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Oops Tarj, no more Epixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for you, you've pissed off Nighttripper big time!


Yeh but still they are walking around in circles and not admitting what they have decided on. We are a hardcore guild now, even if its a slack hardcore term with us beeing dashers and all.

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Remember my loladin that i took to see Varimathis in the Royal Chamber of Undercity?

Well, i just paid a visit to the crossroads with her, and guess what? Yep. Alliance were raiding it. Its crazy how i could just stand there without my PvP flag on at level 6 and not have to worry about being attacked by all the level ?? Horde players running about. All this parallell universe stuff Dan was on about the other day? Well, its all true. Except we are all doing excatly the same shit on every server!

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True, i also did no quests.

See how easy the Lyceum was when we ran then fought?

With a good tank we can farm the bosses we know. I want to try Gael'whatever though and we have the keys to do the vault.

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I'm happy doing BRD for the rest of the week, theres 2 drops I still need.

Oh by the way, you MUST post your 1337 crits on this thread.


Also, Panther Boss pwnage


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Yay, leet crit for Dan!

I like BRD, and still want the totem that Magmus drops, so I think we need to do the AOE room again!

And I have NEVER seen anybody win quite as many drops as Sam! That should have bumped up the gold reserves a bit now!

Tarj, what's a decent mana per tic would you say? I think mine's up to about 75 now, but it still seems a bit slow. And yes Nays, we know.....! ;)

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Yay, leet crit for Dan!

I like BRD, and still want the totem that Magmus drops, so I think we need to do the AOE room again!

And I have NEVER seen anybody win quite as many drops as Sam! That should have bumped up the gold reserves a bit now!

Tarj, what's a decent mana per tic would you say? I think mine's up to about 75 now, but it still seems a bit slow. And yes Nays, we know.....! ;)

509 mate :winkold:

And a small patch!

World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.10.2


Guild Recruitment channel functionality has been improved to be turned off for players already in guilds, and turned on for players not in guilds by default.

Fixed a bug which caused players to drop from combat after destroying a totem.

Fixed a soft-lock bug that occurred under certain conditions when players were near ships, zeppelins, elevators, and the Deeprun Tram.


Arcane Power: This aura will no longer stack with Power Infusion. If you use it, Arcane Power's aura will replace Power Infusion's aura.

Ignite should now proc correctly when landing a critical strike with a fire spell.


Holy Shock will now be guaranteed to crit when used offensively while Divine Favor is active.

Eye for an Eye will now properly produce its damage effect on the attacking caster.


Inner Fire: Rank 3 will no longer have charges consumed when Power Word: Shield is active.

Power Infusion: This aura will no longer stack with Arcane Power. If you attempt to cast it on someone with Arcane Power, the spell will fail.

Starshards: Ranks 1 and 2 inadvertently received too much bonus from spell damage, while Rank 7 received no bonus from spell damage. Each of those ranks are now fixed to receive the correct bonus.


Fixed a bug which prevented Vanish from working properly under certain conditions.

Seal Fate will now correctly provide a bonus combat point upon landing a critical strike.


Improved Shadow Bolt will now proc properly after landing a critical strike with Shadow Bolt.


Rage generated from Unbridled Wrath and Shield Specialization will now display properly in the combat log.


Fixed a client crash caused by weather effects when running OS 10.3.9.

World Environment

Players should no longer become dismounted while riding through certain areas of the Undercity.

Fixed a number of clipping issues and awkward turns discovered throughout various chained flight paths.

Certain creatures in Eastern Plaguelands weren't providing reputation gain with the Argent Dawn. This has been fixed.

Thats what its supposed to have done, at least.

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Yay, leet crit for Dan!

I like BRD, and still want the totem that Magmus drops, so I think we need to do the AOE room again!

And I have NEVER seen anybody win quite as many drops as Sam! That should have bumped up the gold reserves a bit now!

Tarj, what's a decent mana per tic would you say? I think mine's up to about 75 now, but it still seems a bit slow. And yes Nays, we know.....! ;)

It all helps matey.

Good fun though.... :-)

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I actually like rooms like the lyceum in BRD, makes a change from 5 people all zerging the same mob. I'm glad we carried on after the reset, even if I did have a 5g repair bill and **** all to show for it!

But yeah, I think we should farm it. We got through the pub in double quick time, and that boss just afterwards with the fire elementals drops some nice loot. We'll have to do the massive golum in the basement (Bael Mar or something) as that's also quite challenging, as there are dozens of little bastard dwarves everywhere.

BRD's one of my fave instances, I think Blizz made a mistake by making that the trainer dungeon for LBRS and UBRS, should have been the other way round.

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I just love BRM TBH, all the instances there are great, I like BRD the best though and think we did the right thing by pretty much ignoring it at 55, since 1.10, the drops have been buffed and we won't wipe nearly half as much, its a 55 instance, but with level 60 drops.

Make sure we take an enchanter though, they can turn blue drops worth a couple of Gs into a 6G shard, win a few of those and you're laughing. I actually won more then I thought last night, the libram I won is worth 30G for a start.

Seal Fate will now correctly provide a bonus combat point upon landing a critical strike.

and rogues with assassination builds breathe a sigh of relief.

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Tonight has GOT to be gank night though. I just want to kick some ally ass with you lot. We've got such a strong little squad, and we haven't been perched on Evildan Hill in Chillwind for a while now!

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Make sure we take an enchanter though, they can turn blue drops worth a couple of Gs into a 6G shard, win a few of those and you're laughing. I actually won more then I thought last night, the libram I won is worth 30G for a start.

I can (dis)enchant.

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neither do i at the minute. Its gone so shit its unbelivable.

Still holds out enough for me to pay a visit to Stranglethorn Vale though.

Just wanted to Deathray the Paladin. **** put one of his shitty bubbles up and broke the seduce though, and made me blow my Deathray Cooldown.

Had to wait on the bubble, then gonna re-seduce and give him the big fireball..

Then his **** mate decides to get involved. And this is where you realise how often you **** up when you watch yourself again. I spotted him before he tried to hit me. Even panned the camera around and was going to stick some dots on him, but as i was mid soul fire cast i thought id have time to get that off and kill the loladin before dealing with the rogue. Seems "melee range" is actually a fair bit further than he could physically hit me with his daggers, but hey, there you go. Should have cancelled the soul fire hit the rogue with a deathcoil, then dots, and he would have died while the Paladin was still seduced.

Didnt quite turn out that way, but still. I pissed them off :) (video)

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I watched Gyanny's vid yesterday, I've seen him grinding in Silithus. its true, Epicced geared fury warriors do own! Not only the crits but the frequency of them, every second its just bam bam bam....just like that.

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