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OK then.

But it does need replacing, and that one last night would have been rather smashing. Trindlehaven now doesn't give me enough +int or DPS bonus over my 1h to make up for the massive reduction in armour unfortunately.

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Yet more "I'm so uber, I'm only in the Dashers until someone better comes along" bollocks from Dan's new best mate!

If we were all 16 with no job, and no family commitments, I'm sure we could all play for 12 hours a day until we were revered with every faction, pausing only to knock one off over the underwear section in our mum's catalogue! As it is I try to enjoy the time I can play, but spotty little retards like that piss me off no end. Sorry Dan!

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Even I know that Jindo's staff is one of the the best caster items in the game, on those grounds I'm suprised you lost the roll, you lucky twunt!

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Xai (if thats who you mean) is 26, and is a cool level headed, helpful bloke, maybe he takes the game a bit too seriously, but learn to love him!

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Even I know that Jindo's staff is one of the the best caster items in the game, on those grounds I'm suprised you lost the roll, you lucky twunt!

You obviously missed the part where I said that Lierox asked me and Razull (another shammy!) and noone else to roll on it! I was a bit surprised my self tbh though.

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I ended up in the lava after the last attempt too Dan, and some kind priest shielded me until I too found a ledge to scramble out of!

Now who may that have been..

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I ended up in the lava after the last attempt too Dan, and some kind priest shielded me until I too found a ledge to scramble out of!

Now who may that have been..

Cheers if it was you Tarj! I was too busy jumping about like a cat with a firework up its arse to notice who it was, but it was most appreciated!

There's a lot of talk on the Dashers forum about being in the right spot for when the Sons appear in the Raggy fight. I just tended to follow Paz as he seems to know what he's doing (ie mainly staying out of their way!) but what are the exact tactics?

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You have the area between the MT healing zone and Caster-dps zone. I think the safe spot is in the middle where all casters can pull back to the edge, and keep hold of their mana.

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Nayson goes on raid and wins something shocker!

10 Downing Street will make a statement about this extremely unusual event tomorrow at noon.

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