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4 bosses in LBRS warlords command. Three of them with only 4 players, none of them with anyone wearing better armour than leather, and we cleaned the place up.

Dare i say i actually enjoyed Lower Blackrock Spire for the first time ever?

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Dan, as a level 60 Rogue, what would you say these numbers from the Ally Rogue were like?

I dont know what rogue attacks are supposed to hit for, especially when combo points and swords vs daggers come into play, but was this shite damage from a fight that it totally should have won?

I was grinding shards in Azshara (again), got about 20 of them and decided just to throw a soul fire at a mob for whatever reason so i summoned my succubus. Killed a couple of mobs, was very low on mana and as i had been lifetapping was quite low on health too. Just killed one mob, was about to aggro another when i got jumped by a level 60 dagger Rogue from a guild called Royal Guards.










L2Equip PvP trinket before jumping a half health half mana Warlock who has aggro from a mob?

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That rogue sucked, he hit you with cheap shot instead of Ambush so was probably a sword rogue, but his white damage was shit. Plus, he died after getting the jump on a clothie, that should never ever happen.

Also, I have a feeling that if BF hood drops off Ony, I'm going to get it, such is the rogue situation at the moment. I would kill my own Grandma for that helm.

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I got jumped by a hunter in blasted sands - first shot on a clothie should have been an easy hk for him.

Sheep, wait for trinket, sheep again, bandage, pyro, fireball, fire blast, blink, nova, fireball, fire blast, dead hunter.

You can tell I was in the mood after we'd four manned most of lbrs :-)

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That rogue sucked, he hit you with cheap shot instead of Ambush so was probably a sword rogue, but his white damage was shit. Plus, he died after getting the jump on a clothie, that should never ever happen.

Also, I have a feeling that if BF hood drops off Ony, I'm going to get it, such is the rogue situation at the moment. I would kill my own Grandma for that helm.

A nice thing is that if a rogue doesnt have a PvP trinket (or isnt undead) i can seduce even while im being attacked/stunned/blinded and get some distance on it.

Very much a noob rogue though. Probably just didnt know what to do when i decided to ignore the mob hitting on me, and just do as much damage as i could to at the very worst, take the rogue with me (my three dots alone do 3k damage) and panic leads to hesitation or mistakes, doesnt it?

Still, made me /flex over her body before she released.

Oh, and Nemesis helm. I think i will have 1200 dkp by the time Onyxia dies. If she drops it, should i?

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100 dkp minimun for Tier 2, so you should always bid 101. Unless your name is Evildan and your rival ported to Undercity by mistake!

Shadowpriest topping Onyxia damage meters by quite a long way too. Threat reduction ftw? Seem all Warlocks are good for is kicking arse in duels (Warlock won the 1000g duel torunament today) and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0lQYE6m5Ho.

Still, onto BWL for an afternoons wiping we go. :(

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Also, I have a feeling that if BF hood drops off Ony, I'm going to get it, such is the rogue situation at the moment. I would kill my own Grandma for that helm.

:D :D :D

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Meh. See mage, throw Earth shock, drop Grounding totem.

Get in his face with weapons, jumping around, spamming earth shock to keep him from casting and using the PVP trinket to break frost if necessary. Easy.


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Well geared Trinket mage would blow the shit out of you though. Thats why trinkets got nerfed in 1.10, and are getting nerfed again in 1.11

You cant get in their face with weapons. FN, Blink and Cone of Cold slowing effect ftw.

Oh, and 3rd link on the Right Hand side of that video? Guy from our server, Fear.

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