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Ah guilds are fun, aren't they?

Despite having some 200+ members (including lower level alts) our guild failed to get raids going on a regular basis over the last 2 weeks. There just wasn't enough people logged on at the same time to even run ZG.

Why? Perhaps the fact that the queue has blown out to as big as 1300 at peak times has a lot to do with it.

So a bunch of people left the guild......

... to form their own. A whole 5 people worth. Makes sense, doesn't it? It gets better.......

Since people started leaving the GM got the shits (rightly so, IMO) and dumped all the alts. More people left so he then left the guild himself and sold off the bank. Most members joined the "new" guild - making it pretty much the same as the last.

So they (we) have the same members who couldn't get a regular raid together....

... only with no established bank. And fewer members. :shock:

And the point was?

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I think the Dashers have been on a minor blip of late. For a few weeks, we've had fifty people turning up for BWL, only for the same 10 or so to be left behind without so much as a by your leave. The result is the same players have been caning BWL, but the others (eg Limpid) have quite rightly thought "well bollocks to you then!" and stopped turning up. So for the last few BWL's with a few main members not turning up, we've struggled badly. Three weeks ago we cleared to Nef with one wipe due to a bad pull. Last night took us three goes on Razorgore, about 7 on Vael and so on.

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Goes to show "Alpha" cant do it alone! Still think we can get Nef down tomorrow though. We did well last night (except for when all the well geared tanks went afk on Vael).

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Goes to show "Alpha" cant do it alone! Still think we can get Nef down tomorrow though. We did well last night (except for when all the well geared tanks went afk on Vael).

After that UBRS last night, I beginning to think the guild should be renamed Wowrush Slackers.

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There are more then one spesific reason im afraid. My exams are around the corner, and im just bored of the game. The amount of time ive spent on it insane, and you wouldnt believe how loveley it was hitting the uninstall button. The game almost became a chore, even i realise how stupid that sounds.

Tbh. atm i dont think i even will return to it, but you never know. The game is fantastic, so maybe, just maybe when TBC arrives.

Anyway, its been fun while it lasted. Go pwn Sartura!

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Why would you respec the day before you uninstall the game though? Seems like this was a rash decision is all, anyway, cheers for all the shit you sent, we're probably evenish now anyway/

And Nays, rogues can engineer high crits too!


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I might try the ubercrit on a warrior actually. Problem is i have quite a low crit chance and need him to blow a 30 minute cooldown for truly maximum effect, it might take quite a while.

But i do think i could get over 5k in my current gear in optimal circumstances.

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The funny thing about TRL retiring is I am finding I like the game more now than ever. Ok, I'm never going to be the quickest witted pvp player, but the last few duels I've fought against people of around my level I've won. Ive done a few instances with people now, and not disgraced myself. I have died a bit too often, but theres so much to learn about the drood class, anthough its got less buttons than that damned shammie I never got to grips with. I got a decent smattering of blues, am levelling quickly enough to not get stuck in too many ruts, and am rather than just being a member, am an active guild officer who spends as much time trying to enhance the gameplay experience for the kids in the guild, as I do in playing the game itself.

My character ingame is probably more confident, and having been in the guild almost since inception, find every ding or blue find is met with a dozen gz's and log in is a cheery event in itself.

Perhaps having 1 uper character isnt the way to go. Certainly the game has "freshened up" for me with the drood, although I do miss the guys in my old guild on Deathwing.

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I'm a little bit bored with the game at the moment, but still love healing in places like BWL. I've also got my PvP skills up a bit now. I can beat most warriors without breaking sweat, and don't have that bad a time against rogues and hunters. Locks are unbeatable of course, but they're PvP eazimode so don't count.

I said on the Dashers board that due to the lack of interesting end game content at the moment, I've been doing a lot of Avs lately, which I've never bothered much with before. When I'm exalted in there, I'll swicth to AB.

I'm sad to see Tarj leave though, as it was me him and Dan levelling up (together with Bicks). Nayson, Sie and Si were a couple of months ahead, and Sam and Juju a couple behind, so I spent a lot of time with them.

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