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I think Vanish is supposed to stop all attacks instantly.

I know ive had Rogues vanish out of my spells while they were flying through the air before now, and just accept it as the mechanics of the game.

Still, Rogues were able to Vanish and remove Curse of Agony from open beta through to patch 1.11, which was probably well over 18 months of a bug working in their favour as they werent supposed to be able to do it. So what goes around comes around i guess.

Anyway: http://media.putfile.com/he-logged-

Thats a proper PvP video. Its of a Warlock and a Rogue being utter pricks towards a Nelf Hunter. My frame rate totally died for a couple of seconds at the start of the film, you can only actually hear a one way Vent conversation (Fraps only picks up what my soundcard hears, so it wont record anything i say) and i probably didnt record more of this fight than what i actually managed to grab. Id say we were playing with him for 7-8 minutes, maybe even more.

Then he logged out!

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I downloaded Fraps from a certain pig related website you may be a member of. I think there are versions you can get directly from the web, but they are generally quite crap. Its a tiny file (about 3mb) and isnt really a drain on your PC at all.

Setting it up is quite easy. It starts automatically with your PC, and has an icon on the system tray (or whatever its called)

You just put the settings there as you see fit. I think default all the way will give you everything you need. Just make sure you set up a filepath to where you want footage saved. It will probably automatically create a C:\fraps folder and try to save there. I found it better to create a C:\fraps\rawfootage folder instead.

When you boot up WoW, you should see a framerate in the top right hand corner of your screen (you can move it) if its yellow, Fraps is running but not recording. If its red, it means you have pressed F12 (or whatever you have defined your recording start/stop key to be) and it is recording.

All recordings will go to your filepath.

One thing i will say is Fraps uses a lot of Hard Drive space. 4 mins or so of footage can take up to 1GB of hard drive space. So, you have to keep on top of compressing the footage if you dont have shitloads of space.

Its a doddle to do though. I looked on the net for a bit and found a great free program called Virtualdub which does the job and is easy to use.

Simply to compress raw footage you just need to set the sound and the video compressions.

When its installed, you just Virtualdub.

Pick a File (file menu)

Flatten the sound (Audio > Full Processing Mode > Audio > Conversion) to mono (you really dont need stereo sound ive found) and drop the bitrate if you see fit. You can get away with dropping it from the 44 it records in to something as low as 22 or 16.

Compress the Video. (Video > Compression > DivX) You can use any number of codecs in the menu. I always use DivX as its fairly universal these days.

Then you just save the compressed file as an Avi. Its in the File menu again. Pick a name, and you have just turned a 900mb file into a 25mb one. Not really any loss in quality too. Certainly nothing to worry about. You can then delete the raw footage to save HDD space if you want.

From start to finish, compression should take no longer than 2 minutes, plus the time it takes your PC to run the compression.

Editing? **** knows. Im looking for something better than Windows Movie Maker.

Its on your PC somewhere probably, and is fairly simple to use. Trial and Error is more than enough to understand it.

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I think Vanish is supposed to stop all attacks instantly.

I know ive had Rogues vanish out of my spells while they were flying through the air before now, and just accept it as the mechanics of the game.

Still, Rogues were able to Vanish and remove Curse of Agony from open beta through to patch 1.11, which was probably well over 18 months of a bug working in their favour as they werent supposed to be able to do it. So what goes around comes around i guess.

Anyway: http://media.putfile.com/he-logged-

Thats a proper PvP video. Its of a Warlock and a Rogue being utter pricks towards a Nelf Hunter. My frame rate totally died for a couple of seconds at the start of the film, you can only actually hear a one way Vent conversation (Fraps only picks up what my soundcard hears, so it wont record anything i say) and i probably didnt record more of this fight than what i actually managed to grab. Id say we were playing with him for 7-8 minutes, maybe even more.

Then he logged out!

I wish Fraps did record what you said, sounds like I talk to myself :cry:

I like the way you had to go into your spell book to use your sword :nod:

Might try this Fraps malarchy myself

Oh and speaking of videos, I give you The worst wow video ever!

This is the worst WoW video i have ever seen.

Never attempt to make a video again you hack.

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"Oh and speaking of videos, I give you The worst wow video ever! "

That is absolute genius! Pissing myself after that!

