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What are you doing now then Nays, going to join another guild? I would but until my last exam is over a week on Wednesday, I'm quite happy not to raid. If anyone's up for starting our own guild though, I really can't think of a better time to do it. We've got enough of us now that it could be really something in a month or so. get the likes of Xai in, and we'd be good to go.

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Its called HEAL NOCTUS and is still in the charter phase, getting alts in first, havent got the guts to leave the Dashers yet.

The way things are going you won't need any Dan!

If we were to leave I reckon that would be it for The Dashers. I can think of a good half a dozen people at least who'd be only too happy to jump too.

Just say we had:







TRL (we'll make him apply though!)

Then the likes of Xai, Visk, Lierox etc, that's half a TBC guild already.

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TBH, i left the Dashers for my own reasons. Not to try and take a lot of people with me, and i certainly dont expect everyone to follow me. I do think that our little group were probably as important to the guild as anybody and if we all leave it would be a real bodyblow for the Dashers.

Of course its easy for me to say that now if left, but i really dont want people to chuck it in on my account. Especially if it **** the guild over. For all my whines about it, i still love it. Im hoping that a break will make me realise how much i miss it.

Im just gonna sit tight for a few weeks. Some things in 2.01 should hold my interest, and i think thats what im going to aim for. Spellpower coefficients are going up massively to match the new stamina gear that is coming in in TBC. But the stamina gear isnt in the game yet, so there are six weeks or so where Mages, Warlocks and Shadowpriests really do have an ace up their sleeve that wont last much longer than late January time. This gives me some time to do what Warlocks do best, and PvP. Who needs to be top of the damage meters in raids when you have a Felguard, sick dots and the rank 14 weapons are probably going to take about as much work in 2.01 as getting exhalted in AV does at the moment?

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I'm not leaving yet, gonna see how this plays out. I can't raid with the Dashers, but then I can't raid in HEAL NOCTUS either. I'm pretty sure in TBC having our own guild will be ace, but until then I'm gonna hold tight, do MC with AFGM and see if they kick up a fuss, if they do, then I'm outta there.

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Well I'd leave today too Nays, but I don't want to be Billy no mates when TBC comes out. I'm really enjoying BG's at the moment, as elemental spec is just awesome. In my "PvP gear" (such as it is) I've got nearly 6000 buffed armor, 7500 mana and my chain lightning crits for nearly 1800, meaning that it also hits 2 other poor sods for 1300 and 900.

Actually starting to enjoy WSG now I've got a better idea of what's going on. If we did a few premades I've no doubt we'd whupp ass.

Anyway, what's everybody else's opinion of the current goings on. TBH I'm itching to start our own guild, and can't really see what's stopping us.

We've got the manpower, the contacts and more than enough experience between us, and the benefits would be that WE decide policy.

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I'd love to invite you guys into INM, but to be completely honest, you'd only have a handful of similarly specced guys to play with at at the moment. I know Demonolith, who is loltrollftw's TM alt has joined, and a lot of our levelling players are getting to 60 or so, but other than providing a teamspeak server and a forum, you'd be joining a guild hell bent on levelling at the moment.

Still, if you want to have a look, register at www.inm-guild.org and have a look at the roster.

Still, be the first time since the sad demise of VT Villans we'd be together......

But to be honest, I've put a fair bit of time in levelling samosa, and I really like the bunch in the guild. We seem by luck to have no arseholes or ninja's in the guild. In fact, its so anti ninja at the moment (I guess we've not seen any real phat lewt) that I've seen needers pass or ask publicvaally if it would be ok, if no one else minds ect ect....

We did have one member who did keep greeding when we get bop, as the rule tends to be an enchanter shards and gives to a greed roll winner, but that was only because he didnt understand the whole bop boe thing. He's sorted now.

So It's a shame you didn't break up a couple of months ago, I'd love to have joined a VT guild, but I dont want to walk out on my present bunch..... Still, I think Tarq gets on ok with them too...

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Let's all join Juju's crowd and lord it over the noobs! ;)

I was so close to doing Ony with a PUG yesterday. I actually joined but had to leave as my daughter needed feeding, but I'd have loved for anybody to pull me up on it!

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It's not so far fetched. In terms of gear, you'r miles ahead of us, but remember in guild terms, some of the guys like the GM (who I was out grinding with yesterday, and who refused to roll on my new staff, leaving it for me) are well up on game skill in terms of pve, but rerolled on the server in august to do more pvp, and play in a pvp environment.

If you seriously want to join, I'll have a word. The only thing is we did make a point in our recruitment campaigns not to get skilled l60's as we wanted to build our own "inm spirit". Indeed, the afternoon we all went out to gromgol, and had a zerg on Shadowninja was hilarious fun. By christ it took 15 of us, some as low as l25 who needed ot be escorted through the jungle, but it was fun :-) Hey, he even commented on it in the official forums......

So we do take the view that high level players joining, levelling and pissing off to a raiding guild, isn't great for motivating the kids, but accept as we have over 20 l60's now on the roster that we have to accept level 60's in nows and in fairness we do make sure they know what sort of guild they're joining before we let them in...

God knows but I appear by design/accident to be the promotions/applications officer, so I can put in a good word.... lol....

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The only thing is we did make a point in our recruitment campaigns not to get skilled l60's

There you go Dan! Perfect!


Actually laughed out loud at that one Riss.

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Ever been creamed by a premade in Warsong Gulch?

Ever been creamed by a premade in Arathi Basin?

Ever been creamed by a premade in Alterac Valley? *

*Link to a live stream, so you may have to "look at their sponsors" for a couple of minutes. But when a 40 man premade win AV and the longest part of the the battle is riding to Stormpike, its worth a look!

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I was in a premade AV the other day, twas awesome. A few of them slowed the allies up at Iceblood, while the rest hightailed it to SP. They then blitzed the graveyard, towers and aid station, before tanking the sole Marshall in no time at all. Over and done in 5 mins tops.

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Quickest ever AV - 8 mins Horde win. That was back before cross realms.

Elemental is an awesome spec for PVP (or grinding) - especially when you back it up with 20 in the enhancement tree.

I think I will go Resto come 2.01 for the weeks our guild is still raiding before BC comes out. Then it's respec to enhancement, methinks.

What are you guys spec'ing to?

Oh, and got this last night in MC.

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At the moment I'm 22/8/21 spec Oz. All the usual buffs to shocks etc in Elemental up to Elemental Fury for 100% crit bonus, 5 for extra mana and 3 x buffed lightning shield in enhancement, and nature's swiftness in resto.

I find it a superb PvP tree as I can do great burst damage, the extra points in lightning shield are great with Wusholay's trinket from ZG, but I can still get off the 70% uninterruptable heals and insta heals with NS.

Also wearing full ZG gear I can get 41 yards on my lightning bolt, and my Frost Shock lasts an extra second.

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