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I hope you chinned that Ally for spoiling the picture.

To be fair to him, he must have knew that Gort would want to kill someone with his new sword as soon as he got it, and hung around to be the victim.

Anyway, the boss really was a fanny. Made a Fraps of it here. (video#1, completely raw footage)

(Video #2, comedy soundtrack added to reflect the scaryness of the boss. Windows media player killed the video quality somewhat?)

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After i finally got my head out of the 20 Tauren arses, i spotted Naysons comment and it made me laugh. Dunno why really, just the room, moment and what we were trying to do.


My new UI in full bwl action;


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I always take a "**** me, i cant see a thing!" screenie in those two rooms as well.

Im still loving BWL. I remember first going into Molten Core with Precious and being in a group with 39 other people who knew every fight, every pull and every spawn and feeling a little bit cheated. I could have stayed there or gone for a guild like Mist (and i do think i could meet their requirements, but couldnt live with their atitude towards, or should that be against, PvP) or Paralol Evololtion (ditto requirements) or something and felt the exact same way about BWL. But with the Dashers, it feels like everything we have done is ours. Learning it with a bunch of mates ive known since level 1, the constant nights of wipes when we never gave up, being in a guild where 90% of the people have the same experience of the instance as i did (ie, none) somehow makes it ten times better than it ever could have been leeching off of others.

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Ait im in! Im an undead priest :lol: In deathknell or something.

Character name Trl. Currently level 5 moving onto 6 hehe... ive tried messaging you but maybe im doing it wrong.

1 year ago!!!!

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Happy birthday matey!

Except it was 11 months ago us 3 rolled, september.

Tarj you nab! Birthdays are NEXT month!

Have to dig out the screenshot for that time Dan attacked the Gryphonmaster in Stonetalon, still the funniest moment in WoW for me.

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do casters spells count as ranged attacks?

No. They are spells. Wands are magical damage therefore spells too.

Ranged attacks are attacks with guns, bows, crossbows, throwing weapons done by Rogues, Warriors and bloodyfuckingHunters.

Yay! Wraith Blade is MINE! A Draenor server first too, apparently.

Nicely over +610 spell damage now, and I've reached the +16% to hit with spells 'cap' too.

Not bad for my first raid back after a two week holiday in the sun... :twisted:

Woah. Where do you go from there?

Reckon you can take a Warlock with 31 points in Demonology yet? 8)

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do casters spells count as ranged attacks?

No. They are spells. Wands are magical damage therefore spells too.

Ranged attacks are attacks with guns, bows, crossbows, throwing weapons done by Rogues, Warriors and bloodyfuckingHunters.

Ofc, it was naive of me to expect a usable defence against casters...

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Casters have good defense against other casters.

Melee have good defense against other melee.

Casters can do massive damage to melee.

Melee can do massive damage to casters.

Hunters have good defense against everybody and can do massive damage to everybody.

Do you see?

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