I think we could do with a fun night soon. Just pissing about like the old days, no raids, no worrying about loot, just mindless ganking and the like.

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Agreed, the thing about that video, is that you expect more to come, but no, its just a Tauren dancing to Green Day!

and yes, we should go gank like the olden days, I'm actually in the process of making my first pvp video after finally sorting Fraps out :shock:

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From the highs of last week's server first on Loatheb to...

Logged on to raid last night to find out than one of our raid leaders has had his account hacked. He was left naked, with every single item of equipment vendored - 5/9 Earthshatter (shaman tier 3), 8/8 tier 1/tier 2, FR gear, NR gear - EVERYTHING gone, including his totems. Not one single copper left on his character. Same for his 60 rogue alt and 60 warrior alt. Same for the 5 (count 'em!) guild bank characters he had on his account... nearly a year's worth of Fiery Cores, Lava Cores, Frozen Runes, BoE epics, thousands of herbs, essences, dusts and shards from everyone in the guild. We estimate the AH equivalent to be in the region of 10,000g from the bank characters alone, not considering the time value of the 100+ days played and gear he had on his main.

As you know, we're an established Naxxramas guild and everything we've stockpiled since our first MC run last October has been stolen. Actually, the thief did leave 200+ Nexus crystals - simply because they can't be vendored.

To say that morale is low right now is an understatement. I just can't understand the morality (or lack thereof) of someone who would think this was an acceptable act. Give the nature of the theft - items vendored rather than put on AH, for example - it's almost like it's a personal attack (or one against our guild) since money doesn't seem to have been the main objective. There can't have been *that* many people who knew the guy had all our bank characters, but random coincidence seems unlikely.

Blizzard are looking into it. We're not getting too hopeful.

Gutted at the minute, really.

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We have had a couple of incidents in out guild recently, and they were resolved within a few days.

One of the lads who had his stuff done over was asked to pay Blizzard the ingame value of his gear supposing it had been vendored. I guess this is to stop people getting *cough* hacked, then profiting from their gear back. Whether they would do it on this scale or not, i dont know. But i assume that everything is dealt with on a case by case basis. I certainly hope it is.

Anyway, they got their gear back in the end. They did have to sit out for a few days though, which is a shitter.

I guess that you have guildbank records and the like to make things a bit smoother?

Also on our server, and entire Alliance guild got ****. Someone must have been pissed off at them for something, hacked their forums and got all passwords. People who had the same forum password as game password basically got raped. Disenchanting, Tradeskills unlearned, i think even toons were Deleted. There may be something about it here if you can be arsed to search. The guild were called Fate. They are a serious raiding guild, futher PvE wise than your lot are, C'Thun on farm and about 8 or 9 down in Naxx, so the attack on the guild would have been for some insane gear and gold. They are now called Fate has Fans, cos the person who **** them did a /gdisband and made another guild called Fate, taking their name off them too. I guess you could even make a level 1 alt on Tarren Mill Alliance side and see how they handled it.

It might be shit at the moment, but im sure you will bounce back. Blizz arent that evil, are they? Good luck.

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I just can't understand how Blizzard can't do anything about the goldfarmers.

Surely anyone who's bank accounts increase by say 100g per day oought to be on a watch list at Blizzard. Examine the activity on the account. See where they are connecting from.

Do you report goldfarmers? I open a ticket now on every whisper I get, and every mail in my box. I also came across a bot farming in Alterac. It went up 3 levels in the time I was playing, clearly some complicated macro, spamming spells, sitting, eating drinking then attacking next target. Didnt respond to whispers. Reported that as well.

I know its not much, but if every player on the server reports activity, then it at least gives Blizzard the option to do somehting.

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Spent the morning messing about with Fraps. Got the capture and moviemaking sorted, but having trouble with the video compression. When I choose one of the 2 divX options, it keeps saying codec not supported. When I choose another one, I get the option to adjust the quality (0-100%) and I picked say 50% at random, it then says the operation will take 30 minutes, and the file was just as big as before!

edit: no need to bother, just use the inbuilt Windows Moviemaker compression thing, works a treat.

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Well, Limpid, since the mount prices are coming down very shortly (epic mounts 100g!) ive decided i want a Kodo.

So its off to Mulgore to do all the lowbie cow quests to start getting the reputation with Cowtown!

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