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Interesting debate on the guild paying Tanks' repair bills. Personally I think it's a load of old bollocks. Shack has just said they give about 500G a month between Noctus, Gort and Sakri, ie about 165G ish give or take. So that's about 40G a week, well if anybody goes on 3 raids a week they'll pay that easily and more with the cost of pots and repairs.

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Its **** shite. When i raid i have to bring loads of potions even though its a wipe night. My wipe bill is over 10 before repair and major mana potions is beeing sold from 15-20 g pr. 5/stack. Just do a little math and suddenly beeing a tank isnt that bad.

Even warriors themselves say prot. grinding is good enough. And ive seen a lot more priests grinding and farming then ive seen warriors. Its not down to ability, its down to **** lazyness.

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Btw. If a warrior has 40 g a week for raiding. Thats 20 g each repair aka 2 repair runs. Add the farming runs, bwl alone brings 20 g+ with boss money. Now unless they are beeing broken in pieces more then 3 times a week, which the clearly arent, then how the hell do they spend all the money?

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Btw. If a warrior has 40 g a week for raiding. Thats 20 g each repair aka 2 repair runs. Add the farming runs, bwl alone brings 20 g+ with boss money. Now unless they are beeing broken in pieces more then 3 times a week, which the clearly arent, then how the hell do they spend all the money?

Good question, to me the maths just doesn't stack up. On another thread Noctus said he'd spent 900 on Foror's and 400 on a mount for his lock, so he can't be that hard up....

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Tbh, i dont know why the guildbank dont just take the gold from a MC or Onyxia run once in a while.

The raid wouldnt notice. The bank gets a couple of hundred gold or more. Easy fix.

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Risso is a healer, and he is officially the richest wow player ever.

Tarj, you could have 100000000000000000000000000000 gold, and you would find a way to spend it within a couple of hours. Admit it!

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This levelling of my second character seems have suddenly become hard work. you appreciate what a social game this. I've spent 2 nights in the last week talking to unhappy guild members, giving them counselling, calming their feers and generally soothing brows. I dont know if its because my present guild are very international, with a mix of noobs, ex pve'ers and riff raff like me, but we've had several very insecure people leaving the guild recently because they feel unloved.

Do you guys get this with Dashers? I guess its also hard being old enough to be their father in a lot of cases. I seem to spend half my time in game resolving issues, when I should be playing. And trying to get a bit of instance dicipline into them is becoming a bit of a challenge now many of them are getting close to l60.

But I do find it kind of rewarding. Its a new side to the game i'd not seen before, the actual people management, rather than the mechanics of playing and levelling. So far, no none who's quit the guild that Ive spoken to has not rejoined. It feels worthwhile.

What I do find is that the TM server seeoms full of very small guilds. It seems everyone wants to be a GM, and you see people who leave us (I think we're about 100 strong now) creating "vanity" guilds, and you wonder what on earth they will do about end game raiding. It seems a characteristic of the TM server, after Deathwing. Do you guys find the same?

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Do you guys get this with Dashers? I guess its also hard being old enough to be their father in a lot of cases. I seem to spend half my time in game resolving issues, when I should be playing. And trying to get a bit of instance dicipline into them is becoming a bit of a challenge now many of them are getting close to l60.

Oh yes indeed. In truth the number of gquitters has greatly reduced over the last few months, but I think that's mostly because we've gone from struggling to kill Raggy and Razor, to absolutely breezing BWL.

With so many people of different ages and nationalities, there are always going to be conflicts. Two of the oldest members of the guild left recently (but one has since rejoined). All in all Dashers mostly get on pretty well, although given that we've got an arrogant, power mad German for a GM, it's surprising we've lasted this long!

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All in all Dashers mostly get on pretty well, although given that we've got an arrogant, power mad German for a GM, it's surprising we've lasted this long!

This thread deserves a link on the wowrush forum!


Tonight I won:

Bloodfang Chestpiece

Chromatically Tempered Sword


Well worth delaying my arm recovery for!

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They take that one from Razorgore usually.

How are your lot going anyway Oz? Havent heard anything in a little while.

Oh, and PDx have killed two drakes!

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Well, Ill be happy with 8/8 Nemesis, so the shoulders will have to be in my wishlist i guess. With them im thinking ill have over 500 spellpower and 520 shadowpower. I can live with that. Im not gonna list Naxx loot that im miles from either. BWL and AQ40 are the highest.

So, the five:


Neltharion's Tear trinket. Nefarian drops. Possibly the single biggest increase in PvE damage outside of Naxx for a caster. Maybe the best drop in BWL. And it has yellow text!

2] Cloak of the Brood Lord cloak (obviously) Nefarian again. Really nice item. More yellow text!

3] Staff of the Shadow Flame weapon. Nefarian again Went all out for it last night. Still wasnt enough. Guild record DKP speaks volumes.

4] Nemesis Spaulders shoulder. Chromaggus. 8/8 and 20% threat reduction, and a damn fine item to go with it too.

5] Choker of the Fire Lord. neck. Ragnaros. Pure damage item here. Stats that go with it arent the greatest, but the +Damage is up there with anything on the game, including the buisness end of Naxxrammas.

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And another rant whilst I'm on one.

3-4 of our recent guild quitters all appear to have left us for "vanity" guilds. It seems there is something about the character of Tarren Mill, unlike Deathwing,, that you seem to have millions of crap little guilds of almost no members. It seems everyone on the server from l1 to l60, all want their own snappy guild title under their name. I dont get it. At least with dashers, you sitck together, to progress to end game pve. So how is it that so few people want to play in-guild end game instances? Surely most of these little guilds would struggle to find enough for a 5 man baron run, let alone anyhting more ambitious.

Ok, no problem with people leaving our guild, its a free world, but at least theres over 70 players all frenetically levelling like mad, and we will sometime soon have something to offer, ie enough people online regualrly to do casual guild runs through some of the end game content. But the odd players who have left us dont seem to be joining any large end game guilds.

It strikes me as madness really. Am I the only one to noitce it? You also seem to see the same players swapping guilds with regularity. Yet when I open opium, and look say at alliance, 3 of the largest alliance guilds came from Deathwing, and same with horde I suspect.

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That's if you can get into end-game stuff with your guild.

If really quite sick of the guild at the moment - enough that it's putting me off playing at all. I've been royally screwed over now with "regulars" suddenly wanting to play now that we are moving BWL to farm status. I'm not prepared to keep investing time and gold to prepare for raids only to be completely ignored when the raid rides out. If I had been logged in over the weekend, I suspect I'd have /gquit.

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Your guild needs someone like me. I'm now the guilds "social worker". Anyone who leaves, we try to talk to them, see what the problem was, and try to fix it. It does become apparent that there are people who possibly have a major social outlet through the game, especially with our fairly international bunch, and that some of them clearly get ideas in their heads, and bottle it up. At least you guys in dashers are kind of "Real life" friends.

We've got a couple of players levelling who appear to be competant, strong players, and may well make goo d end game players, eventually, but have had their "wobbles". It's kind of exhausting, but we want to try and keep as many who've played with us a while. Its fun watching this guild develop. I think I was about no 17 to join, now theres 74 odd, and they do seem to have it in mind that end game is important, with their teamspeak server and website and forum, as are our sunday rides out into alliance territory for a bit of a row wth the other side for some informal pvp!

I must admit, I think I am getting more out the game with the second character. I logged into the shamen the other night, and hell, the number of buttons! Are half the shammie toems really needed? Do they really do enough to influence solo play? Much happier with the Drood!

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