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Indeed, I hope BC levelling is just as much fun. I recall I was the first to 60 out of our foursome, I remember I'd log on and see Bicks had gone from 32 to 34 because he's had the day off work, the bastard! Made me pull my finger out.

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I recall I was the first to 60 out of our foursome,

I still remember the night/early morning you helped me get to 60. Bet thats been nearly a year ago. :shock:

The foursome was me, Riss, Bicks and Tarj. you lot had your own crew ;)

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Bah. But you'd be 8/8 tier 2 in a couple of weeks! And even Alterac valley is fun now!

Alterac Valley is never fun - it's more PVE than PVP which means alliance usually win - but the rewards for exalted are good and you make rep very quickly. The Lobotomizer and The Immovable Object are my favourites for my elem/enhance shammy.

Arathi Basin is the most fun, though and has a guaranteed result in 30 mins.

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I recall I was the first to 60 out of our foursome,

I still remember the night/early morning you helped me get to 60. Bet thats been nearly a year ago. :shock:

The foursome was me, Riss, Bicks and Tarj. you lot had your own crew ;)

I know that Dan. I wasn't on about that, just reminiscing about hitting 60 with your help.

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Ours was me, Sie and Sion. Sie was first by at least a couple of weeks. I honestly cant remember out of me and Sion.

Anyway, as ze Germans **** my raiding over for the next couple of weeks (i got late shifts Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday i think) ive specced kickass fire for a little while for some boom boom boom burst damage (build)

Dunno how long it will be before i get bored of it and go back shadow, which is stronger all around, but its funny in battlegrounds just being able to burst the living shit out of anything that is in my LOS. Throwing out searing pain after searing pain while my imp is machine gunning on a target is fantastic vs healers. Just interrupting all over the place. Cant see it being a long lasting thing though, ill probably borrow 50g off you before i raid next Dan (then quit the next day)

Now as i cant make the next three scheduled raids due to work commitments, do you think Shack will take it up the arse if i do BWL with A Few Good Men on Saturday? ;)

Oh, and i dont even have to ask. I am a sad **** bastard for listening to stuff like this . I dont know what to make of it, its so amateur its actually quite pathetic, but there is quite a lot of nice stuff about peoples thoughts on 1.13 that it does have some value.

I really do need to find some better podcasts...

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Ours was me, Sie and Sion. Sie was first by at least a couple of weeks. I honestly cant remember out of me and Sion.

I got my mount first (you lent me the money) and you hit 60 about 2 days before me iirc.

But I really started to dislike it after 60. NVM, still got some great Gank Squad memories. :D

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There is a weird bit of downtime between dinging 60 and raiding, but when it goes right, raiding can be great fun. I think the one memory i take from WoW over all others will be Me, Dan, Riss and Trl in Blackwing Lair. Going in there from the first kill to the last, and not doing it when it was farmable by most of the guild really was the defining challenge in the game for me.

Its been a bit after the lord mayors show since Nefarian dropped though. No one can be arsed anymore it seems with TBC looming large. We dont have time to do Naxxrammas before the expansion, and AQ40 just isnt that interesting for half the guild it seems.

Warriors are weird now. Everyone is Fury unless they are tank specced, and MS is a thing of the past outside of Warsong Gulch it seems. You were mainly Mortal Strike werent you Si? Its mad how much damage they can do though. I think in "real" endgame (Naxxrammas) Rogues are down to 3rd on the damage dealing stakes behind Fire Mages and Fury Warriors these days, which is odd as Rogues provide a lot less utility than Mages or Warriors. (In fact most classes provide a lot less utility than Mages or Warriors. You could do pretty much anything on the game with the "holy trinity" of Mage-Warrior-Priest it seems. No other three classes are as important, in any combo that i can think of.) I guess its as much to do with how ridiculously well Warriors scale with gear compared to most other classes (though this does mean they suck in greens and blues)

I just hope its not the end of an era now. Certainly the golden period of August-October will probably never be beaten for me. It doesnt feel right without Trl about, and he has only been quit one day. I just think we all need TBC to come out now. If it wasnt for that on the horizon, id probably quit as soon as i achived my last goal in the game, 8/8 Nemesis.

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I think everybody hates the first few weeks after hitting 60, but after that you really settle down into your role in the game Si, you should have stuck around, we'd have had quite a crew now. I like AV now it's mixed servers, especially when you see people you recognise. Been in a few with a tank from Boulderfist, and he's excellent. Tanks the marshalls brilliantly, and we've won everytime I've seen him in there.

I'm SO sick of the guild at the moment. Tonight was a real pain in the arse, and Shack's attitude just stinks, the arrogant clearing in the woods. If there was another decent not particularly hardcore guild I'd be off in a shot. Can't wait for TBC when the need for huge guilds should be greatly reduced.

I really hope TBC brings the fun back, as it's just not there at the moment. And if a game's not fun what's the point? Miss the days of just riding round twatting the **** out of random allies, and having a laugh. At least with the expansion there'll be new areas to explore and gear to get.

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You were mainly Mortal Strike werent you Si? Its mad how much damage they can do though.

I was mate yes.

You would like my Necro on GW Nays. He's the Warlock equivalent in as much as he is the most evil bastard on the game, and there is nothing like pulling up half a dozen corpses from the ground to help the cause. :lol:

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If there was another decent not particularly hardcore guild I'd be off in a shot.


Yeah lets all go and join surge :roll:

No offence guys, but my mates in the game now extend beyond you lot, and I'm friends with too many people in the Dashers to want to leave now. I still enjoy the 40 mans, and spend the time in between raids helping people out, picking herbs, making money from BRD stealth runs etc. I might go for AV exalted as thats all the rage nowadays. The expansion will be fun, I have my spec planned and I'd like to make sure I get a kick start in it by having 8/8 tier 2.

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