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Someone should kick all these guild leaders/officers in the balls. There is something embarrassing in the way they act like their guild is an actual registered company or organisation.

But lets be honest, we all know why they're like that in a game...

Its a joke, apply to the Dashers and get questions like "What do you expect from the Dashers? Why did you decide to apply for us? etc etc"

Because theres a **** vacancy you clearings in the woods!

The way these guilds are run are probably the reason I won't be playing much longer.

Dan (guildless wonder)

TBH it isnt strange at all. Maybe some of the questions are a bit idiotic, since it really only is a computer game, BUT its the easiest way to sort out mature players from the annoying kids.

Have a relaxed night gaming with some beers and proper people like you on this thread is fun. Trying to enjoy the game with little brats annoying the **** out of you, and simply making you dislike the game is not.

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Giving someone a trial run if there is a space and then kicking them if they're a tit is far easier I reckon.

They're just nerds on power trips fantasizing that they're company directors. Next they'll be arranging phone interviews and requesting a record of your employment.

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To be honest, i havent found that to be the case in the Dashers. Its probably the most chilled guild on the game.

Just the rampant overpopulation of Rogues seems to mean the guilds can be very picky. Personally, i think the best way would just be getting people to reccomend their mates. Perhaps this is flawed too, in that mates of GMs can get away with being rocket polishers, but on the other hand if you have someone you vouched for in then you dont get people like Splatter or Ikails just twatting it up. Its a fine line, and there arent really any answers that will please everybody.

Class population balance needs to be sorted. At level 60, on our sever on the Horde side there are: (link)

169 Dr00ds (7% of all level 60s)

245 Hunters (11%)

321 Water Makers (14%)

258 Priests (11%)

363 Rogues (16%)

340 shamies (15%)

198 Locks (9%)

388 Warriors (17%)

As there are so many more Rogues about than a lot of other classes, its just a harsh reality that Rogue slots are going to be filled in Raids, Guilds and Pickup groups more quickly than say, Locks, Druids or Priests.

Why is this? Why do so many people pick Rogue? Is it the not having to manage a mana bar thing? Is it the not having to worry about being ganked thing? (though Druids can walk around without a big red name over their head too, and are outnumbered by Rogues by nearly 2:1, so it cant just be that) Is it that everybody wants to be a DPS machine? Or is it something else?

The point im trying to make? Well, how many raiding guilds are screaming out for Druids? Just from guilds that are farming Moltern Core and Onyxia's Lair: I know the Dashers cant get one for love nor money. Century and Hegira too. Probably similar in the Alliance side. You would just be able to walk into any of these guilds no questions asked, simply because you play an underpopulated class (low population of Locks has helped me out here too) yet if you are a Rogue, or a Warrior (did you have the same problem with being a Shaman before Dashers/Communists came along Riss?) then guilds seem to think they can scrutinize every aspect of your life.

Its completely double standards, but its not going to change soon.

Dont quit though Dan! We'll miss you!

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you dont get people like Splatter

Hehe, that brought back some memories. Is he still on there? I still remember that night that me, Nays and Sie did some questing in TN with him. What a total f**kwit! and thats being kind.

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No, he's gone.

I think I'm getting what I deserved for not researching my class. With forsight, I'd have been a rarer class, because of the opportunities it would bring come end game. But then, I didn't really think anywhere near that far ahead, I just thought, "Sam Fisher! I can do that!"

and Risso, stop posting under your alt on the DW forums, it makes you look like a bitch!

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Thing is, there will be a player turnaround on this game and classes that are rare now could find themselves overpopulated and rogues could become less so. For instance, you could have picked a more rare class to start with, yet later on find you only played the game half as long (in comparison to your rogue) because you thought it was crap being priest for example.

If I didn't have "real life" knock on my door, I'd probably still be playing as I really enjoyed the rogue class and how focused it was. Lots of 'hidden' depth (oh the punnage) that many non-rogue players are oblivious too.

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No I just thought, "Sam Fisher! I can do that!"

