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Question: Why would anyone want to make a private server? Isn't the multiplayer experience the reason to play in the first place? And whats the point in filling it with ultra-uber-cant-be-touched gear that doesn't appear in the public servers?

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Levelling herbs again. Realised, since my Enchants are all done, maybe i will save more money making my own pots again :)

Oh and get online

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These are the gloves i was on about nays

Probably the best gloves i will get i guess. Not as high dmg as felcloth, but with more intellect and sta aswell. Thats 42 + dmg with enchant!

Let me know if you know some gear i maybe dont have, which can be nice for me.

Wouldnt mind these either, but its **** impossible to find someone witht the Q. very nice

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They arent bad at all.

The legs the lootlord drops in ZG are nice (bloodtinged kilt) but i guess you hit the problem where Mages and Warlocks will call dibs on them first. I maintain that the item is so good it really should be epic. Look at it compared to the Tier 1 Felheart Pants. Stats wise they are virtually identical. Anyway, i digress.

I really think if you want some good PvP gear, hit the battlegrounds. Blood Guard is easy to get. Legionnaire is very doable too. Check the gear, its great. Especially with the 1.11 buff. I wear the Warlock Boots/Gloves over Felheart (and they have virtually identical stats and bonuses to the Priest set)

Just the gloves and boots will give you +57 damage with the 2 piece set bonus. Very very nice indeed.

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Mmm, and need to save up mats for spellpower enchant's once again. Maybe some of you lads can DE the stuff i come with...will make it much easier.

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Oh, and Mute returns!

You know how ive always been adamant that there was no World of Roguecraft episode one?

There wasnt. But there will be in a couple of weeks

There is a downloadable trailer there. Its a naked rogue with one dagger almost killing a Warrior who is certainly wearing PvP rank 13 armour (which is on a par with the Blackwing Lair loot. Better than BWL loot for warriors who want to DPS and not tank in fact..) and may well have a rank 14 weapon.

Will we have a world of pissed off rogues again?

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As much as I enjoy the Roguecraft videos, and used some of the tactics within them when playing one, they are still a mish-mash of circumstance and clever editing. Truly, the best way to ever see the class of rogue from all angles (good and bad) is to play one.

And that warrior wants shooting for not controlling that rogue sooner with dots and slowing skills (of which he had numerous chance to do so before that very end of the fight when he finally pulled them off).

However, one thing that video clip does highlight is a little known tactic for rogues to use that I found many rogue players weren't aware of when I played one - using distance to your advantage to unflag combat and gain an extra stealth. It used to be a case of going in with your openers then retreating right back, toggling your auto attack and boom, you reset the fight with the enemy at a bigger disadvatange. Doesn't work against other rogues of course unless you're either hemo build or use your DoT finisher (which probably isn't a great idea should you be combat or prep/cb as evis is more useful there).

I understand with recent patches that this has been made slightly easier in that Auto Attack now turns of automatically when you're so far away from your opponent, eliminating that extra click. Still, with a talent review on the horizon, it'll be interesting to see what blizzard do to balance the class. Even I will admit that unlike the rest of the games classes, Rogues seem to be at extremes when it comes to balance. They can either kick the shit out of you or fall flat on their face once certain abilities are used against them. Roguecraft videos deliberately only show the former.

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Well the developers have shown us rogues the changes they have in mind for us. Still reading, but some noticable points:

Finishing moves to do more dmg (maybe a rogue in T3 can now crit for more then 2.2k for once)

Vanish loses hunters mark (thank you God!)

Imp Sprint allowing us to be immune to shit when we run away

an attack power talent, that has a "use" which boosts it

Possible hint at Imp sap being trainable (sapping in neutral cities FTW)

and thats it for now, will have a proper read at work tomorrow :nod:

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Well the developers have shown us rogues the changes they have in mind for us. Still reading, but some noticable points:

Finishing moves to do more dmg (maybe a rogue in T3 can now crit for more then 2.2k for once)

Im inclined to agree.

