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I've done six Ony kills now, and not seen one piece of shammy gear drop. Spunked all my DKP on that epic ring with some nice resistances.

Edit: and that was the cleanest kill I've been on, with less than a full party as well. I found a great spot for phase III, and finished with loads of health and mana.

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Edit: and that was the cleanest kill I've been on, with less than a full party as well. I found a great spot for phase III, and finished with loads of health and mana.

kinda easy to get that wrong riss. 6 people were standing at the gates, with green health ;)

Cant believe im paying for this shitty lagg though!

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Yeah. Especially as we lost the tank in Phase one too.

Im just hoping for the super run through Molten Core now where i can spend my 1000 dkp on some good gear. Something has to drop that isnt going to spring the most expensive bidding war of all time between the Warlocks, surely?

Anyway: Night Shift is calling me.

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5MC bosses and while Tarj and Risso are getting epic after epic not a single piece of rogue class gear drops, or a rogue weapon. Its always that Hunter shit or Druid or the Earthfury bollucks or the shitty trancendence or that twattish felheart or arcanist shit.

Failing that, its plate gear

Drop nightslayer, I dare you, I had more dkp then both the other rogues who stayed til the end, If BB dropped I'd have got it, if NS helm had dropped, I'd have got it, if the legs or boots had have dropped, I'd have gotten them too.

The only rogue gear that dropped was those shitty fire res gloves with +daggers...great for a sword rogue....no class gear whatsoever.

Shitty bugged loot favouring the gay healers and OP'd hybrids....**** off!



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Hehe, top rant dan!

It's always the same though. Did AQ20 on Tuesday. Me and Raz were the only two shammies and not one drop from four bosses was anything we could use. Then when the guild goes in last night, the two totem upgrades (strength of earth and grace of air) both drop and the new Italian shammie gets one on his first raid! Still, I've had a great week gear wise, 3 new epics and a relic, not bad at all.

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lol ye but your turn will come.

No it won't. Dasher rogues never get epics. Take out Xai and Ahnfeldt and they're all blue wearers!

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I feel the same way Dan.

Im probably the worst geared out of the lot of us at the minute, and its not like its because i never raid.

I raid more than TRL and Riss, and as often as you are. What do i get out of it? A shitload of DKP, and **** all to show for it.

Even Bravoman who only dinged level 60 last month is better geared than i am, simply because he is a lucky bastard with drops and rolls.

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lol ye but your turn will come.

No it won't. Dasher rogues never get epics. Take out Xai and Ahnfeldt and they're all blue wearers!

Well luckily Xai is staying put on Deathping. That Orix seems to have done particularly well recently, I must say.

I was dead lucky though, splurged out on the multi resist ring, then get the Earthfury shoulders for free because nobody else needed them!

Love that fight in MC where you turn into the bomb, what a laugh! Run Forrest, run!!

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As shit as the loot is, raiding with the Dashers is a hell of a lot of fun. Much more so then the Russian nazis (though at least I got gear with them).

Loot the dog!

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I don't think of been on an MC or Ony run yet where hunter gear hasn't dropped. It was the same trying to get the bloody coif of elements from Scholo and having the Beaststalker hat drop over and over again.

And I think I've found someone crapper at duelling than me! I kicked Zahrgoth's arse twice in Dustwallow last night, both times with hardly a scratch.

My grounding totem kept absorbing his sheep spell, and earth shock interruped his spell casting, so he couldn't really do a lot else! Nerf shammies!

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Tbh the way you feel about loot is just how everyone feel from time to time. Yesterday was the first day in ages i could get some gear. Even though i felt like a total idiot bidding on 2 leggings straight after eachother. I think all locks in the guild has t1 or t2 headpiece now, so i wouldnt be suprised if you suddenly came out of a raid with 2-3 t1 parts. Simply because everyone has em.

Can peons even bid at epix?

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LMFAO!! Now thats impressive! Check the dots and wand fire lol

How the hell can a priest mantain aggro or even tank

I don't suppose one person needs to! Surely with 38 priests DOTing and cross healing, it'd be a piece of piss!

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