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I hate AQ20.

Garry was our leader and did a fine job. It must have been THE most unlucky instance run ever though. We had mobs running through walls, random respawns, bosses which walked around locked together. Total PITA.

I didn't die until the steps to Ossi (except for the bugged wipe). I only got grey drops. Everything I killed in Sili got ninjad (FFA FTL).

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Can any of you "seasoned pros" answer me a couple of questions.

Is it right that control of the characters is by mouse & keyboard only, if so why in gods name was there not the option of using a Gamepad.

Is playing it online so much better than on your own, because if tried hard but to be honest Im struggling to see the point.

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If you had any idea how many buttons we use playing wow, well atleast some of us. And if you play it on your own the whole game loses its meaning.

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On my hunter with pet up, I have 60 buttons, all keyboard mappings + 20 hot keys. On mage, 70 buttons but just 10 hot keys.

I don't use a mouse as I don't want an Upper Body Limb Disorder - I have a trackball and a tablet. I'm thingking about training myself to use the tablet with my left hand.

And the only point of playing this game rather than another IS the online stuff.

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I must admit I don't tend to wander around. I'm always on my way somewhere to do things, or doing things. If I'm running, it's capslock and left and right arrows. If I'm sneaking around, I want a hand hovering over my spell keys.

I honestly can't see how I could use a pad. However, most pads will let you map to keys, so there's nothing to stop you using a pad.

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It was a shitty AQ run, we didn't have enough healers and the ones we did have were alts. The fact we had to wait for 30 mins to even get enough healers to start, then another 30 mins for the respawn of the Rajaxx npcs and then the re-kill, just meant by the time we got to Ossi, we only had time for a couple of tries before raid end. Normally you need a few warm up tries on Ossi before you can down him.

I saw on the forums that Rajaxx bug is a common one.

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I've been reading up on Nefarion, (you've seen him and fought his bitch Rend in UBRS) the final boss in BWL. Christ on a bike. It takes a 40 man guild with FULL EPICS and weeks and weeks of planning in order to kill this guy. When he's down to about 20% health, he turns into a Dragon with full HP and resses ALL the adds nearby. The depth to this game is incredible, the amount of time playing the game that you would need to have to down a boss like that just doesn't bear thinking.

anyway, heres a grab:

Nefarian Dead

Hahaha funny that Dan said this and where are we now? :)

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Yeah apparently Wowrush went from a fun loving guild to a load of pretentious arseholes with sticks up their arses in a matter of weeks.


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I couldnt play with a game pad. Once you move beyond the first couple of levels, you get to may optinos/spells/buffs that you'd need 19 fingers to cover them all. The skill is arranging your buttons on screen in the order you want in the level you want so you can fluidly move around. It all makes sense as soon you get beyond about level 10.

And to be honest, the games sort of fun in a gentle learning curve sort of way, up to level 20-30, but til then, even on a pvp server, you dont come across the "other side" or really excercise combat skills. And then it opens up. And yes, if it was all downto ai, and all the games characters were computer generated, the game woundnt be half what it is. But I spend half my time chatting to my guild mates and comparing the dps of my 2 hander, than I do playing.

Its the most addictive game I've ever played. Its better than Elite. Grand Turismo. Its enormous. Its like GTA. With cows holding crossbows killing your real life best mate, as I think Nayson once phrased it.

See, if your struggling to get in to it, roll horde on Tarren Mill and say hello. We'll show you the ropes....

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Its the most addictive game I've ever played. Its better than Elite. Grand Turismo. Its enormous. Its like GTA. With cows holding crossbows killing your real life best mate, as I think Nayson once phrased it.

It was guns. And i did point out that the Cow is very likely to be about twelve feet tall.

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Got my T1 5 set bonus at long last. Was guaranteed all the EF drops on the run, and 2/4 bits I needed dropped, so can't complain. I've still never seen EF pants or chest drop though!

Not a bad run, bit annoying we didn't get to down Vael, but the MT healing was a bit sucky. I was in the hunter group for Raggy and Vael (think Gul likes rank 3 GOA!) and it's healer heaven. Stay miles back with the hunters, keeping them up, no problem at all. Don't think anyone in my group fell below 80%!

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Who needs a Tremor Totem when you have Fear Ward?

Loladins can remove poison. They have a spell called Cleanse which removes 1 Disease, 1 Poison and 1 magical effect.


The only difference is a totem is a cast once, not used up and lasts 2mins. It's not often you need to cure poison and disease at the same time so that's covered.

Would be nice if we could remove magic, though.

Grounding Totem? PvP thing. One nuke being absorbed in a group of 40 people ever 15 (?) seconds? Healing can cover it.

The point is that you dont need to heal it if it's absorbed. Totem buffs may be weak compared to a Pally, but they are not totally useless.

Why Blizz made all the good totems Air totems, why they didnt introduce something alongside the "greater blessing" system that Paladins have (ie, one that buffs 40 people, not 5) why they didnt give something alongside Blessing of Kings (best buff in the game, surely?) is beyond me.

In the last shaman review (1.10) they had a chance to address this. They didn't bother. Instead, they decided on Horde Pallys.

Great. Shaman's role in the game post BC? Non-existent.

We will get a new totem that pumps up caster's damage for all in the party. Guess what? It's an Air totem. :roll:

And you are spot on about population imbalance and easy mode.

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Yeah it was a good raid, not an ideal Vael group though, the healing wasn't good enough, but I'm sure we'll get to see which dragons Nef has in store for us on sunday. Then we can kill him on tuesday! It will be great!

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