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Its a raid leader completely and utterly losing it during an onyxia fight. And i mean completely.

Something about a man with a funny accent screaming at his guildies has massive comedy value. Especially when he gives someone a -50DKP penalty for getting hit by Onyxia!

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Onyxias tail hit me the other day and for some reason my char automatically lashed out and crit her for 300. Luckily I didn't get aggro, that would have been pretty bad.

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And a new greatest moment on WoW ever!

Coming along the path between Rachet and XR. 1 Horde vs 3 Alliance and the bastards all died without me getting hit once :)

60 Rogue

46 Rogue

31 Dr00d

The Rogues were mounted. Im guessing the Druid was Roguebait to get lowbies flagged at XR.

Massively got the drop on them. They couldnt see me, so i dropped an infernal on the three of them (AOE stun). Ran in, mini priest shield up, AOE fear, dots on the two lowbies, infernal, nukes and instant casts on the 60 rogue who didnt even manage to get off his mount.

All three died. For the Horde!

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Nice one. Now my turn.

I stealthed into Stormwind, then got the train to IF, Heres the station:


Heres a dead level 58 druid, I think the last thing he expected when waiting for the train was a ganking


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They just cull old posts from time to time Dan. this one is funny though. especially if the original poster is being serious.

Having some cracking world PvP in the Western Plaguelands earlier.

**** with a party of 52 Hunter, 56 Warrior, and 56 Priest at the little island between Scholomance and the Alliance flightpath.

There is a bridge from the island to the main bit of the Plaguelands, and underneath it is a nice little sanctuary for those who can breathe undrewater forever.

From there, Eye of Kilrogg up the riverbank, onto the hill, and just wait for the three of them to get a bit of distance between them. It was quite handy, because the Hunter was standing the furthest back, closest to my little hiding spot, and was easy enough to take out in seconds. The Priest was further forward, but not by much, then the Warrior and the Hunters Cat were at the front fighting mobs. Easily had the firepower to take out the Hunter before anyone would have chance to react, with that, the cat goes too. The Priest next, and the Warrior cant use his charge stun on me because his is in combat with a mob. Burst the Priest for as much as i can, drink a mana pot, and go finish the Warrior off.

Rinse (in the river) and repeat. :twisted:

Oh, and oh, and oh again.

BWL wont be the hardest thing on the game come 1.11, the undead are taking over from dragons!

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im a nazi. my politics are extremily facist in nature and you comparing me to a female who seduces people, ie a prostitute is offensive. Your now on my genocide list. good day


Anyway, 2 felharts dropped last night, and shammy gear. We even had 3 random epix, 2 hunter and Shaman waist. You should ask the guildbank if you can buy it for dkp riss.

Oh and a tiny bit better then what i had

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"So how can you tell me, you're lonely,

and say for you that the sun don't shine?

Let me take you by the hand, and take you to the bank roof in Orgrimarr,

I'll show you someone, that'll make you change your mind!"

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I dont get this clearing in the woods at all.

Saw on world defense that XR was under attack. By the time i got there from Orgrimmar it had moved to Southern Gold Road. By the time i got to Southern Gold Road it had moved to Camp T. When i got to Camp T, there was a level 60 Mage in Netherwind (Tier 2 Epixx) AOE'ing the **** out of the camp, killing all NPC's and any Horde there who were questing. He emoted me "no, its NOT going to happen" so i emoted back /mock and killed him. Sat down to drink, he came back, so i killed him again. And again. So he rode off on his epic mount to Bloodhoof Village near Thunder Bluff. I was unflagged by now, he starts AOEing the shit out of Bloodhoof Village, killed all the NPC's he got near, was out of Mana, so i killed him again. He ressed (dont think the graveyard is far) attacked me with half health, half mana, and he died again. Then again, and he died again.

Six times in about 15 mins. Wouldnt being corpse camped like that start to piss you off? And **** knows how many DK's he got. Thats one of the reasons i was letting him AOE for as long as i did at Bloodhoof (and his mana pool, obviously) before ganking him (can you gank anyone with Tier 2 Epic armour and an Epic mount? But what the hell was he playing at?

Why would you want to be camped like that? Or farm DK's like that?

Only think i can think of is that its a couple of brothers who share an account, and one has pissed the other one off..,

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I think we need a night of ganking, just for the pure hell of it. It's fairly easy to get lowbies to flag themselves I've found, as normally if I drop some random totems they attack them without thinking and flag themselves.

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Agreed. Ganking nights are good fun. We can take Sam and Limpid along with us now too if we want to do some HK ganking.

Ive found a few places to be excellent for finding killable alliance who give honour.

The southern island in Western Plaguelands always seems to have Alliance on it.

Furbolg grind spot in south Felwood.

Furbolg grind spot in Winterspring.

Light Hopes Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands, and the surrounding area.

Tyr's Hand in Eastern Plaguelands.

Of course, for good regular ganks, you cant beat Stranglethorn Vale, can you? Its even better if you gank someones Alt, they go get their main for revenge, and you kill the main too.

There are also usually Alliance near Uldaman in the Badlands.

The area of Hillsbrad/Arathi/Wetlands appears to have dried up a bit though. I think i still owe out a million kickings from all the times i was ganked there while levelling.

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Yeah, going out with Sam and Limpid sounds fun, now that they're more than capable of being useful.

If Si and Bicks hadn't done one prematurely, we'd have had a pretty hand little VT squad in a few weeks!

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So you won a 3 on 1 battle in XR yesterday, and owned a tier 2 epicced up mage 6 times today? You're either lying, exaggerating or horribly overpowered.

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