Splinter Cell would be a bit easy if Sam Fisher could just turn invisible, walk up to the enemy, deal out massive damage in a tiny space of time, and be back up to full health and ammo in seconds! 8)

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Giving someone a trial run if there is a space and then kicking them if they're a tit is far easier I reckon.

Isnt that exactly what every guild does?

Oh and

258 Priests (11%)
i wonder the shadow % here
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We need to do that island properly. Could be worth a proper look around.

That guy who owns the plane is a house nearby. Well protected though.


There are about 7 level 60 elites on the lower floors. Then up the top of the stairs, four (or so) level 61 elites, and the boss who is level 63 elite. There is a little bit about him here.

I had a look on warcraft movies about the place, and found this . Its from an old patch, when the king of stormwind was on there. He isnt any more, but id seriously reccomend downloading the video anyway. Its a small file, and there is a nice surprise on it!

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Giving someone a trial run if there is a space and then kicking them if they're a tit is far easier I reckon.

Isnt that exactly what every guild does?

Oh and

258 Priests (11%)
i wonder the shadow % here

250 of them?

Until 1.10, where there will be about 3 shadow priests left! ;)

and that looty thingy i was on about Dan.

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2g 50 you lying bastid! (and seriously, you just got a total result. Its worth, what, 300g?)

And remember this guy?

Ooo, and remember World or Roguecraft 3?

Roguecraft 2, and it streams!

The Lock vs Lock fight in it is fantastic. Dunno what the blokes problem is though, trying to establish that Locks have more buttons to press than Rogues isnt really needed, its common knowledge. Making a fight where Rogues win with just two buttons (though im sure every cloth class has been on the end of that many times. I know i have, and im fairly sure TRL has..) seems kinda pointless. Ok, its possible, and a lot of people do do it, but its not really how to play a Rogue. I guess he is trying to say Rogues can actually get away with it. So what?

The guy who makes them has a Lock main and a Rogue alt.

He seems to have a problem with Rogues despite being a very good one himself.

It is slighly biased, but there are some nice points in it. Like why Locks got Death Coil buffed because (and i was trying to demonstrate this with Dan in Winterspring) of how utterly, utterly, utterly crippling interupts can be.

Lovely bit about Locks and Pets at the very start. Riding with a Doomguard, and it decides it doesnt want to be your pet any more, but wants to kill you (usually happens after about 20 seconds in the current patch) or riding through the Barrens at 60 on your Epic mount and some **** level 9 mob aggros, and shit, you just lost your pet. 1 soul shard for riding your mount please. (and the nearest place you can get a shard is about 50 miles away!)

Nice bit on spell crit chance vs melee crit chance, and appearance from Drakedog (champion of all Warlocks, ever, apparently) the seduce & nuke king.

Well made video. Just take it with a pinch of salt.

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Isnt that exactly what every guild does?

Yes it is... after you've just wasted your time filling in their Asda recruitment form. Telling them how "team orientated" you are and yet can work to your own initiative and meet deadlines.

You summed it nicely earlier - it's only a game and these people desperately need reminding of that.

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Tarj how much is the Warlords Deck worth? Because I just bought it for 2G :? Whats the catch?

LOL 2 g? bahhaa now thats a bargain. Fook man thats the best buy ever :lol:

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Before we go back to the Ally cities again, I may have to roll up a gnome and learn my way around - I might appreciate the scenery more when I'm not running/blinking for my life.

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Before we go back to the Ally cities again, I may have to roll up a gnome and learn my way around - I might appreciate the scenery more when I'm not running/blinking for my life.

Trains !!

And shocked looking Alliance.

And trains....:-)

You are a Gnome.

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Tarj how much is the Warlords Deck worth? Because I just bought it for 2G :? Whats the catch?

LOL 2 g? bahhaa now thats a bargain. Fook man thats the best buy ever :lol:

2g 50 you lying bastid! (and seriously, you just got a total result. Its worth, what, 300g?)

Something like that, I saw it top of the list of epics in the AH when sorted by price, I bought it so quick I can't remember. I wish I'd taken a screenie of the AH receipt to prove it TBH. Hopefully the seller will whisper me asking for it back when he realises his mistake! Then I can prove to you I aint lying

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