TBC. They are **** insane tbh. Level 63 GREEN staff quest reward is better then the High Warlord staff. Ah lvl 65 blue staff is probably better then anything in the game atm. even Naxx gear. Unless you do it for fun, going for High Warlord gear is fairly pointless.

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Just been checking up on the questing items beeing launched in TBC. They are **** insane tbh. Level 63 GREEN staff quest reward is better then the High Warlord staff. Ah lvl 65 blue staff is probably better then anything in the game atm. even Naxx gear. Unless you do it for fun, going for High Warlord gear is fairly pointless.

Getting High Warlord gear is a piece of piss though.

People are already starting to have enough honour for it four days after the patch. And the Battlegrounds were closed for two of those four days!

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Well the Dashers totally clear up in AB now, even against other (similarly geared) premades. I've got 42 Ab tokens, decided to go for the Shoulders, Chest and GLoves first I think.

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Ive got a feeling the Priest trees will be buffed soon. To much complaints, whine and actually re-rolling, that they can ignore it. Though i think its the holy tree, that will be buffed.

Anyway try this Sam, check how it works in AV etc. http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/files/details/2071/smartbuff/

What many players are failing to realise though is that we are all back to being unfished just like we were unfinished at level 50 when level 60 was the level cap. We cannot advance beyond it until BC and its just pissing people off even more so they're crying nerf all the more.

I think balance will be restored come the BC at level 70.

Just think back at the huge balance issues encountered when levelling up (rogues killing everything, locks being cannon fodder etc).

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What many players are failing to realise though is that we are all back to being unfished just like we were unfinished at level 50 when level 60 was the level cap. We cannot advance beyond it until BC and its just pissing people off even more so they're crying nerf all the more.

I think balance will be restored come the BC at level 70.

Just think back at the huge balance issues encountered when levelling up (rogues killing everything, locks being cannon fodder etc).

It's just that some of us feel more unfinished than others. Everyone else got lovely new spells and abilities, we got a nerf for Windfury!

And when were locks ever cannon fodder? Must have missed that part!

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Now I can kill Locks, I've really started hating Hunters. I have dodge to protect me from melee classes, I have resists to help me against casters. What damage mitigation do I have from a Hunter? Nothing, they have so many **** snares (and a big **** off pet attacking you) that its impossible to get near them once they start shooting the shit out of me. They have flares so I can't sneak up on them, scatter shot, wing clip AND traps and mail armour as well. They have a mana pool, but get all the benefits of a melee class (insane dodge, crit chance, armour). They just stand at the back shooting the shit out of everything and theres nothing we can do about it!

The only thing I can do when one starts attacking me is blow a 41 point talent on a 2 minute cooldown (to remove the dot) and then blow a reagent on a 5 minute cooldown to vanish out of sight and run away! Even thats no guarantee as its been proven hunters pets can still attack you after a vanish, I had an arcane shot hit me 2 seconds after I vanished.

In fact, have any of you 2 Locks had a rogue vanish while a bolt was flying through the air yet? It seems our vanish has gotten even worse and we can't even do that anymore.

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Done about 10 full Dasher premade AB's this afternoon, and in evry single one Tatonka has done over a 100K damage, miles clear of the next person (usually a lock).

They're just insane in BG's now, like Dan says they have just so many ways of slowing you, stopping you, poisoning you, scatter shotting you. If it's a bit of a mad zerg I make a point of picking them out now. Once you get past their pet, they're easy when you're in close. I just frost shock them to stop them legging it, then searing totem to interrupt and give them a good elemental twatting.

Haven't lost a single AB today though, got about 60 tokens now.

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Heres a composite image of 3 things, firstly, cloak of shadows proving it is only 90% spell resist. Secondly, my cheat death abosrbing an execute before the warrior dies, and thirdly, what my dodge can end up being.


This is a sexy BG result:


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Ive got a feeling the Priest trees will be buffed soon. To much complaints, whine and actually re-rolling, that they can ignore it. Though i think its the holy tree, that will be buffed.

Anyway try this Sam, check how it works in AV etc. http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/files/details/2071/smartbuff/

What many players are failing to realise though is that we are all back to being unfished just like we were unfinished at level 50 when level 60 was the level cap. We cannot advance beyond it until BC and its just pissing people off even more so they're crying nerf all the more.

I think balance will be restored come the BC at level 70.

Just think back at the huge balance issues encountered when levelling up (rogues killing everything, locks being cannon fodder etc).

According to most mates ive spoken to priests, warriors and shamans has been pretty much ignored with the new patch, and rogues, locks and hunters are buffed sky-high compared to other classes.

Tried both destro and SL lock today, and nether pact (is it?) is absoluteley silly. A class already with very high survivability and magic resistance, is buffed even more.

As it stands, druids and paladins + shammies are better healers then priests. The only thing we got going for us, is one panic button called pw:s. Hardly fair for beeing the primary healing class is it? Druids can shapeshift, innervate, deal dmg and still heal more efficient then priests :roll:

You think this will change at lvl 70? What spells and abilities will make it so? I think you will find you answer beeing none.

Earlier i thought we had gotten a fair deal out of this patch, considering the talent tree, but right now i think its pretty shite. Holy beeing pointless as its already better healers, shadow beeing PvE aimed and nerfed vs other classes (PvP), Disc beeing aimed at PvP healing once again with a 41 pointer beeing dispell-able, even though that might be our role in the game now :lol:

Anyway i might re-consider when i re-activate my account.

EDIT: Thats sounds far more dramatic then what i ment it to be :oops:

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Now I can kill Locks, I've really started hating Hunters. I have dodge to protect me from melee classes, I have resists to help me against casters. What damage mitigation do I have from a Hunter?

Welcome to the world of a dual wield shaman......

... except you insert any class where you specified "Hunter".

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And you have mail armour.

Hunters damage is mitigated by armour. You dont get 1600 autoshot crits in chain mail.

Yes, but after we've got rid of wing clip, scatter shoot, freeze trap or whatever, they've got the pet going bang-bang-bang-bang, while they aim shot us. We might last a few seconds more, but it's not much consolation!

I **** hate hunters now, and try and clearing in the woods them whenever I can. Their mail armour is no use against a nice 1800 lightning crit.

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The lot of a dual wield shammy:

No CC.

No way of breaking out of CC.

No way of getting into melee (ala charge or stealth) outside running up to the target.

A buff system that can be "dispelled" by melee or spell damage.

No supporting armour (need to steal hunter stuff).

Healing and mail, eh?

Cant heal while CC'd. Nor while taking damage unless you severely cripple your talent tree.

Mail does little for damage limitation. Granted - it's better than cloth. But I still get 2 shotted and dont have your spell range. I can use a shield, but that gimps my DPS (so 3 shotted instead of 2).

Oh, and a nerf to windfury thrown in.

The end result? We get owned by every class.

Yes - shamans QQ lots. :winkold:

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