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I'd say it's almost certain that the Dashers will migrate, the way people are talking.

Like Nays says, I'm not bothered, but wouldn't want to leave Limpid, Sam, Juju and Tarq behind. But I imagine that the grudge will move if everybody else does, or basically they'll be left on a nearly empty server with no top end guilds and all the cash etc that entails.

There is a poll currently being held re move....

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Was it just a shout out in Org or what? I'm suprised there were enough online.

BTW, I have a feeling that The Dashers are going to migrate, while I have mixed feelings about this myself, I'd like to know if The Old Grudge/CWP are leaving too, and if not whether the lowbies (level 60 lowbies) are willing to gquit to come and join us. What a test of loyalty!

I got a whisper from Shaetano who only ever seems to play when its 3am and he is drunk, there were about 20 people there when i got the invite, and i pulled in Lacroix, Saki and Gaiana (well, Frostbaal.) and then Optimuus turned up as well. 25 man pickup group took him down.

Anyway, im all for migrating. Disconnects are pissing me off now.

New guilds are going to be easy to get on the new server as everyone will be recruiting.

Im still gonna go with the flow, but would a new server be so bad? My only concern is that we will be lowbies on there, but **** that, it wont last long, will it?

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Im still gonna go with the flow, but would a new server be so bad? My only concern is that we will be lowbies on there, but **** that, it wont last long, will it?

What do you mean by lowbies on the new server Nays? Me confused.

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Just that the uberguilds will dominate everything. PvP will be like fighting Blackwing Lair, and there will be no cannon fodder out questing to take us away from running around on the bank roof.

But then wont the server fill up with new players quickly?

I still dont know why Blizzard dont migrate the whole server if the problems are to do with old hardware and not the population of Deathwing.



Apparently on Deathwing there are 8551 Alliance players and 5360 Horde players between levels 10 and 60, so thats nearly 14,000 characters. Dunno how many of them are alts, but its still a lot of people. At levels 40-60 its 4726 Alliance and 3805 Horde. At 60, its 3139 Alliance and 2139 Horde. Im guessing that might be a fairer representation of 'active' players?

On Talinvaar, the new server that got migrated to at christmas time, its a lot smaller population wise. Almost a 50/50 split between Alliance and Horde too. Alliance have 4047 players 10-60 compared to the Hordes 4275, at levels 40-60 its 2093 Alliance to 1973 Horde, and at 60 only its 1282 Alliance and 1187 Horde. Thats still enough people to suggest that new servers arent "dead" and the Auction House will be fairly normal (well, after it settles down that is) for the game to be fun even for those of us who dont live inside Instances like Mist or whoever. If the players are active, that is. You need a lot of people online at the same time for the game to keep its magic, dont you?

I dont want to play on a laggy server, and i dont want to play on a server that is dead either. I dont know whether the only choice is between one or the other though.

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That's what I don't get. Is this new server already established with its own players etc? If it is how long has it been open? If all the main guilds on DW migrate, what will happen to Deathwing? Not much fun being there with hardly anybody else, waiting for it to fill up again.

The population on DW is fine, why not just fix the bloody thing, or move it onto a new bit of hardware? How hard can it be, it's not like they're short of a bob or two!

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Im on nights at work getting all the stuff on the depot ready for the morings service, 21:15 - 05:00 (though if we dont have to fuel anything i can be done by 01:30) which kinda gimps my chance of doing anything thaty doesnt kick off at about 6pm.

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Whats worse, a laggy server with most of the top end guilds gone, or a new fresh server with BWL full of people but no Barrens chat?

This isn't a hypothetical question, I want an answer!

I think my choice one way or another will depend on how cool the new servers name is!

and Risso, the new server is empty until people migrate onto it and people start creating accounts on there AFAIK

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Any plans for this week? I'm on call until Sunday, so I'll be online a lot...

Will be on tonight at 6.30 ish if there is an instance going?

or Ally bashing/Bank roof racing/etc... :-)

Will even try 'healing' (Dan) if i have to...

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It's official, Dashers are migrating.

It's now just left to see what happens to Limpid, Sam, Juju and Tarq.

If their guilds don't move, what happens. I know all of them would be welcomed with open arms into the Dashers, which is one possibility, but it's hard to leave a guild where you've made friends and got to know people, as I found out all too well.

Just hope we can all stay on the same server in some way.

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The Grudge look to be leaning towards staying, which is bad. Don't know about CWP or whatever they're called.

**** it, just come and join the Dashers you lot, we'd have all the VTers in one guild then, which would be awesome.

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Gquit and migrate then guys, there will be plenty of spots available in guilds, TOG can't be that good, otherwise Rissok wouldn't have left so sharpish ;)

Juju keep us up to date on CWP, I'd like Voodooface to move over too!

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We're migrating? Off to the wowrush site.

PS. Sam, wheres my cables?

PPS. Join us on the new server!

'I'll be back on in a hour' lol

Will make them tonight matey.

Want to stay with you lot of course,just waiting to see what ToG are up to.


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Gquit and migrate then guys, there will be plenty of spots available in guilds, TOG can't be that good, otherwise Rissok wouldn't have left so sharpish ;)

Juju keep us up to date on CWP, I'd like Voodooface to move over too!

There's nothing wrong with TOG at all! It's just that they have an open door policy, all you have to be is the right age, so I never saw the same faces twice.

Yeah it'd be good to see Voodooface move as well, he's a top lad indeed.

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We're migrating? Off to the wowrush site.

PS. Sam, wheres my cables?

PPS. Join us on the new server!

'I'll be back on in a hour' lol

Will make them tonight matey.

Want to stay with you lot of course,just waiting to see what ToG are up to.


I think there is going to be a fair amount of movement between guilds on Deathwing and the new server after migration.

Not all members of the guilds who are going are going to go with them.

Even if TOG dont come, just join the Dashers!

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