But i dont think that Rogues should be able to do 2k with a crappy weapon either.

Evicerate should be about the weapon, not the combo points

Vanish loses hunters mark (thank you God!)

Why it didnt do this already is beyond me. Its probably beyond everyone except Hunters who probably think their instant cast super debuff with a 100 yard (one hundred yard (!) ) range should keep you on their minimap.

Imp Sprint allowing us to be immune to shit when we run away

My understanding of it is that it has a 50/100% chance to remove stuff already on you. Got a dot? Improved Sprint and Vanish ftw.

an attack power talent, that has a "use" which boosts it

Meh. Means nothing to me.

Possible hint at Imp sap being trainable (sapping in neutral cities FTW)

Thats my only problem with it.

Its definatley PvE gold, and any rogue would take it with open arms if it were a trainable spell, but if it gets abused in neutral cities then i feel some stealth detection for the guards would be needed. neutral cities are not a rogue and hunter playground. The guards immune to feign death in LHC are a step in the right direction.

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Dare i say it? The class with the least amount of "review" points now is the.... Warlock whos big class review of patch 1.6 involved one talent moved to a different place in a tree and the worst 30 point talent in the game ever (Master Conjurer, which reduced the casting time and mana cost of making healthstones. I guess Rogues would have had an easier time getting them during the 3-2-1 countdown before a bosspull, but really the only use of that talent would have been that it would be practical to make one after you just used one in combat, but, oh thats rendered useless by the cooldown of the stone anyway...) with Master Demonologist which is well, awesome.

TBH, i dont think we need a lot at all. There are a lot of useless talents in the affliction tree which most people use for levelling and thats been pounced on within the Lock forums. There are a couple of awful talents in the Demonology tree, including a 31 point talent that id doubt any Warlock on any server on the entire game has. All id say is that it would be nice to not have to rely on a 2 minute cooldown (Deathcoil) to be able to actually cast something when someone who is dual weilding is beating on you.

Mages and Priests (and even Shamen with mail armour and great melee abilities) can get regular clearcasting.

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Eviserate is about the weapon to some degree as it's values are used in the calculation.

The whole aim of a rogue in a fight is to build up those combo points in order to maximise their finisher and as a result, combo points should always be the main factor in eviserate as far as I'm concerned. For them not to be destroys the whole mechanic of the class.

However, if you're simply suggesting the weapon values should play a bigger roll in the damage output calculation then yeah, I agree. Problem is that runs the risk of turning them into gear dependant, uber-criting warrior wanabees where the right daggers/swords could make them overpowered in the same way it does for Warriors.

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Just spotted this

Improved Kidney Shot has been changed, and will instead increase the damage taken by the target while they are affected by Kidney Shot. This talent no longer reduces the cooldown of Kidney Shot.

The extended stunlockers are going to be pissed.

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Eviserate is about the weapon to some degree as it's values are used in the calculation.

The whole aim of a rogue in a fight is to build up those combo points in order to maximise their finisher and as a result, combo points should always be the main factor in eviserate as far as I'm concerned. For them not to be destroys the whole mechanic of the class.

However, if you're simply suggesting the weapon values should play a bigger roll in the damage output calculation then yeah, I agree. Problem is that runs the risk of turning them into gear dependant, uber-criting warrior wanabees where the right daggers/swords could make them overpowered in the same way it does for Warriors.

I am.

Doing 1-60 alongside a rogue means i picked up on a few things.

The state of Evicerate being one of them.

Lots of Rogues will say its fantastic from 40-55. Add combo points and its a killer. You are doing level 55 (or even level 60 with greens?) damage 10-15 levels before you should and are used to seeing things drop as soon as Evicerate is pressed.

On the other hand you are still doing level 55 (or even level 60 with greens?) damage by the time you are dripping in epics.

Clearly this is not right.

Its overpowered while levelling. Underpowered when you have good gear.

A more sensible way of scaling the damage has been needed for a very long time. The best way is to make it scale with your own individual progress in the game. At 60, that means your gear.

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