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They've changed the stats on Trindlehaven Staff. +int has been reduced, but they've added +healing/spell damage. I can't work out if this counts as a nerf or not, but my mana pool has gone down.

On the other hand, my fire res has gone up thanks to them buffing the UBRS cloak, but my shield now looks a gnome's shield! My windfury graphics have been fixed, which is nice, but apparently there are problems with some totems being affect by AOE, which is a nightmare if true.

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Oh and I couldn't seem to mount up at the front of the Zep either.

And apparently there's a brilliant cloth hat that drops off Rend with mad fire res stats, that's neither BoE OR BoP! Someone in Dashers got one, used it, then gave it somebody else!

Weather effects are nice too.

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wow thats ace. Not sure I like the idea of sharing gear to come to think of it, but I've heard a lot of good stuff is dropping from UBRS, Felstriker a few times just yesterday, it seems its had its drop rate increased. I'd love to do a few runs, but I'm in the middle of MC ATM, gotta earn me some dkp!

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I dont know why i didnt use this earlier. I really dont, but Fraps is fantastic for screenshots.

It pisses all over the Print Screen/Edit in Photoshop bullshit that the game throws at you. Just have Fraps running before you boot the game up. (there is a frames per second stat in the corner if its running. You can turn this off if you want, however it wont appear in any movies or screenshots you make)

To get a screenshot, all you do is press F10. You can change which key you use in the Fraps options if you want to (say you have F10 bound to opening a bag, as is the games default, or you can just unbind the key from bag opening as i probably will when the **** fix my interface..)

Pick a folder for Fraps to put the screenshot in (it will automatically go C\programfiles\fraps or something, i think. Probably better to create a new folder within fraps just for the sake of neatness and ease to find) and its all done. The really cool thing is that you can just have the screenshot save as a .jpg, saving loads of hard drive space, and loads of time with the bullshit editing you need to get imageshack to host it.

Example? From game to this in 30 seconds:


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Will anyone have time to run thru Zul'Farrak with me tonight?

I will. And I know where the carrot is. And I have a hammer. And I've got some qs still to do in there I think.

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Downed a couple of bosses tonight, by the name of Ragnaros and Razorgore. Ragnaros is a little bitch, even I could tank his sons, but BWL is something else, no mobs, just bosses with adds. Mental. Imagine the egg room in UBRS but with level 62 elites running all over the place.

Fun though, we wiped at Vael, he seemed bugged apparently, I heard Ony has been buffed? Seems right she was easy pre 1.10...

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Shammy totems are now affected by AOE apparently, meaning that they're useless at just about every boss in the game. If this isn't a bug, and it soesn't get fixed soon, then our main reason for being in raids goes out the window.

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It will completely **** you in PvP too.

It has to be a bug, or alliance Mages, Paladins, Warlocks and now even Priests have just got a massive buff against you.

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Shammies weren't allowed to drop totems in BWL tonight, for whatever reason, didnt really miss the FR, as a kind mob in UBRS gave me a better buff.

Its a bug not a nerf so don't worry.

I got given a soulstone for the first time ever today, maybe we aren't the forgotten class after all?

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One of the Dashers shammies said he had to drop about 20 tremor totems in the final phase against Onyxia. Way to go Blizz. And apparently totems now agro things like rats, and only having 5HP they soon die.

I'm bored with the game again now. Logged on last night for 10 minutes, but then really couldn't be arsed with anything.

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How can you be bored? I have too much to do. I have my new gear qs to do, 5 man instances and 10 man UBRS (pref with VT lads) to try out (Scholo and Strat in particular) and thats in addition to the guild taking advantage of a Friday reset of MC/BWL and doing twice in a few days. I'm gonna sell my Warlords Deck so I can afford my new gear sets and now I have some dkp I should be getting some MC gear soon.

Then theres always the Chillwind camp. Yesterday while in Burning Steppes (for the gear quest) I did that thing where you randomly grind and don't press M for ages and find yourself in a completely different place to where you started. I ventured south into Redridge, where I found 2 level 20 allies duelling! Theres a little town there by the lake, full of low levellers, and they suffered, they suffered badly.

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It's only doing stuff with you lot that keeps me playing to be honest Dan, and when you're in MC and stuff, I'm back to running round the bank roof, or fending off requests from L57 warriors in L42 gear to do UBRS.

Did the first upgrade armor q, great, more **** grinding in Silthus, my least favourite area ever. It's like Desolace without the charm. Coming up, a 45 min Baron run. I've seen posts on the forum where guilds in MC/BWL gear only just manage it, and they do it with Teamspeak, loads of mana pots etc. I just can't see how any "casual" player is going to manage it in a PUG at all, and that's who the gear is supposed to be for. Madness.

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